As part of the impeachment inquiry President Joe Biden's miscreant son, Hunter, has been

subpoenaed to sit for a deposition prior to any public hearing. Apparently, the younger Biden is resisting being deposed, instead through his lawyers he has offered to appear in a public hearing.
In response House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement:
“Hunter Biden does not get to dictate how Congress conducts our constitutional role in oversight of his father’s administration and investigating the President’s involvement in the Biden family influence peddling business. The congressional subpoena he received was not a suggestion, and he is required to sit for a deposition on December 13th. I expect he will have the opportunity to testify in a public setting in the future. The American people are rightly concerned by what we have learned throughout the course of our investigation. Chairman Comer, Jordan, and I will continue to demand transparency and the truth as we work to get to the bottom of the Biden family influence peddling scheme.”
Yesterday, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) provided an update on the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden at the House Republican Conference stakeout. Chairman Comer detailed how evidence uncovered by the Oversight Committee’s investigation refutes President Biden’s lies about his family’s business schemes. Evidence reveals President Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family’s corrupt business practices. House Republicans will continue to follow the facts and deliver the transparency and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.
In prepared remarks Chairman Comer said:
Joe Biden has repeatedly lied to the American people about his family’s corrupt influence peddling schemes.
Our investigation has revealed how Joe Biden knew of, participated in, and benefited from his family cashing in on the Biden name around the world.
First, President Biden told the American people he never spoke to his son about his family’s business dealings.
This is a lie.
President Biden spoke by phone, attended dinners, and had coffee with his son’s foreign business associates.
These individuals include Russian and Kazakhstani oligarchs, a Burisma executive, and a Chinese national who funneled millions to his son.
President Biden claimed there was an “absolute wall” between his official government duties as Vice President and his family.
But there was no such wall. The door was wide open to his family’s influence peddling schemes.
Joe Biden allowed his son to catch a ride on Air Force Two at least a dozen times to sell the “Biden Brand” around the world.
The National Archives also has identified that the Office of the Vice President emailed with the Biden family and their businesses over 29,000 times. However, the White House is withholding these emails from Congress in addition to the 82,000 pages of pseudonym emails.
President Biden claimed his family didn’t receive money from China.
But they did.
President Biden’s son, brother, sister-in-law, and daughter-in-law collectively received millions from CCP-linked entities.
We’ve also revealed how Joe Biden received $40,000 in laundered China money in the form of a personal check from his sister-in-law.
The White House and Corporate Media continue to move the goal posts as they seek to cover up for President Biden and his family.
But make no mistake: financial records, emails, text messages, and witness testimony reveal that the Biden family enterprise is centered on Joe Biden’s political career and connections.
Joe Biden knew about, participated, and benefitted from these schemes.
This is a national security threat at the highest level of government and Americans demand accountability for the Bidens’ corruption.
Over the next two months, our committees will interview members of the Biden family and their associates about this record of evidence.
We expect full compliance with our lawfully issued subpoenas.
No one is above the law – even if your last name is Biden.
Our committees will first interview and depose witnesses.
We then of course would welcome Hunter Biden to testify at a public hearing at a future date.
Democrats should have no concerns with first deposing and interviewing key witnesses. This is how they conducted their Impeachment Inquiry of former President Trump and the January 6th Committee.
President Biden’s pattern of lies, corruption, and obstruction demand action from Congress.
We will continue to follow the facts and hold President Biden accountable to the American people.
The Capitol Switchboard is (202-224-3121), call today and tell Chairman James Comer and Chairman Jason Smith you support their impeachment inquiry and you urge them to maintain a tough line and cite recalcitrant witnesses, such as Hunter Biden, for contempt of Congress should he fail to appear on December 13th.
DHS Subpeonas
Secret Service Subpeonas
DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
Biden Bucks
Biden family businesses
Hunter Biden
James Biden
Hallie Biden
Robinson Walker
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer
Karine Jean-Pierre
Hunter Biden laptop
Big Guy
Biden family influence peddling
New York Post
Chinese energy company
I'll believe it when I see it. And even if the House impeaches our hair-sniffing president, there is ZERO chance that the Senate will convict him.