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Democrats Sic FBI On Virginia Parents To Save McAuliffe

CHQ Staff

Virginia’s Far Left Democrat candidate for Governor, Terry McAuliffe, has put himself squarely in opposition to the anti-critical race theory parent protests sweeping Virginia, saying “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” You can watch Glenn

Youngkin’s ad highlighting McAuliffe’s anti-parent extremism through this link “No Say

So, we don’t think it is a coincidence that as McAuliffe’s campaign sinks under the weight of his unpopular anti-parents’ rights positions, his Far Left Democrat allies in Washington, DC have swooped in to try and save him by labeling his opponents “domestic terrorists.”

Indeed, the timing of the announcement that the Biden administration will mobilize the Federal Bureau of Investigation against parents who speak out against public school board policies, is so suspicious that our friend Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, quickly issued a statement decrying the obvious political use of the FBI to squelch opposition to McAuliffe and likeminded Democrats.

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe stated unequivocally that he does not believe parents have a place in their own children’s education at a debate last week. Now, Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland has declared that parents opposing Critical Race Theory should be treated as terrorists by invoking the Patriot Act over their opposition.

Historically, all Americans used to agree about the First Amendment to free speech. The First Amendment was created as a protection to our God-given right to be able to disagree with public policies, seek redress from the government, exercise freedom of religion and yes, run a newspaper or blog without government interference. But McAuliffe thinks that parents in the Commonwealth of Virginia should just sit down and shut up and accept the indoctrination of their children by those who are fundamentally transforming America. And now the federal government is seeking to criminalize standing up for your children and the future of our nation by opposing Marxist indoctrination. The issue is bigger than Critical Race Theory though, it is a question of the relationship between the people and their government.

Virginia’s Thomas Jefferson defined this relationship in the Declaration of Independence writing, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Virginia’s James Madison wrote the Constitution and Virginia’s George Mason played a major role in encapsulating this relationship through the first ten amendments to it, which today is known as the Bill of Rights. The first of these is freedom of speech and religion. And it is this first right that is at stake by both McAuliffe’s proclamation against parents role in the curricula taught in taxpayer funded schools. It is this right which Washington, D.C. overlords want to scuttle by invoking a law that was mistakenly passed in response to the terrorist attack on 9/11 against parents who actually care enough about their kid’s education to show up at school board meetings to have their voices heard.

As we watch Biden’s ongoing assault on commonsense and our basic freedoms, we are reminded that “elections have consequences.” In Virginia you have an election for governor right now. I am no Glenn Youngkin cheerleader, but his opponent has told Virginia voters what he thinks of them. He has told Virginia’s parents that they don’t count. If Virginians do not go out right now to cast your ballots against this tyranny that the greatest sons of Virginia risked their lives and fortunes to oppose 245 years ago, then you will get the government you deserve. One that rules you, rather than you ruling it.

And as you are voting for the House of Delegates, please reject those who stand with McAuliffe in his dismissal of parent’s right to be heard. It is a time for choosing, there are no excuses. The left has bared their teeth and told you exactly who they are. The only question that remains is will you kneel or will you stand and vote them from power?

Earlier this year, McAuliffe smeared parents concerned about critical race theory in schools as conspiracy theorists. But in 2015, McAuliffe’s Department of Education held a training for Virginia teachers that instructed them to “incorporate critical race theory (CRT) lens,” “embrace critical race theory” and “engage in race-conscious teaching and learning.”

And now desperate Democrats are smearing as “domestic terrorists” parents with legitimate concerns about what their children are being taught in public schools. Virginians vote for Governor on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 we urge our fellow Virginians to stand for parents rights and against allowing socialism and Critical Race Theory into our public schools by voting Glenn Youngkin for Governor of Virginia.

  • Virginia Governor's race

  • Glenn Youngkin

  • Terry McAuliffe

  • Governor Doug Wilder

  • parental rights

  • School curriculum

  • Critical Race Theory

  • Sexually explicit materials

  • parental notification

  • McAuliffe vetoes

  • Teachers unions

  • Virginia Education Association (VEA)

  • Attorney General Merrick Garland

176 views32 comments


Mike M
Mike M
Oct 09, 2021

Conservatives are still in the majority around here. But things can change. We're starting to get too many liberals moving in who are trying to escape the sh**hole states that their liberal policies have created. The problem is that they bring their same stupid liberal attitudes with them. They're too stupid to understand Einstein's definition of insanity "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


Oct 08, 2021

All those interested in our freedom and liberty, please check out this great Stew Peters video:


Oct 08, 2021

Today Democrats are trying to kill the First and Second Amendments. If they are successful in doing one or both of those, the entire Constitution will be next. If they can pass their version of national voting reform and economic tyranny, the door will be open to dumping both the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. We will become a Marxist nation and freedom will just be a word in the dictionary. We must not allow this to happen.

Oct 08, 2021
Replying to

I've mentioned it earlier, but please check out this Stew Peters video:


Oct 08, 2021

It's very un-Christian, but sometimes when I see Mr. Garland's face I am tempted to push a chocolate-cream-pie right into it!!! He is an absolute 'bum' as an Attorney General, so plainly biased ----- sold his soul to the Dems and the devil long ago. What a disaster he would be as a Supreme Court justice, although he and Sotomayor would be quite the "couple" in their ideological blindness. The Department of Justice is a farce right now, at the beck-and-call of all 'progressive causes'. It is like a 'goon' that just waits for some juicy 'issue' where it has NO CALL to be involved, but gets involved anyway. Then, where some "light" is desperately needed (Hunter Biden's escapades, Antifa…

Mike M
Mike M
Oct 09, 2021
Replying to

We do a maple cream pie every now and then. Talk about being addictive! That thing ought to be illegal!


Oct 07, 2021

Virginia is too close to the swamp to expect a fair election. McAuliffe is a Clintonite. He knows how to steal an election.

Oct 07, 2021
Replying to

If I was a betting man, my money would be on the crooked McAuliffe. To be honest, I am not so sure that the 2022 mid-terms are the GOP slam dunk everyone seems to expect--especially when viewed in the light of their collapse in the 2018 and 2020 elections.

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