If you have never been to Rural King® the home, farm and general merchandise chain headquartered in Mattoon, Illinois that serves the thirteen-state area of Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, West Virginia and Virginia, this week is the time to go – and buy everything on your list – because it’s church week.
Not only will you get a free bag of popcorn and a cup of coffee, but between August 2nd and August 15th, 10% of all approved receipts will go to the Christian organization of your choice. (Provided the organization is registered with Rural King.) The program is open to Christian-based churches, schools, and radio stations.
Here’s how the program works: For a 2 week period (corresponding with the store’s first full ad in August), customers that shop at Rural King will be able to enter their receipt information on ruralking.com and choose an approved organization that will then be the recipient of 10% of the total on that receipt. (Each receipt may only qualify for Program approval one time under the Program, and approved receipts may not be re-submitted.)
In the area of my hometown of Naples, Florida, churches and Christian organizations benefited by this program range from the St. Vincent De Paul Society's Meals on Wheels program, to mainline churches, to an independent non-denominational church meeting in a local park, to a Spanish language Evangelical church.
Some of the donations are small – a few dollars – but taken together they add up to thousands of dollars to help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in communities across the states served by Rural King.
Why is Rural King hosting Church Week?
According to a company statement, organizations such as non-profit Christian Churches, schools, and radio stations were faced with “an abundance of challenges” when forced to close their doors due to COVID-19. “At Rural King we feel these types of organizations not only align with our culture and beliefs but also greatly bless and are vital to the communities we serve. Hosting Church Week allows an easy way for our community members to bless and support these organizations in their time of need.”
To alert Christian organizations to the opportunity Rural King sent out over 50,000 letters to Christian based organizations to share the launch of this project with them and give them instructions on how to register. If you do not see your church, Christian service organization or radio station in the organization search section, there is a link to download the letter. Time is short, but if you download a copy of the letter and get it in the hands of an authorized representative of your organization, they may still be able to register. You can download that document by clicking here.
What can you check off your shopping list with a visit to Rural King?
Casual clothing, canned goods, snacks, work wear, toys, lawn and animal care products, power tools and other stuff for your shop, guns and ammo, hunting and fishing gear, home and cleaning supplies, seeds and gardening supplies, chicks, ducks and rabbits, furniture, automotive supplies, small electronics, shoes and boots, sporting goods – in short, pretty much anything you need to keep your home or farm running, and there’s lots of stuff for your small business too.
Mainly because of the universally nice and helpful staff and the good prices, the Rural King in Bonita Springs, Florida has been my go-to store for casual and outdoor clothes, fishing gear, guns and ammo – and that was before the company launched Church Week.
The management of few big companies today are willing to openly proclaim their Christian witness and values, and we honor the Speer and Melvin families for having the courage of their convictions. If you aren’t familiar with Rural King, here’s a link to their store locator, the prices and great service are worth a drive, and between now and August 15 anything you spend on products on the approved list will help support a Christian mission during these troubled times.
2020 Election
church week
Mattoon Illinois
North Carolina
religious schools
Rural King
West Virginia