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FLASH: Schumer Moves To Break Filibuster And Pass One Party Rule Bill

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

The Senate’s Democrat Majority Leader, Senator Charles Schumer of New York has

announced a new plan to try to dismantle or bypass the Senate rules to pass the Democrats’ one-party rule election bill, now known as H.R. 5746. The best way to stop this Democrat power grab is to go to to tell Senators to vote NO on any Schumer proposal to dismantle the filibuster or pass a federal takeover of elections.

You can read a fast takedown of this attempt to make America into a one-party state through this link.

As we reported here, Schumer gave Republicans a Jan. 17 deadline to get on board with Democrats to pass their bill to federalize all future elections and institutionalize the practices that led to the questions about the 2020 presidential election, or he will call a vote to remove the Senate’s filibuster rule before the 2022 midterm elections.

It will take less than 60 seconds to tell Senators to preserve the filibuster and stop Democrats from turning America into a one-party Socialist state by going to

Here's the likely calendar and scenario as gamed out by conservative Senate staff and the politically astute observers at Heritage Action for America:

Thursday, Jan 13:

The House has passed and will send over its message on their new bill to takeover elections (H.R. 5746). This message from the House enjoys privilege, meaning that the vote in the Senate to begin debate on H.R. 5746 is not subject to the 60-vote filibuster.

To begin debate on the bill will require only a simple majority (51 votes). The Senate is expected to vote on the Motion to Proceed (on debate) on Thursday and open debate.

Today Friday, Jan 14:

It is expected that Schumer will allow a full day of debate and then file cloture sometime on Friday to cut off debate (60 vote threshold still remains to end debate) and end the Republican filibuster.

Cloture requires an intervening day to ripen (Saturday), pushing the vote on cloture to end debate to Sunday (there is some speculation that this could be Monday if Schumer wants to hold the vote on MLK Day).

Saturday, Jan 15:

A waiting day—cloture requires this “intervening day” to ripen before a vote can be held. Senators will likely spend the day on the floor making speeches on the subject.

Sunday, Jan 16 or Monday, Jan 17:

When cloture is ripened, here is the sequence of events that we expect:

Schumer will ask the parliamentarian (the keeper of the Senate rules) if voting rights legislation is subject to the filibuster.

The parliamentarian will advise the Chair (whichever Democratic member is presiding over the Senate at the time) that the filibuster does apply.

The Chair would then ignore this advisement from the parliamentarian.

At this point, McConnell will have to ask for a vote to appeal the ruling of the Chair - this is the vote to either affirm the filibuster or disregard it (51 “yes” votes will keep the filibuster).

50 Republicans + Sinema + Manchin = 52 votes

Those 52 votes would then overturn the ruling of the Chair and make the legislation subject to the filibuster.


Our friends at Heritage Action think Schumer would likely still force a vote on cloture to end debate (at a 60-vote threshold) which would fail. This means the Senate would NOT move onto a vote for final passage of H.R. 5746 – this would end the latest attempt by Democrat’s to put D.C. bureaucrats in charge of our election laws.

Schumer’s threat is pure hypocrisy and nothing more than another opportunity to put pressure on the Senate’s two off the reservation Democrats; Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema.

It will take less than 60 seconds to tell Senators to preserve the filibuster and stop Democrats from turning America into a one-party Socialist state by going to

  • Chuck Schumer

  • filibuster

  • Joe Manchin

  • Kyrsten Sinema

  • Voting rights

  • Joe Biden

  • Build Back Better

  • Mitch McConnell

  • H.R. 5746

  • January 17 deadline

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Jan 14, 2022

It is interesting to see Republicans defend the fraudulent election that has forced Joe Biden upon us, yet they oppose this bill which would federalize the tactics that they have apparently endorsed. I'm confused! If the election was perfect, why not go along with this? Did you see Biden the other day shouting about how this is about who gets to "count the vote?" It shouldn't matter who's counting the vote. That's why we have observers from the parties on hand to witness the count, so that the People can trust the process. The idea of "accepting the outcome of an election" was taken for granted...we the People accepted because we trusted the process. That trust was broken in a…

Jamie Seal Cates
Jamie Seal Cates
Jan 17, 2022
Replying to

It has to be the Constitution rules!!!


Jan 14, 2022

It should be crystal clear to all that they stole the 2020 election in order to steal all future elections. It's pretty pathetic that the Republic is now in the dirty hands of money-grubbing Senators. Oh, the irony...the party that calls itself "democratic" just can't wait to eliminate voting in favor of one party rule.

Jan 17, 2022
Replying to

"Money grubbing," is that code for Jewish?


Jan 14, 2022

The blatant hypocrisy from these DEMS is disgusting!! They have used the filibuster MANY times, in fact in the last administration, so this 'change' smells more than Joe's pants.


Charles Wilkins
Charles Wilkins
Jan 14, 2022

Stage rooms, hidden from reporters, giant wall teleprompter, concealed ear voice relays, fart proof sound disapaters, and he still fxxxs everything up, this is the United Staes of America, not the biden wantaby dicatatorship, joe biden man without a country, his America last policy is blowing up in his face this is what happens when the father and son team travel the world at the tax payors expense with their hands out, looking for monetary gain, at the cost of loyalty to America. Now that more and more has become public information joe biden is attempting to change and alter our constitution to hide behind smoke screens to ease their personal gain against the rules and laws. Return their pot…


James Bryson
James Bryson
Jan 14, 2022

Back in your hole Sen. Beezelbub...

all that red slime dripping from your satanic carcass is unsightly.

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