As we explained in our article, The Senate Must Defeat Communist Saule Omarova For Comptroller of the Currency, Prof. Saule Omarova, President Biden’s nominee for

Comptroller of the Currency, is a dyed-in-the-wool Soviet Communist who has no business teaching American law students, let alone supervising the Nation’s banks. It is hard to imagine why, other than to undermine American constitutional government, she even emigrated here in the first place. No Republican Senator should vote in favor of her confirmation and any Democrat who does not want to own voting a Communist into one of the most powerful economic positions in our government when they next face the voters should also vote NO.
Now, dozens of conservative leaders who are part of the Conservative Action Project, whose organizations represent millions of conservative voters, have joined the opposition to the confirmation of Omarova through the letter posted below.
The toll-free Capitol Switchboard (1-866-220-0044), call today and tell your Senators to vote NO on the confirmation of Communist Saule Omarova, President Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency.
November 15, 2021
Washington, DC
Conservatives strongly oppose the confirmation of Saule Omarova to Comptroller of the Currency.
Far from an academic critic of the U.S. banking system, Omarova is a radical activist, having made clear she wants to put an “’end to banking’ as we know it.” Her vision involves transferring private banking functions to the Federal Reserve, which would also be tasked with controlling prices for fuel, food, raw materials, metals, natural resources, home prices and wages.
Omarova has spoken of transforming the Federal Reserve into a central platform for “generating, modulating, and allocating financial resources in a modern economy.” She has referred to the financial sector – the industry which she would purport to regulate – in derogatory and inflammatory terms and suggested changing the legal system to address so-called “self-serving behavior.”
Such ideas are straight out of the Soviet playbook, which Omarova has both studied and hailed. It should go without saying that such practices have no place in our U.S. monetary system. Particularly at a time when monetary services have become ideologically weaponized, decentralization of the financial sector remains critical to ensuring that all Americans have access to the basic levers of capitalism.
The Biden administration appears to have nominated an outright communist to a capital markets position – a contradiction both in terms, and in governing ideology. If confirmed, Saule Omarova would seek to expand political control over the private economy and further infuse our capital markets with ideological purpose. We urge the Senate to reject her nomination.
(All organizations listed for IDENTIFICATION purposes only)
The Honorable Edwin Meese III
Attorney General
President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)
The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell
Chairman, Conservative Action Project (CAP)
Chairman, Constitutional Congress, Inc.
The Honorable David McIntosh
Club for Growth
Kelly J. Shackelford, Esq.
President and CEO
First Liberty Institute
The Honorable Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II
Election Transparency Initiative
Alfred S. Regnery
Republic Book Publishers
The Honorable Bob McEwen
U.S. House of Representatives
Former Member, Ohio
L. Brent Bozell III
Founder and President
Media Research Center
Scott T. Parkinson
VP for Government Affairs
Club for Growth
Myron Ebell
Director, Center for Energy and Environment
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund
Lisa B. Nelson
Chief Executive Officer
American Legislative Exchange Council
The Honorable Jim DeMint
Chairman, Conservative Partnership Institute
Member, US Senate (SC 2005-2013)
William L. Walton
Managing Editor and Host
The Bill Walton Show
Lori Roman
ACRU Action Fund
Mary Vought
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund
Rachel A. Bovard
Senior Director of Policy
Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)
The Honorable Tony Perkins
Family Research Council
Thomas Fitton
President, Judicial Watch, Inc.
President, Council for National Policy
Cleta Mitchell, Esq.
The Honorable Morton C. Blackwell
The Leadership Institute
The Honorable Russ Vought
Director, Office of Management and Budget (2020-2021)
The Honorable Brooke Rollins
President and CEO
America First Policy Institute (AFPI)
David N. Bossie
Citizens United
Brigitte Gabriel
Founder and Chairman
ACT For America
Craig Shirley
Reagan Biographer
Presidential Historian
Ralph Benko
The Capitalist League
Tim Macy
Gun Owners of America
Anne Schlafly Cori
Eagle Forum
Penna Dexter
Point of View Radio
The Honorable Diana Denman
The Reagan Legacy Forum
Karen England
Executive Director
Capitol Resource Institute & Nevada Family Alliance
Allen J. Hebert
American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston
Phil Kerpen
American Commitment
Gary Marx
The Concord Fund
Elaine Donnelly
Center for Military Readiness
The Honorable George K. Rasley Jr.
