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Conservative Leaders to McConnell: Stop Rolling Over On Biden Nominees

CHQ Staff

The principled limited government constitutional conservative leaders of the Conservative Action Project just sent a letter to Leader McConnell urging Senators to hold a firmer line on confirming any more of President Biden’s nominees.

If Senate Republicans were truly engaged in an effort to frustrate the Biden agenda, there would be far more tied votes, requiring a tie break from Vice President Kamala Harris. However, of the 528 votes cast in the first session of the 117th Congress, Vice President Harris has only had to cast a tie-breaking vote 14 times.

Full text of the letter and list of signers follows:

March 16, 2022

The Honorable Mitch McConnell

Senate Minority Leader

United States Senate

S-230 U.S. Capitol

Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Leader McConnell:

Conservatives are increasingly concerned with the Senate Republican conference regularly voting to confirm President Biden’s executive nominees. Other than a few notable exceptions, the conference is not using all the tools at its disposal to prevent President Biden from stocking the senior positions in the federal government with radical leftists.

For example:

28 Republicans voted for Anthony Blinken

8 Republicans voted for Rahm Emanuel

43 Republicans voted for Lloyd Austin

20 Republicans voted for Merrick Garland

If Senate Republicans were truly engaged in an effort to frustrate the Biden agenda, there would be far more tied votes, requiring a tie break from Vice President Kamala Harris. However, of the 528 votes cast in the first session of the 117th Congress, Vice President Harris has only had to cast a tie-breaking vote 14 times.

Senate Republicans cannot say on one hand that they are vehemently opposed to the Biden agenda while at the same time voting consistently to confirm dozens of nominees intent on expanding Biden’s vision for massive government expansion and control.

Particularly as the administration becomes more intent on using the levers of government to impose their radical views on all Americans, we urge the Senate GOP conference to take a firmer line on confirming any more of Biden’s nominees.

The Honorable Edwin Meese III

Attorney General

President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)

Tom Jones


American Accountability Foundation

The Honorable Paul S. Teller, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Advancing American Freedom

L. Brent Bozell III

Founder and President

Media Research Center

William L. Walton

The Bill Walton Show

Resolute Protector Foundation

The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop

White House Advisor

President Ronald Reagan (1981-1985)

Jenny Beth Martin


Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund

Scott T. Parkinson

VP for Government Affairs

Club for Growth

Alfred S. Regnery


Republic Book Publishers

The Honorable Matt Schlapp


American Conservative Union (ACU)

Ed Corrigan

Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project and President & CEO, Conservative Partnership Institute

Lori Roman


ACRU Action Fund

Chad Connelly

Founder and President

Faith Wins

Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin (Ret.)

Executive Vice President

Family Research Council

Elaine Donnelly

Founder and President

Center for Military Readiness

Guillermo J. Aragon

Chief Strategy Officer

Martin Capital

Lourdes Cosio

Campaign for the American Future

Shawn A. Mitchell

Former National Chaplain, National Federation of Republican Assemblies

Kay R. Daly


Coalition for a Fair Judiciary

Ron Pearson

Executive Director

Conservative Victory Fund

The Honorable George K. Rasley Jr.

Managing Editor

Don Woodsmall

Interim President

Center for Security Policy

Richard Wright



Michelle Easton

President, Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women

Mark J. Fitzgibbons

President of Corporate Affairs

American Target Advertising

Joan Holt Lindsey


Lindsey Communications

Carey Woodruff

Executive Vice President, Foundation for American Christian Education

Tom DeWeese


American Policy Center

Richard Manning


Americans for Limited Government

Willes K. Lee

Immediate Past President, National Federation of Republican Assemblies

Allen J. Hebert


American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston

Dr. Allen Unruh


National Abstinence Clearinghouse

The Honorable Mike Hill

Former Member

Florida State House

The Honorable Diana Denman


The Reagan Legacy Forum

Martha Fain



Paavo Ensio


Universal Minerals Group

C. Preston Noell III


Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

William Shaker


Washington Marketing Group

Jack Park

Conservative Activist and Donor

Law Offices of Jack Park

Penna Dexter


Point of View Radio

Amy Kremer


Women for America First

Robert D. Thompson

Former Administrator

The Weyrich Lunch (1999-2016)

The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell

Chairman, Conservative Action Project (CAP) and Constitutional Congress, Inc.

