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Biden Invites Terrorists Back To America

Bob Price, reporting for our friends at Breitbart, disclosed that El Centro Sector Border Patrol

agents arrested two Yemeni nationals who illegally crossed the border into the U.S. in separate incidents during the past two months. Agents identified both men as being on the FBI’s Terrorism Watch List and the No-Fly list.

Mr. Price reports agents identified one man as a 26-year-old illegal alien from Yemen. A records check found the man is listed on the FBI’s Terrorism Watch List and on the No-Fly list.

Officials said the man is being held in federal custody pending removal proceedings.

On January 29, El Centro Station agents arrested another migrant in nearly the same location west of the Calexico Port of Entry. The agents transported him to the station for processing and a background investigation.

The agents identified that man at a 33-year-old illegal alien from Yemen. Records revealed the Yemeni man is on the FBI’s Terrorism Watch List and the No-Fly list.

During a physical search, the agents also found a cell phone sim card hidden underneath the insole of his shoe, officials stated.

The agents processed the man and turned him over to ICE Homeland Security Investigations.

But this is nothing new, even though it apparently came as a surprise to Joe Biden.

Back in 2019, after the establishment media ridiculed President Trump for saying Muslim terrorists were entering the United States through our porous southern border, Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies and a writing fellow for the Middle East Forum, detailed in an article for the Federalist, the terrorist ratline into the United States that ran through Central America and Mexico.

Wrote Mr. Bensman:

Golfito, Costa Rica — It was here in March 2017, at the main aluminum structure of a government migrant camp, that federal Costa Rican police arrested Ibrahim Qoordheen of Somalia as a suspected al Shabaab terrorist operative on his way to the U.S. southern border.

Qoordheen had been smuggled from Zambia to Brazil, passed through Panama, and was making his way north through Costa Rica when the Americans had him arrested here, 20 miles inside Costa Rica, according to an American intelligence official with knowledge of the case who spoke on condition of anonymity. The Golfito camp, with a capacity of 250, was set up as a two-day rest station for South America-exiting migrants whom the governments of Panama and Costa Rica register and help move through northward to Nicaragua.

Luckily, the Somali stayed long enough for an American intelligence analyst working with the name he had provided in Panama to unscramble it and match it to a pre-existing intelligence file that identified him as intertwined with an al Shabaab cell and smuggling network in Zambia, the U.S. intelligence official said.

The Americans interviewed Qoordheen at length, but the Somali gave up nothing, the U.S. officer said. The Americans then arranged to have him deported to Zambia, the officer said. It turns out the Qoordheen case was only one of other such episodes about which the American public was never told, where terrorist suspects were discovered migrating through Latin America to the U.S. border.

And as Mr. Bensman further reported:

Dozens of migrants suspected of terrorism involvements are also reaching the U.S. border. As reported for CIS in a paper titled “Have Terrorists Crossed?” intelligence community sources said more than 100 migrants caught at the American southern border, or caught en route, were on U.S. terror watch lists between 2012 and 2017. More than half were first noticed at the American border; many of the rest were caught en route, like Qoordheen.

Fifteen terrorists are listed and described in the CIS report, including a Somali migrant who passed unnoticed through Panama in 2011, crossed the Mexico-California border, and went on to commit two 2017 vehicle ramming attacks in Alberta, Canada while carrying an ISIS flag.

The terrorists, concluded Mr. Bensman, know the U.S. southern border is not secure and they will keep coming.

The Breitbart report on the two Yemenis leaves us somewhat puzzled as to exactly what is going to happen to those two suspected terrorists, but it sounds like they are merely going to be sent back to Yemen, rather than prosecuted for illegal entry and taken off the battlefield.

The Justice Department comment line is (202-353-1555) call Attorney General Merrick Garland and tell him terrorists apprehended at the U.S. border should be taken off the battlefield, not just deported.

  • Joe Biden

  • El Centro Sector Border Patrol

  • Yemeni Nationals

  • terrorism

  • illegal immigration

  • FBI Terrorism Watch List

  • FBI No Fly list

  • ICE Homeland Security Investigations

  • Ibrahim Qoordheen

  • border security

  • Justice Department

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2 Kommentare

Jonathan Freed
Jonathan Freed
12. Apr. 2021

It is my hope & prayer that remain secure (or lucky) but that in the likely terrorist event(s) that follow, Biden and the Democrats are held mutually and individually responsible for any and all loss of life, injuries, and damages. I know I'm dreaming, but if Trump can be accused of contributing to the events at the Capitol, the (D) should be in the stockades over the border crisis and every ill that comes of it.

Gefällt mir

09. Apr. 2021

Blame the democrats for cheating in the election. Big companies just being stupid and unamerican. Big companies looking for handouts from Biden. All unamerican unmoral losers

Gefällt mir
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