Managing Editor
Ron Pearson
Executive Director
Conservative Victory Fund
Paul Gessing
Rio Grande Foundation
Mark Fitzgibbons
President of Corporate Affairs
American Target Advertising
Richard D. Hayes
Hayes, Berry, White & Vanzant, LLP
Judson Phillips
Tea Party Nation
Lee Beaman
Beaman Ventures
Kevin Freeman
NSIC Institute
Floyd Brown
The Western Journal
Dr. Ernest Calvin Beisner
President, Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation
Ralph A. Rebandt, II
Gubernatorial candidate
Ralph Rebandt for Michigan Governor
The Honorable Mike Hill
Former Member
Florida State Representative
Robert Keith Fischer
Meeting Coordinator
Conservatives of Faith
Rod D. Martin
Founder & CEO
The Martin Organization, Inc.
Haley E. Martin
Past President
The Martin Foundation
Christina Murphy Lusk
The Martin Foundation
Shawn A. Mitchell
Former National Chaplain
National Federation of Republican Assemblies
Eunie Smith
President Emeritus
Eagle Forum
Eaton Hopkins
Liberty Surgical, Inc.
Sheryl Kaufman
Board of Directors
Americans for Limited Government
Curt Levey
Committee for Justice
Carolee Adams
Eagle Forum of New Jersey
Richard Wright
Ed Corrigan
Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project and
President & CEO, Conservative Partnership Institute
Wesley Denton
Chief Operating Officer
Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)
Steve Moore
Committee to Unleash Prosperity
Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin (Ret.)
Executive Vice President
Family Research Council
Virginia Thomas
Liberty Consulting
The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop
White House Advisor
President Ronald Reagan (1981-1985)
Terry Schilling
American Principles Project
Tom Jones
American Accountability Foundation
The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr.
Chief Domestic Advisor
President Ronald Reagan (1987-1988)
Tom McClusky
Greenlight Strategies
The Honorable Scott Walker
Young America's Foundation
The Honorable Gary L. Bauer
American Values
Heather R. Higgins
Independent Women's Voice
The Honorable James C. Miller III
Budget Director for President Reagan, 1985-1988
James C. Dobson, Ph.D.
Founder & President
Dr. James Dobson Family Institute
The Honorable Peter J. Thomas
The Conservative Caucus
Seton Motley
Less Government
Khadine Ritter
Eagle Forum of Ohio
Kay R. Daly
Coalition for a Fair Judiciary
G. Eric Georgatos
Executive Producer
America Can We Talk?
Richard Manning
Americans for Limited Government
Andresen Blom
Hawaiian Values
Sal Russo
Co-Founder and Chief Strategist
Tea Party Express
Paavo Ensio
Universal Minerals Group
Dr. Paige Patterson
Sandy Creek Foundation
C. Preston Noell III
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.
Jay Mount
MDS Communications
Kielle C. Horton
The Lindsey Foundation
Randy M. Long
Long Business Advisors, LLC
Saulius “Saul” Anuzis
60 Plus Association
James L. Martin
60 Plus Association
Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center
Robert D. Thompson
Former Administrator
The Weyrich Lunch (1999-2016)
Terrence Scanlon
Retired Chairman,
President Reagan's second term, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Mario Navarro da Costa
Director, Washington Bureau
Tradition, Family, Property
William Shaker
Washington Marketing Group
Thomas Pyle
American Energy Alliance
Sherri R. Martin
Florida Baptist Children’s Homes
Guillermo J. Aragon
Senior Partner
Corbere Partners
Lourdes Cosio
Campaign for the American Future
Jack Park
Conservative Activist and Donor
Law Offices of Jack Park
Nancy Schulze
Founder, President
RCW Speakers
Joan Holt Lindsey
Lindsey Communications
Dr. Allen Unruh
National Abstinence Clearinghouse
Kathleen Patten
President & CEO
American Target Advertising, Inc.
Rod Vandenbos
Melvin Adams
Founder and Chairman
Noah Webster Educational Foundation
Senate confirmation
Professor Saule Omarova
Elizabeth Warren
Comptroller of the Currency
Janet Yellen
Banking System
Federal Reserve
Soviet Union
Moscow State University
Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship
Worker Wages
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I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on Republican senators to do do much of anything. Conservatives clearly need a new political party to represent them.
Trash is trash...flush Comrade Omarova.