The reelection of Donald Trump is a renewal, not the end, of a great struggle to reestablish constitutional government in America and to defeat the anti-constitutional forces of Progressivism, that for the past three decades have run largely unchecked through the
government and the major cultural, religious and academic institutions of this country.
Reelecting President Trump has given limited government constitutional conservatives the opportunity, not the guarantee, to roll back the damage Progressivism has done to our culture and national fiber.
Republicans retained the majority in the House of Representatives, what’s more, President Trump, and his conservative – populist supporters, achieved a remarkable victory in the Senate, increasing the Republican count in the Upper House to achieve a two-seat majority.
 This victory was almost entirely the result of President Trump’s tireless campaigning on behalf of candidates who supported his Make America Great Again agenda.
In his first term Mr. Trump largely fulfilled his promises and our expectations, however, the Republican Congress that was elected with him did not. As a result, since 2016 many, but not all, of the Republicans who opposed the conservative – populist agenda that elevated Donald Trump to the presidency have been defeated.
But make no mistake about it: As hard as Trump campaigned for Republican candidates, Washington’s GOP establishment, particularly Mitch McConnell, worked equally as hard to defeat MAGA candidates.
No one in the establishment media will credit Mr. Trump for his herculean effort, and few in the conservative media have been gracious enough to admit it, but without President Trump, America would be permanently in the hands of the new, radically Leftist Democratic Party.
But for Donald Trump we would be 16-years into the presidency of Barack Obama, and a Congress bent on opening our borders, amnestying millions of illegal aliens, increasing our taxes, confiscating our guns and passing other new restrictions on our liberty.
President Trump, and his family, have borne an almost inhumane burden ever since he announced his candidacy. They have been reviled, harassed, bullied and subjected to a continuous torrent of the vilest abuse not for who they are, but for who they represent – the American heartland’s forgotten citizens.
While few in Washington’s elite salons will offer their thanks for the election of Donald Trump or for his herculean effort during the campaign, we believe among the millions of America’s working families who want nothing more than to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit, worship as they see fit, enjoy the pleasures of a happy home and pass on to their children the fruits of their labors Donald Trump should be and will be honored this Thanksgiving.
2024 Election
Thanksgiving 2024
Donald Trump
constitutional government
cultural institutions
House majority
Senate majority
MAGA agenda
populist agenda