Democrats can’t delay it any longer; Walz speaks on day three and Kamala is next
You’re forgiven if you woke up this morning thinking that you’d already attended the

nightmarish 2024 Democrat convention and thought it was over. Bad news – you’ve still got another night to trudge through, this one with none other than “new” Democrat nominee cackling Kamala Harris accepting her party’s nomination and then delivering an oration that’s bound to be memorable – perhaps for all the wrong reasons.
Last night provided a glimpse of what life would be like under a new Harris/Tampon Tim Walz administration and it can’t be something to look forward to. As would be expected, Minnesota’s Walz did everything possible to sidestep the serious questions surrounding his record, depicting his life as a Forrest Gump-like journey where he had the good fortune to be in the right places at the right times which allowed him to meet the people who shaped his life.
Sure, Forrest Gump himself visited the “Land of China” during his memorable lifelong journey, innocently assessing the communists as harmless and friendly while battling him in ping pong and good-natured sporting contests. “In the land of China, people ain’t got many things… and they never go to church.” Could you describe it better than that?
At any rate, before Walz took the stage, 1990’s Democrat hero Big Bubba Bill Clinton revved up the house, preparing the delegates for what was to come. Bubba, as you may remember, was known for his “moderation” at a time when his – and wife Crooked Hillary’s and her universal healthcare dreams -- excesses prepared the way for the 1994 Newt Gingrich revolution, forcing him to coexist with the opposition party for the final six years of his two terms.
Make no mistake; Bill Clinton had his own ties with totalitarian leftist regimes. He just wasn’t so open about it.
Clinton was no moderate, yet compared with today’s Democrats under the direction of senile Joe Biden and his cackling sidekick Kamala Harris, just about anyone would look middle-of-the-road.
This week, Democrats have made their heaviest pitch towards wooing the middle class, abortion-at-all-cost feminists, the poor welfare grifters, illegal aliens and uber-rich limousine liberals already having huddled in Kamala’s and Tampon Tim’s corner. The middle class, which encompasses pretty much everyone else, is theoretically still up for grabs. Or ripe for the taking.
Did they succeed? Did Big Bubba Bill and Tampon Tim rise to the occasion?
Shameless Tampon Tim won’t apologize for anything; is this the way to be elected vice president?
Much has been written the past week about how a presidential candidate makes his or her most important decision when they choose a running mate, since that person supposedly embodies how he or she envisions governing if something unfortunate ever occurs with the nominee.
By that measure, cackling Kamala Harris deserves an F- for her choice of Tampon Tim Walz.
No one I know gives Kamala Harris much credit for being an intellectual giant, but even she should’ve realized that Walz wasn’t the right one for the job, especially considering she could’ve had Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro just for the asking. But Shapiro is Jewish, which would enrage her anti-Israel/Pro-Hamas constituents. You know, the ones protesting just outside the arena in areas lined with police bent on preventing the DNC from devolving into the mess that plagued the 1968 convention.
Looking back, Walz would’ve fit right in with the dope smoking hippies who ingested a lot of mind-altering chemicals and then launched themselves in waves at the police back then. Walz, pretending that he’s just a normal guy former social studies teacher and high school football coach, places himself squarely in the middle class.
But he let the George Floyd riots get out of control two years ago, practically standing by as his state’s largest city burned down around the protesters. Police recruitment in Minneapolis has suffered ever since, and it wouldn’t be a stretch to claim that the thugs and miscreants now effectively control the city.
This is how Tim Walz sees the future.
You had to catch him quickly, since Walz only spoke for a little over nineteen minutes, less time than Big Bubba Bill Clinton hogged the stage for. Who knows, maybe Walz just didn’t have that much to say that didn’t relate to snuggling up to the Communists in China.
“Thank you for bringing the Joy to this fight… I had 24 kids in my high school class and none of them went to Yale.” What, were they that dumb back then?
Tampon Tim seems like he’s especially proud of his socialism, bragging on being a public school teacher and distributing goodies, “We made sure that every kid gets breakfast and lunch every day.”
Everyone who remembers school lunches, myself included, recalls that most kids don’t eat what’s handed to them. School lunches are just another welfare program for the masses. Can you imagine the Somali population of Minneapolis digging in to tater tots and apple sauce? Chances are it goes directly into the trash can.
“We also ensured ‘reproductive freedom’ in Minnesota because we respect our [comrades] and the choices that they make.” Lots and lots of babies die in the heartland! “Even if we wouldn’t make those choices for ourselves, we’ve got a golden rule… mind your damn business!”
As would be expected, the speech was heavy on resume and light on specifics. One would’ve expected Kamala to sprint out on stage if Tampon Tim actually said something substantive. But she wasn’t there – at least that I saw.
