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Biden Approval Falls To New Low

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

FLASH UPDATE: At CHQ post time a new national telephone and online survey was released by Rasmussen Reports. The survey found that 31% of Likely U.S. voters say Biden is the

politician who most represents their political views, while 44% say Trump best represents them. Another 11% say New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez best represents them, while eight percent (8%) said GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell most represents their political views.

Maybe hysterically telling Americans “You’re all gonna die unless you get the jab” wasn’t such a great messaging idea for Joe Biden.

The Hill's Mychael Schnell reports President Biden’s approval rating is at a historic low in a new poll. The new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found that Biden’s approval rating has sunk to 41 percent, a historic low for the president in polls conducted by the groups. Fifty-five percent of adults in the U.S. disapprove of the job Biden is doing as president. (The poll surveyed 1,400 adults. The results for the subset are statistically significant within plus or minus 4.1 percentage points.)

When broken down by party, 29 percent of independents polled said they strongly approve or approve of the job Biden is doing, while 66 percent said they strongly disapprove or disapprove.

Ms. Schnell reports eighty-seven percent of Democrats and just 4 percent of Republicans gave the president positive marks for the job he is doing.

Biden’s most recent approval rating is a slight decline from 42 percent in a poll released on Dec. 9. His approval for the polling groups peaked mid-April, when 54 percent of adults gave him positive marks.

The poll showed Biden underwater among respondents of every household income, age and racial demographic. Perhaps most alarmingly for the White House and congressional Democrats, 65 percent of Latinos said they disapproved of Biden’s job performance, while just 33 percent said they approved.

Among the few groups that Biden scored well with in the poll are college graduates (54 percent approval, 44 percent disapproval), white female college graduates (59 percent approval, 40 percent disapproval), voters age 74 and up (48 percent approval, 47 percent disapproval) and suburbanites (49 percent approval, 47 percent disapproval).

The poll, which was conducted between Dec. 11 and Dec. 13, comes amid a difficult time for the Biden White House, which is currently facing a surge in COVID-19 cases driven largely by the new omicron variant, increasing inflation nationwide and dim prospects for the Democrats' social spending and climate legislation, observed Ms. Schnell.

The number of respondents who said they “strongly disapproved” of the president was up six percentage points from the previous Marist poll, published Dec. 9.

The New York Post’s Mark Moore took a look back and noted Monday’s survey presents almost a mirror image of Marist’s findings from mid-May, when 53 percent approved of Biden’s work while 41 percent disapproved.

And The Atlantic’s Russell Berman had even worse news for Biden:

…recent surveys have also picked up a distinct softening of support for the president on the left. Biden was riding highest in the polls in the spring, around the 100-day mark of his presidency. Congressional Democrats had just passed his $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan and sent $1,400 checks to millions; COVID case counts were plummeting as vaccines became widely available. Among Democrats, Biden’s approval rating in the spring stood in the mid-90s, but in several recent polls, it has fallen into the low 80s. The drop among self-identified liberals was even bigger—just 66 percent approved of the president’s performance in a recent Monmouth poll, compared with 88 percent in April.

Mr. Berman went on to observe and report:

Biden doesn’t have to fear that disenchanted progressives in Brooklyn will, like some of their more centrist suburban neighbors, flock to the GOP column in next year’s midterms. Though slightly more than 200,000 Brooklynites voted for Trump in 2020, Brooklyn remains a lock for Democrats, and New York State probably does too. But the slippage that both national polls and my own small survey have detected could matter more in states such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Wisconsin, where Democrats are relying on robust turnout from white progressives and Black voters in urban centers. “These aren’t numbers that strong leaders bring to the table in their first midterm election,” Lee Miringoff, the director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, told me.

Mr. Berman’s article in The Atlantic is worth a read for the insight it offers conservatives into the alien world of urban progressives and their views – we recommend giving a quick read.

Given the oversampling of Democrats in most polls we suspect Biden’s numbers are even worse than reported. And no doubt a lot of Biden apologists will say disillusioned Democrats are the easiest voters for Biden to recapture and a poll done almost three years before the next election is meaningless, but Biden’s tanking poll numbers do have real world effects.

For example, in West Virginia where a November MBE Research poll found Biden has an overall approval rating of just 32 percent and a disapproval rating of 65 percent vs. Joe Manchin’s overall job approval rating of 60 percent, and nearly 74 percent of voters also said Manchin should oppose Biden’s Build Back Better bill. Those dismal numbers are what gave Manchin the freedom to tell Biden he was a “NO” on Biden’s signature legislation, and go on Fox News to do it.

  • Joe Biden economy

  • Democrat welfare bill

  • Build Back Better

  • Biden approval ratings

  • Kamala Harris

  • Kyrsten Sinema

  • Joe Manchin

  • RINOs

  • Mitch McConnell

  • 2022 elections

  • Donald Trump

  • 2024 presidential election

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Dec 24, 2021

I took a moment to read Mr. Berman's article in The Atlantic as suggested. Although I wish there was more insight there as to what lefties actually think and believe, what I did get suggests that they are as delusional and misinformed as we suspect they are.


Dec 23, 2021

Looking forward to a Trump-Biden rematch in 2024, folks . . . Deo vindice!


Dec 23, 2021

Considering that more than half of the voters get most of their information from the dominant news media, 90+ percent of whom are still in the tank for Biden, these numbers are phenomenal. I think many voters are smart enough to see through the daily flak that they receive via television news and newspapers. Barring wide spread election fraud, 2022 will be a wipe out in favor of the Republicans.

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