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Establishment Media Protecting Virginia Democrats’ Porn Star Candidate

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Our friends at Newsbusters have broken another piece of the Susanna Gibson porn scandal. It turns out that the Associated Press (AP) passed on investigating Virginia Democrat legislative candidate Susana Gibson's porn scandal, and instead alerted her that the story was breaking.

You can read all about the original scandal on CHQ in our article “Democrats Are The Party Of Public Deviance And Depravity,” including how top Virginia Democrats and liberal pro-abortion interest groups have tried to make Gibson into the victim, even as she raised money for her campaign by auctioning off online sex acts.

Now Newsbusters reports Luke Rosiak, reporter for The Daily Wire and 2022 MRC Bulldog Award winner for outstanding investigative journalism, released an article on Friday about the latest developments in the scandal in cam girl turned Democratic Virginia State House candidate Susanna Gibson. Rosiak reports that the Associated Press not only passed on the story, but alert Gibson to the fact that her public X-rated videos had been discovered.

At the bottom of a piece otherwise dedicated to whether Gibson’s video’s violated Virginia’s prostitution laws, Rosiak reports:

Correspondence viewed by The Daily Wire shows the Associated Press was tipped off about the pornographic content on September 5, but chose not to do anything with the story. It did, however, make Gibson aware of the videos, which she appears to have had taken down in the days after the Associated Press alerted her that they had been discovered.

The outlet did not cover the videos until September 12, after it had already been reported by others.

Not only did AP interfere in the election by not running the scandal of a candidate in a swing district with the State House majority and possibly Gov. Glenn Youngkin's agenda hanging in the balance possibly using porn profits for her campaign or “a good cause,” but it also interfered in the election by helping the Democrat get ahead of the news cycle.

The AP’s decision to go to bat for Gibson is part of a pattern for the media. The New York Times and CBS both described the story as a “leak.” A leak would be the result of a hacking operation not simply becoming aware of and calling attention to something that was released for public consumption.

And, while AP was passing on the story and alerting the culprit, Luke Rosiak had actual news – big news – to report.

Rosiak reported Virginia law states that “any person who, for money or its equivalent … engages in sexual intercourse” or other sexual acts with another person “is guilty of prostitution, which is punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.”

Shawn M. Cline, a former prosecutor and defense attorney in Virginia Beach who represents people charged with sex crimes, said in his view it’s a “chargeable offense.”

“The statute is very clear, you cannot for money or its equivalent perform sex acts,” Cline told The Daily Wire. “It doesn’t matter who’s paying for the act, if it’s an observer or the recipient. You can’t receive money.”

“It would definitely be a chargeable offense,” Cline told Luke Rosiak.

Mr. Rosiak reported Gretchen Taylor Pousson, a former public defender in Virginia who is now a defense attorney with ScrofanoLaw, said she thinks Gibson violated the statute “because the token [she was soliciting online] would be equivalent to money. And she is actually performing these acts upon another person.”

In one video, Rosiak reported, Gibson described a plan to trick hotel employees into seeing her naked against their will, in order to get a sexual thrill for herself and her viewers.

“Tell him I want a bottle and have them bring it into the room and we’ll be naked and they can all watch. It’s gonna be great. I’m definitely a slut,” she said. “In order to leave the door cracked I need 500 tokens from 10 of y’all. 10. Otherwise not worth it. Don’t get me kicked out from my favorite hotel y’all.”

It seems to us that Virginia Democrat legislative candidate Susanna Gibson isn’t the only [self-described] slut in this scandal, because the Associated Press and the Democratic Party of Virginia are right there in bed with her.

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Sep 20, 2023

This shouldn't surprise anyone, folks . . .


Mike M
Mike M
Sep 19, 2023

Typical liberal behavior. She's made a complete and total moron out of herself and now she wants to blame conservatives because she's a fool and a prostitute.


Sep 19, 2023

Stands to reason, as she represents so much of the values of the Leftards!

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