The New York Post reported yesterday that President Biden added a new whopper to his

long list of outright lies and prevarications by twice implying Wednesday that his uncle Ambrose Finnegan was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea after his plane crashed during World War II — even though military records show that the aircraft plunged into the Pacific.
According to reporting by Steven Nelson:
“He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals at the time,” Biden initially told reporters after visiting a war memorial that bears his uncle’s name in Scranton, Pa.
“They never recovered his body, but the government went back when I went down there and they checked and found some parts of the plane.”
“He got shot down in New Guinea and they never found the body because there used to be — there were a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea,” Biden told United Steelworkers union members.
The Pentagon’s Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency says that Finnegan’s plane actually was lost over the open ocean on May 14, 1944.
“For unknown reasons, this plane was forced to ditch in the ocean off the north coast of New Guinea. Both engines failed at low altitude, and the aircraft’s nose hit the water hard,” the military’s account says.
Biden also, during the same visit to Pennsylvania, confused the date of death and military service of his sons, saying of former President Donald Trump: “The man doesn’t deserve to have been the commander in chief of my son.” Biden made the remark in Pittsburgh, even though his son Beau died of cancer (May 30, 2015) before Trump was elected and his son Hunter was kicked out of the Navy in February of 2014 for failing a drug test prior to Trump’s election.
But this latest round of lies should surprise no one who has followed Biden’s career.
As the House Oversight and Investigations Committee reported, Joe Biden lied at least 16 times about his family’s business schemes, saying again and again, “I have never discussed with my son, or my brother, or anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses, period.” The lies about his family schemes to monetize the Biden name are documented here.
But two or three lies in one day is par for the course on a Biden campaign tour.
As Alfredo Ortiz pointed out in an op-ed for The Hill, seven lies in one speech is a normal Joe Biden State of the Union. Here are the seven biggest Biden lies Mr. Ortiz identified in Cannibal Joe’s 2023 State of the Union address:
1: “Take-home pay has gone up.”
2. “We have created a record 12 million new jobs.”
3: “[I have presided over] the largest deficit reduction in American history.”
4: “Two years ago, our economy was reeling.”
5: Oil companies have “invested too little of th[eir] profit to increase domestic production and keep gas prices down.”
6: “Now, thanks to all we’ve done, we’re exporting American products.”
7: The wealthy don’t “pay their fair share.”
You can find the documentation for each of Mr. Ortiz’s claims Biden lied through this link.
However, these recent lies and prevarications are just the tip of the iceberg of falsehoods upon which Joe Biden built his career.
The Washington Examiner’s formidable political reporter Paul Bedard documented them going back to 1965 in a 2023 piece, “Seventeen times Biden lied, plagiarized, and exaggerated.”
Here is Mr. Bedard’s list, with hat tips to those who have documented each from the Washington Examiner, Des Moines Register, New York Times, Washington Post, Slate, New York Post, the Trump campaign, and others cited:
Going all the way back to 1965, when he was a Syracuse University College of Law student, Biden lifted five pages of a law review for a legal report. “I was wrong, but I was not malevolent in any way,” he said when caught.
In 1987, he was forced out of the presidential race when he was caught stealing lines of British politician Neil Kinnock’s speeches. Maybe worse, he also mimicked some of Kinnock’s mannerisms in a style a reporter at the time called “creepy.” Political author Richard Ben Cramer said Biden knew what he was doing and even had a video of Kinnock to study.
Also during that presidential run, he stole lines from Robert F. Kennedy, according to a New York Times review. During his presidential run in 1968, RFK said, “It measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile. and it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans.” Nearly 20 years later, Biden said, “That bottom line can tell us everything about our lives, except that which makes life worthwhile. And it can tell us everything about America, except that which makes us proud to be Americans.”
That year, he also borrowed from President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address when he fashioned a line off JFK’s famous phrase “Each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.” According to the New York Times’s Maureen Dowd, Biden said, “Each generation of Americans has been summoned.”
