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Big Business Organizes For War On Constitutional Liberty

April 12 – 13 marks the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Ft. Sumter and the beginning of the first American Civil War. While Big Business hasn’t yet declared war on limited government

constitutional conservatives, it is certainly massing its troops and gathering the powder and shot for some kind of showdown with liberty-loving Americans.

The Washington Post, owned by Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, reported that more than 100 corporate executives held a call recently to discuss halting donations and investments to fight Republican-backed election integrity legislation.

(To use just a few mouse clicks to defend constitutional liberty and get in the battle against these corporations go to )

Todd C. Frankel reported executives from major airlines, retailers and manufacturers — plus at least one NFL owner — talked about potential ways to show they opposed the legislation, including by halting donations to politicians who support the bills and even delaying investments in states that pass new election integrity measures, according to four people who were on the call, including one of the organizers, Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a Yale management professor.

According to Mr. Frankel’s reporting, leaders from dozens of companies such as Delta, American, United, Starbucks, Target, LinkedIn, Levi Strauss and Boston Consulting Group, along with Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank, were included on the Zoom call, according to people who listened in.

The goal of the call’s organizers was to unify companies that had been issuing their own statements and signing on to drafted statements from different organizations after the passage of Georgia’s much needed election integrity legislation.

Based on what can be gleaned from Mr. Frankel’s article it is clear many of the participants in the call have no earthly idea what the Georgia election integrity legislation does and what is in the five new election integrity bills that have been passed nationwide so far, or the 55 other election integrity bills in 24 states being considered by their legislatures.

Georgia’s law has unfairly come under attack with spurious claims that it is intended to suppress votes or make it more difficult for Georgia residents to participate in voting. Such misinformation has come from sources as high up as President Joe Biden.

Biden claimed the Georgia law both “ends voting hours early so working people can’t cast their vote after their shift if over.” This claims is so wildly untrue and without evidence that even the Washington Post was forced to give it four Pinocchios.

So, let’s be clear, business leaders on the call are advocating measures that will make it easier for Democrats to cheat to win elections, because they appear to be unaware the new Georgia law expands early voting access while adding mandatory Saturday voting as well as an option to vote on Sundays.

Moreover, a number of election officials cite the expanded voting hours, which will allow more people to get to the polls, and additional latitude for the state to require more polling places or voting machines if voters face overcrowding or lines. Georgia voters will also still be able to request mail-in ballots for convenience.

Reasonable measures to protect the integrity of each vote – and to ensure expanded avenues for participation in elections – are definitionally not suppression. Conservatives reject those categorizations, like we reject efforts by Coca-Cola, Major League Baseball, the PGA Tour, Hollywood, and Delta Airlines to bully state legislatures into ignoring the need for election integrity legislation.

Big business has always lobbied and used political power to protect and advance its interests in areas that affected its bottom line, such as labor and environmental regulations, trade policy and tariffs, but in the past two decades something changed.

Instead of defending the economic and political liberties that allow it to exist, corporate America has now gone to war against American constitutional liberty.

(To use just a few mouse clicks to defend constitutional liberty and get in the battle against these corporations go to )

Millions of Americans hold viewpoints and beliefs that differ from this alliance of Leftwing corporate leaders, the establishment media, the establishment Democratic party, and the lords of Silicon Valley – indeed a recent poll some 75% expressed support for voter ID.

But that doesn’t matter to the 100 or so Left-leaning corporate leaders who were on that call, because the Boardroom is not a democracy and above all else, they know how to use their power to achieve their goals.

The last time Americans were engaged in a Civil War the oath of allegiance officers swear upon being commissioned was amended to include the phrase that those taking it will “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

It is becoming increasingly clear that the greatest domestic enemies of constitutional liberty are the leaders of mega-brands and corporations who have turned their companies into vehicles for social revolution, rather than engines of economic return for their shareholders.

To use just a few mouse clicks to defend constitutional liberty and get in the battle against these corporations go to

  • Georgia voter law

  • Georgia elections integrity law

  • Atlanta

  • Joe Biden

  • Absentee balloting

  • Brian Kemp

  • expanded voting hours

  • Major League baseball

  • Coca Cola

  • Delta Airlines

  • PGA Tour

  • corporate America

  • Go woke go broke

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Apr 14, 2021

I as a share holder would ask to fire a CEO that embarrassed my company by embarrassing my nation with the idiocy of political opine.....That is arrogance expressed by a nitwit who does not need the job, product sales will suffer, employees may have to suffer this public humiliation and the MLB and Coca Cola are the very essence of which I speak....When it comes to product sales, prestige and community support, fans and clients are #1, the need for a CEO is to manage those needs and control the image of the corp, not shoot off their mouth or carry water for any political party or their political preference....These people make America look non serious and incredibly stupid.....

Apr 14, 2021
Replying to

Sir : You are guilty of expressing common sense . And, what's worse , you seem patriotic ! You are herein directed to cease and desist with these truisms . How do you expect to keep and maintain the people in a confused state of mind ? This is not the standard of our woke 'leaders' . Our 'leaders' cannot lead people who are aware of their rights , their duties and their responsibilities . Surely you understand the dire consequences of telling the people the truth .


Apr 14, 2021

It's hard to believe that many shareholders won't rise up against these lefty CEO's. Ultimately, they will be hit in the pocketbook by these social revolutionaries. Surely they can balance things out again. There are so many corporations involved that it would be virtually impossible to avoid purchasing products and services from them, but we can and will stop patronizing as many as we can. Has anyone compiled a complete list? It needs to be publicized.

Apr 14, 2021
Replying to

We can start by not buying Coke and its other products . There are plenty of alternative choices . So, lets give them a break and buy their products . Buy the alternative products that don't advertise too much . When you see an ad for Coke, buy Hires or some other non Coke product . Simple as that .


Charles Wilkins
Charles Wilkins
Apr 14, 2021

Thank you for taking action! Wed, Apr 14, 2021 8:04 am Robert Bassin, AIPAC ( To:you Details charles, Thank you for taking action on this important issue. Your activism is essential for ensuring our elected officials stand with the Jewish state and support policies that ensure the safety and security of both the United States and Israel. Have 60 more seconds? Take these actions to help further advance the U.S.-Israel relationship: Amplify your impact by advocating for additional pro-Israel legislative initiatives at Visit and consider becoming an AIPAC member. If you are already a member of AIPAC, thank you for your ongoing support. Follow @AIPAC on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Thanks again, Robert Bassin AIPAC National Political Director AIPAC.ORG AIPAC We are a bipartisan American organization that advocates for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship.


Jonathan Freed
Jonathan Freed
Apr 13, 2021

You know the great thing about bans and blocks to where you spend money? It works both ways. Assuming the dead and Dominion(ed) voters are not among those spending (or not), AOC's "people who don't want to work", illegals, the prison population, and Bernie supporters who are still patiently waiting for their piece of the American dream to be forcibly taken from someone else and bestowed upon them - conservatives command at least half the spending dollars. Speak loudly with yours.


Apr 13, 2021

These have to be the dumbest people to ever run a businesss! The communist rulers that they support will bleed every dime they can ftom the citizens, who then will not be able to buy their products. Same goes for over paid athletes and movie stars! Dumber than rocks, but hedonism dies get in the way if common sense!

Apr 14, 2021
Replying to

They're not stupid . But they are arrogant. They are the DEMOCRATS. Democrats believe they are superior to you and they therefore also believe they have dominion over you .

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