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Democrat Cal Cunningham – Conduct Unbecoming In North Carolina

North Carolina Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham has admitted to swapping sexts and arranging a sexual liaison with the wife of an Army subordinate – in military culture,

and in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, short of treason or cowardice in the face of the enemy, there’s no crime an officer can commit that is more despicable.

In the brotherhood of arms, Cunningham’s conduct has been recognized as a crime for some 3,000 years, ever since King David lusted after Bathsheba, the wife of one of his officers, Uriah the Hittite, whom 2 Samuel tells us David sent to the front lines where the fighting was fiercest to be killed in battle so that he could make Bathsheba his eighth wife.

And it isn’t like this is some “October surprise” dreamed up by Republicans or the Thom Tillis campaign.

Democrat Cunningham has admitted to exchanging the sexual texts with California PR strategist Arlene Guzman Todd. Cunningham’s campaign confirmed sext messages first reported by Patrick Howley for (@HowleyReporter) are authentic.

Mr. Howley reports Jeremy Todd was an Army Sergeant First Class who served 15 years in the U.S. Army with five combat deployments including in Iraq and Afghanistan, then studied at the University of Southern California in a determined bid to support his young family.

You can read the texts about getting together between Mrs. Guzman Todd and Democrat Cal Cunningham through this link.

What is even more despicable about Democrat Cunningham’s behavior is he has based much of his campaign on his military service. And if Cunningham is court martialed and the affair proven with a woman whose husband was enlisted and under his command or supervision, he could face military justice for (at a minimum) conduct unbecoming an officer – if it is proven Cunningham acted to advantage or disadvantage to Guzman Todd’s husband there could be further charges.

Were Cunningham to be court-martialed (as the facts indicate he should be) under Article 134 of the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice), a conviction for extra-marital sexual conduct with the wife of subordinate carries with penalties including a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for up to one year.

What’s more, Cunningham is a JAG lawyer. He knows about the military penalties attached to this crime which have been in place since at least 1999.

In 1999 the Army demoted a retired NATO commander who admitted to affairs with the wives of subordinates. Maj. Gen. David R. E. Hale, was first allowed to retire with honor in February 1998 after he had denied charges of adultery brought against him by one of his subordinate's wives.

The Army was immediately accused of employing a double standard of allowing senior officers to escape punishment for sexual misconduct that could lead to more rigorous prosecution of junior officers or enlisted personnel.

Hale, who was the Army's deputy inspector general and the commander of NATO forces in Southern Europe, was later demoted to a one-star brigadier general by Louis Caldera, the Secretary of the Army. The demotion included a reduction of nearly $9,000 in General Hale's annual pension of $75,744.

The sexting is prima facia evidence of Democrat Cal Cunningham’s conduct unbecoming an officer – the big question now is how will the Army deal with it?

Will Cunningham get a pass and the special two-tiered system of justice that allowed Hunter Biden to get a general discharge after he tested positive for cocaine, rather than the court martial he deserved. Will Cunningham be allowed to retire with no disadvantage to his pension or status? And how will North Carolina’s military-heavy voters feel about this vile breach of the brotherhood of arms’ 3,000-year-old code of conduct?

We urge CHQ readers and friends to contact Army Public Affairs at 703-695-0373, ask for Lieutenant General Charles N. Pede, Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army, and demand that the Army treat Democrat Cal Cunningham just like any other officer who admitted to having an inappropriate relationship with the wife of a subordinate.

George Rasley is Managing Editor of Richard Viguerie’s An Army brat born at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri, he served as spokesman for retiring Congressman Mac Thornberry, former Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

  • 2020 Election

  • North Carolina senate race

  • Thom Tillis

  • Democrats

  • Cal Cunningham

  • text messages

  • sexting

  • Arlene Guzman Todd

  • Jeremy Todd

  • conduct unbecoming

  • dishonorable discharge

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