Sixteen state Secretaries of State have come out against H.R. 1, the Democrats’ plan to stifle

freedom of speech, open elections to unprecedented fraud and manipulation and introduce further corruption into American elections.
Citing the intrusion of the federal government into responsibilities and powers reserved to the States the letter mirrors concerns about H.R. 1 raised by elections lawyers, conservative organizations, commentators and elected officials.
For CHQ analysis and commentary on H.R.1 see: H.R. 1 - An existential threat to our Republic by CHQ Chairman Richard A Viguerie, Institute for Free Speech: H.R. 1 Unconstitutional and Harmful to Democracy, Target These 45 Democrats To Stop Election Fraud, H.R.1 – The Democrat Plan To Appoint A National Speech Police Czar
Alabama Secretary of State John H. Merrill led the 15 other Secretaries of State from across the country in expressing their opposition to H.R. 1.
The letter, which was sent to Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Minority Leader of the House Kevin McCarthy, stated the following:
We are writing you today to urge you to reject the “For the People Act” otherwise known as H.R. 1 or S. 1, which is a dangerous overreach by the federal government into the administration of elections.
Each state legislature should have the freedom and flexibility to determine practices that best meet the needs of their respective states. A one-size-fits-all approach mandated by Congress is not the solution to any of our problems.
These bills intrude upon our constitutional rights, and further sacrifice the security and integrity of the elections process. We firmly believe the authority to legislate and regulate these changes should be left with the states.
H.R. 1 and S. 1 blatantly undermine the extensive work we, as election officials, have completed in order to provide safe, accessible voting options for our constituencies. Many of the proposed practices would reverse the years of progress that has been made. We are strongly opposed to these bills and hope you will dismiss efforts to advance this legislation.
In addition to Alabama Secretary of State John H. Merrill, the letter was signed by Alaska Lieutenant Governor Kevin Meyer, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Idaho Secretary of State Lawrence Denney, Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson, Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab, Kentucky Secretary of State Michael G. Adams, Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin, Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson, Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen, Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen, North Dakota Secretary of State Alvin A. Jaeger, South Dakota Secretary of State Steve Barnett, Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett, West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner, and Wyoming Secretary of State Ed A. Buchanan.
Call the toll-free Capitol Switchboard (1-866-220-0044), tell Republican Representatives and Senators that you agree with the 16 Secretaries of State and that you are speaking on behalf of the millions of Americans who cherish and rely on their right to speak freely about political campaigns and issues; tell them you demand they oppose H.R. 1 and S. 1 and the creation of “speech czars” to police political speech.
H.R. 1
S. 1
First Amendment
Free Speech
Political Speech
Donor lists
NAACP v. Alabama
Nonprofit organizations
Online advertising
For the People Act
Mail-in voting
Voter ID
Voter integrity
Speech regulation
Okay, there has to be clarity here, ALL have to stop using the words, "Communism" and "Socialism" as both require redistribution of wealth, meaning those such as Bezos and Pelosi would be required to relinquish their wealth, which is in NO WAY intended, nor will it ever happen! Trust me on this!
What the Democrats are doing is again, using the pretty sounding word, "Socialism" that the youth has been indoctrinated to believe is a good thing, to sell what, would in effect be, much more comparable to the Fascism in Italy in the 30s. What they are truly seeking is a Fascist rule, for them an Oligarchy, where they rule absolute and pass power down to their spawn, feelin…
Communism is about to be introduced to the United Socialist States of America
As bad as this appears, it is important for all to keep in mind the fact that, this is just the start!
NEVER underestimate the Left and their desire, their insatiable lust, for control, for power, as they have no limits!
The FRAUDULENT "election" of communists is what is "undermining" this constitutional republic.
When "compromised", BRIBED or Threatened "judges" OPENLY REFUSED to look at the mountains of evidence of voter fraud that EVERYONE in this country saw in "real time" , you may as well say this constitutional republic is LOST, and has been taken over by communist forces. This is just the beginning my friends, unless we REMOVE these communists from power. Otherwise, prepare yourselves to become loyal "subjects" OR end up in a fema "reeducation camp" that is already been discussed by several democommunist "representatives" on the national news. Still refuse and you will be "eliminated".
Doubts? Type in fema camps and guillotines into your search engine ( if…