In watching this, I found it odd to contemplate how cackling Kamala actually chose Walz. Certainly, there could’ve been so many better choices than going for a communist sympathizer from Minnesota who seems especially proud of his state’s welfare system. Here’s thinking that most people just want to be able to go to the store and buy affordable groceries or gasoline that won’t consume the family budget.
Tampon Tim doesn’t care much about the farmers that make up the backbone of his state, knowing full well that Minnesota’s city-based George Floyd liberals vastly outnumber the rural population. Are most Minnesotans like my cousins in small cities or like gang members in the twin cities?
Tampon Tim and cackling Kamala will do a generation’s worth of damage if they ever get in to power. Is America really going to let this happen?
Big Bubba Bill’s libido has definitely dipped. Now what does he do for thrills?
Attend political conventions and shakedown his foundation’s clients, that’s what. Big Bubba Bill began with the line, “Aren’t you proud to be a Democrat?” And it went down from there.
Clinton compared senile Joe Biden to George Washington for voluntarily giving up power; that’s where the comparisons end.
Looking very old with his voice hoarse and sounding feeble, Clinton said “I just turned 78. And I’m still younger than Donald Trump.”
The speech trailed off from there, with Clinton launching into a series of lies… “Will this president take us backward or forward… we have to make a decision about these questions.
Like with the Obamas a night before, Clinton’s speech was largely content-free and intended to deliver applause lines for the ticket. Seeing Big Bubba Bill speaking, it reminded me of just how long ago he was president and just how young he was when he entered the White House. What was he, mid-forties? When Donald Trump enters the stage, “Don’t count the eyes… count the lies”.
Old enough to romance a 23-year-old-intern, I suppose.
But it shouldn’t be forgotten how much damage he did to the culture – and government – of this country.
Big Bubba Bill must’ve mentioned “joy” a dozen times in reference to Kamala Harris, which is clearly the buzzword they were told to weave into their speeches.
We’ve all been told that Clinton is super intelligent and possesses a photographic memory which he uses to remember everyone’s name in a room, an uncanny ability that he’s used throughout his life. After being away from the podium for these 23+ years, he’s evidently lost some of his ability to communicate effectively. Who’s fresher, Bubba or senile Joe? You decide.
No wonder they booted Biden from the ticket.
A smattering of others made appearances on Wednesday night, including gayer than gay Pete Butt, who once again padded his qualifications. Particularly enjoyable was Oprah Winfrey, Nancy Pelosi and Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro, who didn’t seem the least bit bitter for being denied the vice presidency in favor of Tampon Tim. And because he is Jewish. Can’t have that!
Everyone’s looking forward to Kamala’s speech tomorrow night!
Sun shines out all orifices in Democrat-dominated Chicago. How to respond?
Amidst all the sunshine, warm, fuzzy feelings and olive branch extending to their leftist constituencies and hatred and rancor – for Donald Trump, J.D. Vance and Republicans in general – this week at their quadrennial convention, it’s become evident that the Democrat slime machine is fully operational, and its leftist lethal death star rays are aimed directly at the GOP ticket with an intent to destroy and obliterate their political opposition forever.
The rhetoric has been over-the-top. It’s not as though Democrats’ chief target was almost felled by an assassin’s bullet about a month ago. Democrats have busied themselves in Chicago making Trump out to be Hitler, Mussolini, Hiro Hito, Muammar Gaddafi, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un combined. Oh yeah, toss the Iranian mullahs in there too, though many Democrats probably love those guys.
And if it wasn’t evident before that Democrats intended to make Trump the center point of their argument to win this year’s election – and to take over the entirety of the government – then it should be crystal clear after seeing and listening to the chief spinmeisters of the liberal party demean and insult their fellow countrymen that they’ll do and say anything to win this November.
Senile Joe Biden and sidekick cackling Kamala Harris have made progress on their mission to destroy the country and no Democrat will be satisfied with coming up short when they have a chance to seal the republic’s fate so close at hand. Theirs is a dark and ugly message based on fear, lies and distortions. Donald Trump and Republicans are in the proverbial crosshairs, and nothing but a full-out effort by conservatives will stop the left’s win-at-all-costs operation.
Needless to say, there’s not much optimism for Americans to grab on to. How should Trump and Vance respond? In an opinion piece titled, “Trump should take Reagan’s lead and release his inner optimist”, Michael McKenna wrote at The Washington Times:
“Like Reagan, the final piece of the campaign puzzle in this cycle for Mr. Trump is to embrace and share his optimism about the nation’s future. He has sizable advantages on issues important to the voters — the economy, immigration and social disorder. Those advantages are unlikely to shrink now that Ms. Harris is starting to share her policy preferences, especially given that her opening bid was the imposition of food rationing by the federal government. It’s tough to imagine how that would help her with undecided voters.
