When the Georgia legislature passed a new election integrity law, the CEO of Georgia-

based Delta Air Lines Ed Bastian apparently did not perform an analysis of the new election law. Instead, it looks like he decided to condemn the law to appease Far Left Progressive groups who were pressuring the company to make a statement.
USA Today reported Bastian issued a statement calling the new law “unacceptable” and “based on a lie,” after the company faced criticism that it didn’t speak out forcefully enough in opposition to the bill when it was being considered by the state’s Republican-majority legislature.
“The entire rationale for this bill was based on a lie: that there was widespread voter fraud in Georgia in the 2020 elections. This is simply not true,” Bastian wrote, according to USA Today. “Unfortunately, that excuse is being used in states across the nation that are attempting to pass similar legislation to restrict voting rights.”
Bastian repeated that Delta “joined other major Atlanta corporations to work closely with elected officials from both parties, to try and remove some of the most egregious measures from the bill. We had some success in eliminating the most suppressive tactics that some had proposed.”
But, he emphasized, “I need to make it crystal clear that the final bill is unacceptable and does not match Delta’s values.”
As far as our research, and Mr. Google has revealed, what these “most egregious measures” are Mr. Bastian never stated publicly and as for the claim that the concerns addressed in the new Georgia law were based on a lie, how would Bastian know that?
Former President Trump and other critics of the conduct of the 2020 election have never gotten their day in court. Their claims have all been dismissed on procedural grounds and no court has ever conducted a trial, taken evidence and found against Trump’s claims.
What’s more, the new Georgia law is nothing compared to the identification and personal vetting that one must submit to board one of Delta’s airplanes or even enter a hanger where one of the planes is being worked on.
While Ed Bastian wants Georgia to do away with voter ID and sensible and fair ballot security measures, he would never run Delta Airlines that way:
To get into Delta headquarters or even a hanger you have to show ID.
To attend a Delta shareholder meeting, you have to show ID.
To vote in a Delta shareholders meeting you have to show ID, and prove you own stock in Delta Airlines.
If you wish to vote your Delta Airlines shares by mail a valid ballot with chain of custody is required, there are no unattended drop boxes or unsecured vote tallying centers when a seat on the Board of Delta Airlines is at stake.
In short, the new Georgia election integrity law makes it easier to vote in an election for President of the United States than it is to vote in the election of Delta’s next slate of Directors.
And who are Delta’s Directors?
Edward H. Bastian It would certainly be unfair of us to suggest that Bastian, as Chief Executive Officer of Delta, might have been influenced to fall into line with the Biden take on the Georgia law after he took a $5.4 billion bailout from the federal government as part of the CARES Act stimulus package. The bailout came on the heels of years of stock buybacks – $11.5 billion, in fact, between 2013 and 2019, but there you have it. An expert at hypocritical virtue signaling, Mr. Bastian recently renamed Delta’s headquarters building for the former Mayor of Atlanta, Congressman and Ambassador to the UN Andrew Young, a supporter of corrupt anti-democratic and authoritarian dictators, such as Robert Mugabe, and the murderous Palestine Liberation Organization.
You can write him at: Delta Air Lines, Inc., 1030 Delta Blvd, Atlanta, GA 30354
You can call him at: 404-715-2170
Francis S. "Frank" Blake Mr. Blake is the non-executive Chairman of Delta’s Board of Directors and the retired Chairman of Home Depot. He is a long-time liberal Republican swamp lawyer, starting with his service as a legislative assistant to the joint committee on Social Welfare of the Massachusetts legislature. He served as a law clerk to liberal Judge Wilfred Feinberg and then to Far Left Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. Blake also served as general counsel for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), deputy counsel to Vice President George H. W. Bush and as Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for President George W. Bush.
Mr. Blake is retired and does not appear to have an office address, but you can tweet him at @FrankBlake
Mr. Blake is retired and does not appear to have an office telephone.
Ashton B. Carter Former Secretary of Defense Ash Carter is Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School and an Innovation Fellow at MIT. Another long-time swamp operator and liberal Carter presided over the Obama-era’s liberal disasters at the Pentagon, such as enlisting undeployable transgender individuals and flying rainbow homosexual “Pride” flags.
You can write him at: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs John F. Kennedy School of Government, 79 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
You can call him at: 617-495-9858
David G. DeWalt Is a cybersecurity and tech sector investor. Among his many investments and board positions he is CEO/Mng Dir/Founder, Night Dragon Security and Chairman of Nightdragon Acquisition Corp. He was appointed to the President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee by President Barack Obama. When DeWalt served as Chairman of the FireEye cyber security firm he called Russian attempts to “hack” the 2016 election in favor of Donald Trump “unprecedented.”
You can write him at: NightDragon Security, 101 2nd Street Suite 1275 San Francisco, CA 94105
You can call him at: 415-738-7739
William "Bill" Easter Is the retired Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of DCP Midstream, LLC (formerly Duke Energy Field Services, LLC). He supported Democrat Ken Salazar of Colorado for the U.S. Senate.
You can write him at: Concho Resources, Inc., 600 W Illinois Ave, One Concho Center, Midland, TX, 79701
You can call him at: 432-683-7443
Christopher A. Hazelton Mr. Hazelton is a Delta pilot and is a union representative on the Board.
Michael P. Huerta
Retired as Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in January 2018. He came into the FAA during the administration of Barack Obama. Huerta resigned as Administrator of the FAA days after President Donald Trump took credit in a tweet for the airlines’ safest year on record. Mr. Huerta currently serves as a transportation industry consultant, including acting as a Senior Advisor to Macquarie Capital.
