Our friend principled limited government constitutional conservative Arizona state Representative Jake Hoffman is the only Arizona legislator to score 100 percent on the
American Conservative Union’s 2021 score card. This is a major accomplishment given the strong group of principled conservatives, including conservative all-stars Mark Finchem and Wendy Rogers, in the Arizona legislature.
When news of the final ratings got out Hoffman told the Arizona Sun Times, “I’m proud to be counted as one of Arizona’s limited government, constitutional conservatives. It is an honor to be recognized for voting to secure Arizona’s elections, cut Arizonans’ taxes, and protect our state’s families and children. In the spirit of President Coolidge’s axiom that it’s better to kill bad bills than to pass new ones, I am especially grateful for the Center for Legislative Accountability’s efforts to score the bad, crony, and counterproductive policies that me and my colleagues fought against.”
He went on, “The Biden administration, and Democrats both in Arizona and across the country, have given us all undeniable evidence of just how toxic and harmful big government policies really are to hardworking Americans. Their policies have given us skyrocketing prices on everything from groceries to gas, hundreds of thousands out of a job due to anti-science lockdowns and vaccine mandates, open borders, racial division, law-abiding parents being targeted as ‘domestic terrorists,’ and repeated attempts to defund our police. In 2022 and beyond, Arizona conservatives must continue to lead the charge to present a stark contrast to the pure dumb assery of Democrats’ failed ideas.”
We got to know Rep. Jake Hoffman when he was among the first, if not THE first state legislator to organize opposition to the DC Democrats’ election power-grab – H.R. 1 their bill to federalize elections and institutionalize all the dubious tactics they used to steal the 2020 presidential election.
In opposition to the Democrats' power grab, State Representative Jake Hoffman crafted HCR 2023, a resolution opposing H.R.1, that was introduced with an impressive 37 cosponsors.
The Arizona Resolution declared that H.R. 1 would obliterate the Constitutional arrangement between the states and the government of the United States by usurping the Constitutional power of states to manage, control and administer state elections by prohibiting various practices and mandating others such as forcing state to conduct an election over an extended period of time, prohibiting states from maintaining voter rolls free from error and obsolete information, forcing states to accept an elector who does not register to vote in advance, mandates related to mail voting, prohibitions against regulating ballot harvesting and scores of other intrusions into the power of this state to manage, control and administer Arizona elections.
The Arizona Resolution also recommitted Arizona to the arrangement that gave rise to this nation, namely that states are sovereign and free from interference and the intrusion of power from the government of the United States absent clear Constitutional authorization.
And in addition to voting right on the Arizona House Floor, Jake Hoffman is among the few conservative office holders at the point of the spear fighting for election integrity and individual liberty outside the confines of the Arizona state Capitol.
While still a Representative-elect Jake Hoffman joined Congressman Louie Gohmert’s lawsuit asking the court to declare that the elector dispute resolution provisions in Section 15 of the Electoral Count Act, 3 U.S.C. §§ 5 and 15, are unconstitutional because these provisions violate the Electors Clause and the Twelfth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.”
Unfortunately, the suit never reached the Supreme Court for argument and a definitive conclusion, so the issue of how disputed Electoral votes are to be treated is still there to vex a future Vice President.
We congratulate Arizona state Representative Jake Hoffman on being the only member of the Arizona legislature to achieve a perfect score on ACU’s 2021 score card and look forward to having him in the fight for constitutional liberty for many years to come.
Arizona legislature
American Conservative Union ratings
Rep. Jake Hoffman
2021 ratings ACU
Mark Finchem
Wendy Rogers
H.R. 1
2020 Election audits
HCR 2023