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Opportunity for someone who would like to volunteer 1 to 2 hours a day to be a website Editor for a leading conservative Political Action Committee.

Ideal for a retired person, stay-at-home mom or someone with time on their hands to be involved in the conservative movement at the national level and daily do battle with the elite socialists/Marxists.  

Good writing skills, computer savvy, self-starter involved in the conservative movement are important qualities. If you have the desire to help build the conservative movement, hold Republican politicians’ feet to the fire, and elect principled limited government constitutional conservatives to Congress – let us hear from YOU!

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If interested, send your curriculum vitae and a brief letter of why you’re the ideal person for this position to:

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Front Page Headlines

Poll: Voters Split on Significance of Economy and Democracy in 2024
Eric Lendrum, American Greatness
As The Hill reports, the CBS and YouGov poll shows that 50% of respondents said they consider it a bigger concern to have a strong economy, with the other 50% saying that they prefer having a “functioning democracy.” The splits along party lines were almost exactly the same: 64% of Democrats said they prefer to focus on democracy, compared to just 36% who care about the economy. On the Republican side, 65% said they consider the economy to be more important, with just 35% saying they consider democracy more important.

Iowa puts pressure on Trump’s rivals to show they can compete
W. James Antle III, Washington Examiner
At the moment, this is a two-tiered race. Trump has the top tier all to himself while DeSantis and Haley share the second. That basic dynamic needs to change for the outcome of the Republican nomination fight to be seriously in doubt, and it’s not clear anything happened in Iowa to give either Haley or DeSantis much momentum heading into future contests. If Haley can beat Trump in New Hampshire, she would then have a month to try to upset him again in her home state of South Carolina, where she served as governor.

Obama Destroyed Martin Luther King’s Dream
Scott McKay, The American Spectator
This is an America where the things King demanded of the black community on the way to equality and justice are now seen as racist. Showing up on time, speaking proper English, dressing appropriately, pursuing marketable skills — those are “acting white” and vestiges of a racist era. And race relations might even be worse than they were in August of 1963, with the regime Obama set in place doing everything it can to sour them for crass political purposes. King’s dream of a colorblind society lies in ruin.

Ramaswamy’s Raucous Campaign Ends in Iowa With a Murmur and a Vow
John Haughey, The Epoch Times
The 38-year-old biotech entrepreneur launched his campaign in February 2023 with little name recognition and deep pockets, spending millions of his own money to fund an underdog campaign that resonated with what many of his supporters believe is the Republican party’s next generation. His campaign peaked during the summer, at one point edging up to nearly 20 percent in polls. But it ended in the Iowa caucuses with him netting less than 8 percent of the tally, finishing fourth. “We’re just getting warmed up,” he said.

Senators Raise Questions about EV Mandates and Subsidies Going to China
Just the News (Kevin Killough), The Star News Network
China, West Virginia Sen. Manchin said, is responsible for 74 percent of the world’s cathode production and 92 percent of the world’s anode production. That’s on top of 76 percent of the lithium-ion battery production, and 60 percent to 100 percent of the world’s minerals processing, depending on the mineral. Processing is where the minerals are extracted from the raw ore that’s mined. “It doesn’t have to be that way,” Manchin said. “America and the Free Trade Agreement partners have the capacity to produce this for ourselves.”

Almost two-thirds of Americans approve pro-life sidewalk counselors at abortion clinics, poll finds
Mark A. Kellner, The Washington Times
Nearly two-thirds of Americans say local governments should not be able to bar pro-life pregnancy counselors from offering assistance on sidewalks near abortion clinics, according to a Becket Fund for Religious Liberty survey. In the public-interest law firm’s 2023 Religious Freedom Index, 62% of respondents said pregnancy counselors should be free to stand on a public sidewalk outside an abortion clinic and approach women with information and offers of help. About 38% said counselors should not be allowed to accost women near clinics.


The Republican Nominee Needs To Pick His Administration Right Away
Kurt Schlichter, Townhall
Our GOP nominee, whoever he is – and it will be a “he” because the GOP base is never ever going to nominate that donor diva from 2004, Nikki Haley – must pick and publicize his administration immediately upon clinching the brass ring. My pal and fellow Salem pundit Hugh Hewitt recently made this same suggestion, citing the need to show that the next administration would be staffed with competent pros who would return America to prosperity and security while creating a corps of surrogates to raise dough and campaign.

ConservativeHQTM Officers:
Richard A. Viguerie - Chairman

George Rasley
Mark Fitzgibbons
Ben Hart
George Rasley
Richard A. Viguerie
Jeffrey A Rendall is the home for grassroots conservatives leading the battle to educate and mobilize family, friends, neighbors, and others to defeat the anti-God, anti-America, socialist New Democrats.
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