“To close the deal with the American public, Mr. Trump needs to channel Reagan and share his optimism with them. To borrow from President George H.W. Bush, he must talk about ‘the vision thing.’ People want their leaders to inspire and show them a path that will make them — and the nation — better. Very few are inspired by recitations of personal grievances or legal minutiae.”
While McKenna, as usual, is most definitely right on point with his suggestion, in yesterday’s column I highlighted the fact that Trump has focused on plenty of policy in his big rallies and TV interview appearances. The man touches on so many subjects in his extended remarks, the establishment media simply focuses on what could be depicted as mean and nasty and hurtful rather than the nitty gritty of policy details.
This isn’t to say that Trump is always a fountain of sanguinity. Sometimes, he crawls into the political mosh pit and throws elbows. Trump has been compared to Reagan in many different ways, but not always for his inspiring optimism.
And borrowing anything from George H.W. Bush is suspect. The late president was a good and kind man, but he didn’t exactly shout “leadership” from every pore of his being. The “wimp factor” nickname was heartily unfair for the first Bush president, but Americans are looking for someone as tough as Reagan who will give as good as he gets.
Further, Democrats, as they’ve amply demonstrated in their first three convention days, are working overtime to present themselves as the good-time party, the ones who will allow everyone to be their true selves (a phony image) and let each person live their will. Except babies, of course, who are expendable in the Democrats’ scheme in favor of “women’s bodies”.
As would be expected, there’s been nary a mention from the Democrat convention’s speakers regarding the human shooting gallery that takes place weekly in the neighborhoods of Chicago. There’s been plenty of mentions about gun control and so-called “military style assault weapons”, including by Tim Walz last night -- and “taking on the NRA” but precious little on the rights of citizens to defend themselves, or for the victims.
Anyone who keeps up with the news probably realizes that the Windy City is one of the most gun-controlled locales in America, yet the criminal element doesn’t appear to have much trouble obtaining illegal weapons to perpetrate crimes and murders.
Democrat vice presidential nominee “Tampon Tim” Walz last night and former president Barack Obama on Tuesday both attempted to couch the Democrats’ message in positive terms, arguing time and again for the things government can do to make Americans’ lives better. They say government can keep you safe by taking away others’ guns, or cracking down on police, or being open and welcoming to “newcomers” (translation: Illegal aliens).
Or government can safeguard women’s “rights” to kill their growing babies, or ensure your “voting rights” by overriding state laws regarding ballot casting. Or making the world safe for democracy by helping the Ukrainians battle Vladimir Putin. Or for pressuring the Israelis into agreeing to a “ceasefire” with their Muslim enemies.
I’ve made the comment a number of times when visiting Colonial Williamsburg that there are precious few defenders of liberty or property rights or the God-given birthrights and privileges that we should legitimately assert against government. These certainly include free speech, assembly and freedom of religion, all freedoms that are under assault from the state in the name of “protecting” some fringe cultural norm.
McKenna is correct – Trump could make headway in gaining that crucial few percentage points in November by being relentlessly positive and optimistic. He can still say pretty much anything he wants in his rallies, but in the debate (or debates) with cackling Kamala, he must go out of his way to focus on America’s future while avoiding grievances or dwelling on what happened to him in the 2020 election.
Trump should remind himself to avoid talking about matters that can’t be changed.
Because Democrats won’t alter their approach. As has been evident this week, Democrats are basically re-running their strategy from 2020, which entails hiding their candidates as much as possible, relying on their establishment media allies to run interference for their candidates and policies and also to direct attention to each and every Trump political flaw.
All of this happens while they ignore what’s going on in the world around them – the deteriorating cities, homeless tent cities, millions of illegal aliens living against the law in this country, culture rot in the nation’s schools, millions of welfare grifters and cheats living off the system – and Democrats bent on fixing the rules through the regulatory state to punish the successful.
In the Democrats’ world, there are few winners and lots of losers who need the government to do everything for them. If theirs was a school playground, Democrats would assign a guidance counselor for each student to guarantee that every game of kickball was waged on an equal playing field.
Trump, on the other hand, doesn’t want to pick winners and losers. It’s the type of Reagan-like optimism that will carry him to victory. The fate of America’s future lies in the balance.
Summing it up
One more night! Tell me, is there a world record or a gold medal for the greatest quantity of sheer lies in one four-day period? If so, Democrats would win it! Hands down. Shameful. Democrats always go overboard. Watch for the backlash. It’s coming.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
Kamala Harris candidacy
Donald Trump campaign
Harris Trump debates
J.D. Vance
Kamala vice president
Speaker Mike Johnson
Donald Trump assassination
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election
Tim Walz