Biden in 1987 also pulled a phrase from then-Sen. Hubert Humphrey. Wrote the New York Times’s Dowd, “At the Democratic National Convention in 1976, Mr. Humphrey, then a senator from Minnesota, declared: ‘The ultimate moral test of any government is the manner in which it treats three groups of its citizens: first, those who are in the dawn of life, our children; second, those who are in the shadows of life, our sick, our needy, our handicapped, and those, third, in the twilight of life, our elderly.’ Senator Biden’s version offered ‘a nation noble enough to treat those at the dawn of life with love, those at the dusk of life with care and those who live in the shadow of life with compassion.’”
In 2000, according to the New York Post, Biden was caught pulling lines from a federal judge’s opinion for an article in the Harvard Journal on Legislation about his Violence Against Women Act.
During his 2020 campaign, the Washington Post said Biden pulled policy platforms and wording from several groups, including a word-for-word proposal from the XQ Institute.
He also used whole sections of Bernie Sanders campaign plans in their joint unity task force paper, said the 2020 Trump campaign.
For his 2020 “Build Back Better” theme, Biden adopted the slogan from former President Bill Clinton’s “Building Back Better.”
He said in 2008, a helicopter he was riding in was “forced down” near Osama bin Laden’s lair in Afghanistan. Actually, it was just waiting out a sandstorm, wrote former Washington Examiner reporter Alana Goodman, now with the Washington Free Beacon.
He has falsely claimed to be a coal miner and from a family of coal miners, a claim pulled from Kinnock, according to Slate.
In 2007, he said he was “shot at” while in Iraq. The truth is that he was in the green zone when a mortar landed several hundred yards away, reported the Hill.
Biden said in 1993 that he called Slobodan Milosevic a “damn war criminal” to his face during the siege of Sarajevo. Three out of four aides in the meeting wouldn’t corroborate.
Biden has said he was a civil rights leader, participating in sit-ins. Never happened.
Biden said he criticized former President George W. Bush in several long meetings. A Bush aide said he couldn’t remember Biden in any meetings and added that the former president “would never sit through two hours of Joe Biden.”
The president recently retold how his Delaware house caught fire, almost killing his wife, dog, and cat and melting his Corvette. Fox and the Associated Press reported that it was just a small kitchen fire.
And then there is his million miles flown story told to Amtrak conductor Angelo Negri. Biden claims that Negri congratulated him during a train trip to visit his dying mother. CNN tore that story apart, writing, “Biden’s story is false in two ways. First, he could not possibly have had this exchange with Negri: He did not reach the million-miles-flown mark as vice president until September 2015, according to his own past comments, but Negri had died more than a year earlier, in May 2014. Second, Biden’s mother was not dying at the time he reached the million-miles-flown mark. In fact, she had died more than five years prior.”:
Why does Biden persist in some of these lies?
Two reasons present themselves: First, he has a deep-seated antisocial personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder. People with these personality disorders may lie to gain sympathy or social status, or to create a false sense of self; Second, he’s been allowed to get away with it for his entire adult life.
As the Editors of the New York Post pointed out in an April 13, 2024 opinion piece, “Joe Biden learned his lesson long ago: Lying works — and he’s too old to un-learn it now that it doesn’t. That’s why he fibs so often, on every imaginable subject... It doesn’t help that most of the media play possum, while Biden and his team live in an echo chamber that completely muffles the rumbling discontent of the public he’s supposed to serve.”
The Editors of the New York Post said the only way to make Biden finally pay a price for his lies is for the voters to do it in November, and we couldn’t agree more – it’s time for Cannibal Joe to go.
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Biden cannibal story
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This really illustrates how stupid American voters are. Bir4n has always been a lying sack of you know what. It also is further proof of hoe corrupt and useless the GOP is (and has been for decades).
All of the lies are egregious. However, the one about the air crash is simply stupid. It's rare after a plane crash for there to be much left of the bodies. They often disintegrate altogether. Of course, if the plane crashed in the ocean, even in tact bodies would rarely have been found. Somebody should point out what was left of United 309 when it crashed in Pennsylvania on 9/11.