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Ethics and Policy Should Stop Haaland Nomination as Secretary of the Interior

CHQ Staff

Nearly 100 leaders of the Conservative Action Project issued a statement opposing the

nomination of Representative Deb Haaland (D-NM) to serve as Secretary of the Interior.

The statement details the many policy reasons for opposing Haaland’s nomination, but there are also her ever-changing financial disclosure forms and the ethical questions they raise to be considered as well.

As John Solomon reported for Just the News, Haaland has now offered a third account to House ethics officials about how much she earned the year she first won her congressional seat.

As her cabinet nomination wound its way through the Senate confirmation process, Haaland quietly filed a second amendment to her legally required congressional financial disclosure report, eliminating more than $40,000 in income she previously claimed she earned in 2018.

The new report reports her total earnings in 2018 were only $4,000, even as she traveled the country and New Mexico campaigning for Congress and carried a student loan debt of between $15,000 and $50,000 that dates to 2006.

To put that into perspective, the federal poverty level for a single-person household in 2018 was $12,140, or about three times the amount she now claims she lived on.

The new report also changes the sources of the income she claimed she received in 2018, dropping entirely one source of salary she claimed from a tribal casino, drastically reducing another and adding a previously undeclared retirement account.

The changes, according to congressional sources, have raised two questions:

1. How did Haaland live on just $4,000 for an entire a year in which she ran for Congress, which involved traveling to hotels and events?

2. Did Haaland accurately account for her income on her federal and state tax returns, given that she has given three separate accountings for her income on her congressional ethics report for 2018? Ordinarily, candidates consult their tax returns when filling out the forms.

"Filing accurate personal financial disclosure reports is critically important to our system of checks and balances. Biden nominees should be treated the same as Trump nominees. Questions about this must be asked and answered before a vote takes place," Citizens United President David Bossie told Just the News.

Added Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch: "Ethics forms, when used fairly, help alert the public (and Senators) to any major red flags. A significant revision of an ethics form as it relates to income sources is unusual and a red flag.”

Here’s the text of the Conservative Action Project’s statement opposing the nomination of Deb Haaland to serve as Secretary of the Interior.

Given her opposition to American energy independence, Haaland’s ethics problems should be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. We urge conservatives to call the toll-free Capitol Switchboard (1-866-220-0044) to tell their Senators they must get answers to Halland’s ever-changing financial disclosures before bringing her nomination to the Floor, let alone vote AYE.

March 9, 2021

Washington, DC

Conservatives urge the Senate to reject the nomination of Representative Deb Haaland (D-NM) to lead the Department of the Interior.

Haaland’s statements at her confirmation hearing acknowledging the important and continued role of fossil fuels in America’s energy grid belie a record which suggest she believes otherwise.

As a Member of the House of Representatives, Haaland is a cosponsor of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) Green New Deal – a proposal which not only seeks the elimination of fossil fuels entirely, but envisions a wholesale re-creation of the American economy.

Haaland is also the principal sponsor of the “Thirty by Thirty” resolution, which seeks to federalize 30 percent of the country’s ocean and land as a means toward addressing climate change, and has been a vocal proponent of permanently banning the practice of fracking.

Despite giving lip service to the importance of fossil fuels – America’s largest source of energy – Haaland has said she supports President Biden’s decision to shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Many of Haaland’s positions and statements have indicated she is to the left of even the Biden administration – and would likely push the agenda even further should she be confirmed.

At a time where both jobs and the stability of our energy supply are both of paramount importance, it is clear that Rep. Haaland will take the Department of the Interior in a more ideological direction than a measured and thoughtful one. We urge the Senate to reject her nomination.

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The Honorable Edwin Meese III

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President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)

Alfred S. Regnery

Chairman, Conservative Action Project

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The Honorable Jim DeMint

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David N. Bossie


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60 Plus Association

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Melvin Adams


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William Dennison


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Ed Corrigan

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The Honorable Mike Hill

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Dr. Clive Roberson


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E. Calvin Beisner

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The Honorable Jennifer Fielder


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Bill Jensen


Key West Real Estate

  • Biden nominees

  • Biden administration

  • Rep. Deb Haaland

  • Secretary of the Interior

  • Financial Disclosure Forms

  • Ethical questions

  • Senate Confirmation

  • New Mexico

  • David Bossie

  • Tom Fitton

  • Energy independence

  • Fossil Fuels

  • Green New Deal

  • Thirty by thirty resolution

  • fracking ban

  • climate change

  • Keystone Pipeline

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All of Biden's appointees have been receiving votes of 70-80 yes vs. 20-30 no. Why is that? Where are the Republicans?


Charles Wilkins
Charles Wilkins
Mar 10, 2021

It’s more then obvious now Democrat’s, can’t govern, Governor Newsom, Governor Cuomo, Speaker Pelosi, the additional Governors who caused the death of thousands of seniors, before their time, and now our biggest joke of all, Joe Biden always rushing to go nowhere and do nothing. It is really time to impeach this guy, have a recall? or force his resignation. Our energy policy about to financially collapse, our southern border overrun with virus ridden illegal’s with thousands more coming. The country more divided then ever and a bunch of radicals controlling purse stings who really never had a business or had to meet payroll etc. spending and taxing like they new what they are doing. The American people what to…

Mar 10, 2021
Replying to

the only problem is that then we will have the hoe and she is even worse. If we impeach her then will will peelosie who is even worse. We need to push for a true recount of this illegal president who won by voter fraud.

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