Matthew Buckham

Fmr. Special Asst. of Presidential Personnel for Donald J. Trump

Founder, American Accountability Foundation

Terry Schilling


American Principles Project

The Honorable Mary Vought

Executive Director

Senate Conservatives Fund

Cleta Mitchell, Esq.

Senior Legal Fellow

Conservative Partnership Institute

David N. Bossie


Citizens United

The Honorable David McIntosh


Club for Growth

The Honorable Morton C. Blackwell


The Leadership Institute

The Honorable Donald Paul Hodel

U.S. Secretary of Energy (1982-1985)

U.S. Secretary of Interior (1985-1989)

The Honorable Jim DeMint

Chairman, Conservative Partnership Institute

Member, US Senate (SC 2005-2013)

Rachel A. Bovard

Senior Director of Policy

Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)

The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr.

Chief Domestic Advisor

President Ronald Reagan (1987-1988)

Wesley Denton

Chief Operating Officer

Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)

Craig Shirley

Reagan Biographer

Presidential Historian

Rod D. Martin

Founder & CEO

The Martin Organization, Inc.

Christina Murphy Lusk


The Martin Foundation

Sherri R. Martin

Executive Vice President

The Martin Organization, Inc.

Nancy Schulze

Founder, President

RCW Speakers

Eunie Smith

President Emeritus

Eagle Forum

Lee Beaman


Beaman Ventures

Seton Motley


Less Government

Kathleen Patten

President & CEO

American Target Advertising, Inc.

William P. Mills III

Executive Committee Member

Council for National Policy

Jason Jones


Movie to Movement

Father Frank Pavone

National Director

Priests for Life

Theresa Barbale

Executive Director

Life Network of Southwest Florida

The Honorable Peter J. Thomas


The Conservative Caucus

Richard Rounsavelle



Roxanne Phillips

Executive Committee Member

Council for National Policy

Ralph A. Rebandt II

Gubernatorial Candidate

Ralph Rebandt for Governor

Mario Navarro da Costa

Director, Washington Bureau

Tradition, Family, Property

Melvin Adams


Noah Webster Educational Foundation

Floyd Brown


The Western Journal

Richard G. Scurry

VP Product Development, ltd.

Shirley F. Lewis


Lewis Jewelers and More

Dr. Teryn Clarke


Clarke Neurology

Richard D. Hayes


Hayes, Berry, White & Vanzant, LLP

Debbie Wuthnow


Walker H. Wildmon


AFA Action

Judson Phillips


Tea Party Nation

Joseph R. Gregory


Gregory Mgt. Co.

Ann Quest



  • Joe Biden nominees

  • Senate confirmation

  • Chuck Schumer

  • Donald Trump

  • Ketanji Brown Jackson

  • Kamala Harris tie breaking votes

  • Mitch McConnell

  • federal offices

  • Biden administration

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Mike M
Mike M
Mar 17, 2022

Any Senator or Representative who votes for anything that Bite-Me Biden wants is one of the following:

A. A fool.

B. A liar.

C. A traitor.

D. A Communist.

E. All of the above.

Everyone is free to draw their own conclusions but as for me I vote for E.


Mar 17, 2022

The fact that this letter had to be sent should tell you all that you need to know about the Broken Old Crow McConnell. The guy who's letting Biden nominees glide through confirmations, we should trust him for the midterms and in 2024...I think not. He's still wearing his Biden pom-poms. You'd expect that from the Democrat leader of the Senate, not the Republican leader.

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