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Conservative Leaders Oppose Fake “Reforms” Of The Electoral Count Act

CHQ Staff

The conservative leaders who participate in the Conservative Action Project have just released a Memo for the Movement entitled "Conservatives Oppose Opening Up the Electoral Count Act to Democratic Election Takeover Legislation."

The memo points out that the latest Democrat attempts to rewrite election laws are using the cover of a false narrative about the events of January 6, 2020 to change the presidential election rules is to make it harder for Congress to do anything about election fraud in a presidential election. Republicans who engage in negotiations to open up the Electoral Count Act are willfully giving Democrats another avenue to shepherd in their election federalization priorities.

The toll-free Capitol Switchboard (1-866-220-0044), call today and tell your Senators and Representative you demand they vote NO on any bill to change the Electoral Count Act or other fake presidential election “reforms.”

The text of the memo and list of signers follows:

With Democrats in charge, such efforts are merely cover for liberals to have more opportunities to pass their election takeover legislation. These efforts have been successfully defeated so far, but Republicans who engage in negotiations to open up the Electoral Count Act are willfully giving Democrats another avenue to shepherd in their election federalization priorities.

The goal of the latest leftist scheme to change the presidential election rules is to make it harder for Congress to do anything about election fraud in a presidential election. Leftist politicians have committed themselves to opposing all election security measures, including voter ID, while pushing ballot harvesting and uncontrolled vote by mail schemes that undermine the very idea of secure elections.

Moreover, there is no need for these conversations to be taking place now, more than two years before the issue is pertinent again. Further, if there are to be changes to this important constitutional function, such changes should be developed and considered in regular order, during a normal legislative process – not behind closed doors by ad hoc groups of senators, apart from the Senate as a whole.

There are major issues that need serious legislative attention from Republicans: mounting inflation, possible U.S. military action in Ukraine, the tyrannies inflicted on personal freedoms in the name of COVID protocols, Big Tech’s speech suppression, vaccine mandates, and so on.

Engaging with Democrats on this issue is a pointless exercise which will only allow them to further their agenda of completely federalizing elections in America and instituting practices which will render future faith in elections untenable.

We urge Republicans to abandon these efforts and focus on far more timely issues that demand their attention.

The Honorable Edwin Meese III

Attorney General

President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)

The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell

Chairman, Conservative Action Project (CAP) and Constitutional Congress, Inc.

Myron Ebell

Director, Center for Energy and Environment, Competitive Enterprise Institute

Terry Schilling


American Principles Project

The Honorable Jim DeMint

Chairman, Conservative Partnership Institute

Member, US Senate (SC 2005-2013)

Chad Connelly

Founder and President

Faith Wins

Rachel A. Bovard

Senior Director of Policy

Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)

The Honorable Morton C. Blackwell


The Leadership Institute

The Honorable Paul S. Teller, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Advancing American Freedom

Lori Roman


ACRU Action Fund

Alfred S. Regnery


Republic Book Publishers

The Honorable Donald Paul Hodel

U.S. Secretary of Energy (1982-1985)

U.S. Secretary of Interior (1985-1989)

The Honorable Tony Perkins


Family Research Council

Wesley Denton

Chief Operating Officer

Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)

The Honorable David McIntosh


Club for Growth

Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin (Ret.)

Executive Vice President

Family Research Council

Craig Shirley

Reagan Biographer

Presidential Historian

Guillermo J. Aragon

Chief Strategy Officer

Martin Capital

Lourdes Cosio

Campaign for the American Future

Shawn A. Mitchell

Former National Chaplain, National Federation of Republican Assemblies

Carey Woodruff

Executive Vice President, Foundation for American Christian Education

Robert Chambers

Executive Vice President

AFA Action

Brian Rogers


The Jesse Helms Center

The Honorable George K. Rasley Jr.

Managing Editor

Melissa Ortiz

Principal & Founder; Keynote Speaker

Able Americans

G. Eric Georgatos

Executive Producer

America Can We Talk?

Richard Rounsavelle



Mario Navarro da Costa

Director, Washington Bureau

Tradition, Family, Property

Augusta Petrone

Former Iowa Co-Chair

Reagan-Bush '84

Tim Macy


Gun Owners of America

Debbie Georgatos

Host, America Can We Talk

CWT Publications, LLC

Kielle C. Horton


The Lindsey Foundation

James L. Martin


60 Plus Association

Elaine Donnelly


Center for Military Readiness

Gerard Kassar

State Chairman

NYS Conservative Party

Richard G. Scurry

VP New Products, Inc

Don Woodsmall

President (Interim)

Center for Security Policy

Christian Adams


Public Interest Legal Foundation

Peggy Dau

Christian Activist

Thomas E. McClusky


Greenlight Strategies, LLC

The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr.

Chief Domestic Advisor

President Ronald Reagan (1987-1988)

Ed Corrigan

Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project and President & CEO, Conservative Partnership Institute

The Honorable Bob McEwen

U.S. House of Representatives

Former Member, Ohio

The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop

White House Advisor

President Ronald Reagan (1981-1985)

Cleta Mitchell, Esq.

Senior Legal Fellow

Conservative Partnership Institute

Jenny Beth Martin


Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund

The Honorable Mary Vought

Executive Director

Senate Conservatives Fund

David N. Bossie


Citizens United

L. Brent Bozell III

Founder and President

Media Research Center

William L. Walton

The Bill Walton Show

Resolute Protector Foundation

David Bozell



Scott T. Parkinson

VP for Government Affairs

Club for Growth

The Honorable Matt Schlapp


American Conservative Union (ACU)

Rod D. Martin

Founder & CEO

The Martin Organization, Inc.

Christina Murphy Lusk


The Martin Foundation

Sherri R. Martin

Executive Vice President

The Martin Organization, Inc.

Judson Phillips


Tea Party Nation

Tim Throckmorton


Lifepointe Ministry

Seton Motley


Less Government

Jack Park

Conservative Activist and Donor

Law Offices of Jack Park

The Honorable Gary L. Bauer


American Values

Martha Boneta


Vote America First

The Honorable Scott Walker


Young America's Foundation

Amy Kremer


Women for America First

The Honorable Mike Hill

Former Member

Florida State Representative

Kylie Jane Kremer

Executive Director

Women For America First

Marc T. Little

Executive Director

CURE America Action

The Honorable Peter J. Thomas


Conservative Caucus

Saulius “Saul” Anuzis


60 Plus Association

Lee Beaman


Beaman Ventures

Allen J. Hebert


American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston

Robert D. Thompson

Former Administrator

The Weyrich Lunch (1999-2016)

C. Preston Noell III


Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

Paavo Ensio


Universal Minerals Group

Joan Holt Lindsey


Lindsey Communications

Kay R. Daly


Coalition for a Fair Judiciary

  • Electoral Count Act

  • 2020 Election

  • Election fraud

  • January 6

  • For the People Act

  • Voter ID

  • ballot harvesting

  • federalizing elections

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Feb 14, 2022

Hear hear!

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