You can write him at: Macquarie Capital, 125 WEST 55TH Street Level 22 New York NY 10019 You can call him at: 212-231-1581
Jeanne P. Jackson
Globalist consumer brands guru Jeanne P. Jackson founded MSP Capital Corp. and has been at the helm of 5 different companies, serving as President, Product & Merchandising at Nike. She serves as a Director of Monster Beverage Corporation and keeps a very low profile as Chief Executive Officer of MSP Capital Corp.
You can write her at through the MSP Capitol Corp. registered agent at: MSP Capital Corp., 427 W. Plumb Lane, Reno, NV, 89509 Neither MSP Capital Corp. nor Ms. Jackson are available by telephone.
George N. Mattson Is a retired partner and co-head of the Global Industrials Group at Goldman Sachs. He is now Executive Partner, ComVest Group Inc., and Co-Chairman, NextGen Acquisition Corp among other board positions.
You can write him at: 525 Okeechobee Blvd Suite 1050 West Palm Beach, FL 33401
You can call him at: 561-727-2000
Sergio Rial A Brazilian national, Mr. Rial is Chief Executive Officer of Banco Santander Brazil, a member of the scandal-plagued Santander Group financial empire.
You can write him at: Banco Santander, Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, 2041 Sao Paulo, SP 04543-011 Brazil
You can call him at: 55-11-3553-5447
David S. Taylor Mr. Taylor is Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Procter & Gamble Company, he also serves on the board of the globalist US-China Business Council. P&G has said it will reconsider making political contributions to elected officials who have disputed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election and put out a statement most have taken as being critical of Georgia’s new election integrity legislation. He is also the “brains” behind Gillette’s widely mocked ad campaign about “toxic masculinity.” P&G’s brands include Gillette, Luvs and Pampers diapers, Cheer detergent, Tide, Downey, Bounty, Charmin and Puffs to name but a few of the iconic brands controlled by the company. You can write him at: The Procter & Gamble Company, 1 P&G Plaza Cincinnati, OH 45202
You can call him at: 513-983-1100
Kathy Waller
Is the retired Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of The Coca-Cola Company. She formerly served as a Director of Monster Beverage Corporation, a position fellow Director Jeanne P. Jackson now holds. Ms. Waller has given thousands of dollars to Democrats and various other liberal candidates and causes, including Far Left Progressive Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock and the Lincoln Project. She also once served as Treasurer of the Coca-Cola Company PAC. Ms. Waller lists herself as “unemployed” on federal election documents.
You can write her at: 1585 Wesley Pkwy NW, Atlanta, GA 30327
As you can see from the biographies and political donations of the directors of Delta Airlines and the Coca-Cola Company there is an interlocking web of Far Left operators at the highest levels of corporate America who scorn the values of their customers and buy into the idea of fundamentally changing America into a one-party Democrat run state, where their oligopolies will be protected from the threat of another populist president.
Bryce Asberg concluded in a 2020 article for the Hillsdale College Collegian, “Corporate activism is particularly dangerous because it is so subtle. Few Americans know the decisions that go on in corporate boardrooms and shareholder meetings. You would think major media outlets would care about this way that democracy is dying in darkness, but so far they have had little to say. Perhaps any method, no matter how undemocratic, is acceptable if it can be used to advance progressive policy goals.”
We urge CHQ readers and friends to call and write the Directors of Delta Airlines to tell them you are on to their game and that if Delta continues to engage in Leftwing corporate activism you will find an air carrier where conservative values and American exceptionalism are welcome and to use just use a few mouse clicks to defend constitutional liberty and get in the battle against these Far Left corporations click here https://freeroots.com/go/gowoke-gobroke.
Georgia voter law
Georgia elections integrity law
Joe Biden
Absentee balloting
Brian Kemp
expanded voting hours
Major League baseball
Coca Cola
Delta Airlines
PGA Tour
corporate America
Go woke go broke
Ed Bastian
The Democrats have attacked our work force, our elections, our right to free speech, assembly, foreign influence, our energy sources, and now our food chain. What does all this sound like to you? Executive orders or dictatorship? These are not congressional passed laws. This is all going to lead somewhere and it's result will not be good. Our country is now well on it's way to being bankrupt. Their is a national epidemic of "corrupt democrats", change will be coming in 2022 , They are still trying to change our election laws for the future. Hopefully we'll see all these lifetime entitled Dems replaced. Let's look at the moral compass of the President " Hunter my son is the smartest…
On Tue, Apr 27, 2021, 2:30 PM <c.wilkins1@verizon.net> wrote:
The Democrats have attacked our work force, our elections, our right to free speech,assembly, foreign influence, our energy sources, and now our food chain. What does all this sound like to you? Executive orders or dictatorship? These are not congressional passed laws. This is all going to lead somewhere and it's result will not be good. Our country is now well on it's way to being bankrupt. Their is a national epidemic of "corrupt democrats", change will be coming in 2022 , They are still trying to change our election laws for the future. Hopefully we'll see all these lifetime entitled Dems replaced. Let's look at the moral compass of the President " Hunter my son is the smartest man…
This is the new fascism. Fair elections might let the people decide, and the globalists can't have that. These are global corporatists who have sold their souls in the name of the new world order...Und ze vill haf ORDER!
Democrats will have more to worry about for the midterms, the payback of the Christian's:
Why are Pelosi and Biden pushing for "tax payor funded abortions" in their "virus relief" packages? They said before when asked, they would not, the tax payors, want to know why they are now?. During a vice presidential debate last year, Biden said he personally accepted his church's teaching that" life begins at conception", and as a personal matter he opposes abortion. But he added that he would not impose his belief on others and believes every women should have the right to make that choice. This position is a contradiction in his reality, Biden and Pelosi play that game with the American public, it's…