Our friend David Lane of the American Renewal Project alerted us that NBC News reports that the Biden campaign plans to mark the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade - which in 1973 guaranteed the federal right to abortion - by
bombarding the country with messaging and events aimed at contrasting President Joe Biden’s views with those of former President Donald Trump.*
Planned Parenthood must have been throwing their hat in the air in clamorous celebration of its ruthless termination of 1.11 million unborn lives between 2019 and 2021 and, what counts for even more, having been on the receiving end of $1.78 billion in taxpayers’ dollars, Mr. Lane said in his email.
By the way, in his alert Mr. Lane echoed our view that conservatives should denounce former Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan [2015-2019] for that outrage.
Christians will by now have had enough of the doublespeak of moderate establishment Republicans who run as conservatives and then govern as Obama clones. If Russell Kirk [1918-1994], the father of modern American conservatism, is correct that “politicians are actors performing a script that is written by the audience,” it still remains the question where then is the Church?
“Christians will have to take their Civics game to a new level. Somebody’s values are going to reign supreme in the public square. If Evangelical and Pro-Life Catholic Christians stay home from the voting booth - in a presidential year, no less than half of all Christians unfortunately refrain from being registered and voting - then those ‘who speak perverse things, who leave the paths of uprightness’ ... will elect their candidates, create and pass legislation, bringing about anarchy as its ‘natural consequence and fitting punishment’ to a spiritually apathetic nation,” observed David Lane.
Former President Trump conceded last week that the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which overturned the constitutional right to abortion, was likely to blame for the GOP’s lackluster performance in the 2022 elections when an anticipated ‘red wave’ didn’t come to fruition. And the reason, simply put, is that Evangelical and Pro-Life Catholic Christians stayed home on Election Day.
Last year’s constitutional amendment in Ohio reinforces the point. Issue 1: the Right to Make Reproductive Decisions, Including the Abortion Initiative, was on the ballot on November 7, 2023, where 57% of Ohioans approved the amendment to classify abortion as a state constitutional right.
Inside the Beltway and across the nation, family policy leaders are particularly proficient in public relations: boosting their reputation, improving their image, increasing their awareness, self-promotion, and raising money. However, winning elections and serving as a thermostat to regulate the moral climate in America turns out to be beyond their capabilities.
In modern culture, Christ’s Light is hidden under the bushel inside the church building [Matthew 5:15]. Having been sequestered there for the last 75 years, the Church exerts little cultural influence. Present-day American Christianity poorly understands how to muster and marshal the troops to the ballot box. Consequently, it leaves secularists unopposed to elect their representatives, to draft and pass legislation, and to codify into law their profane values.
The political ineptness of conservatives is mind-boggling. Wrapping an organization’s logo around a bus and running it across a state the week before an election - when 50% of the vote is already in from early voting - is political ignorance and self-destruction.
The difference between the early American Founders’ approach and contemporary American Christendom in regulating the moral temperature of culture is as different as darkness is from light. One ends in talk, while the other is expressed in deeds. One breaks down when put to the test, while the other survives every trial it is exposed to. One is inoperative and ineffectual, while the other is active and powerful.
It has almost become a cliché to declare that we have “reached the tipping point” in our nation, but it is also true. And, it is time for faithful Catholics and other Christians to stand up courageously and forthrightly to confront the evil that has overtaken our culture and say, “Enough is enough!” Because whether you are aware of it or not, there are powerful forces in government at every level, as well as in the mainstream media, and in the Silicon Valley technocracy that are working aggressively to silence the Church through legislation, lies, intimidation, and censorship.*
The side of evil should now be obvious to everyone. The perverts, pedophiles, abortion fanatics, homicidal anti-Semites and Chinese communist party officials are all on the same grotesque side. It’s the side of the woke and the queer theorists.
It’s the side of the Democrat Party in America and the communist Left all around the world.*
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once said: “A nation always gets the kind of politicians it deserves. If a time ever comes when the religious Jews, Protestants, and Catholics ever have to suffer under a totalitarian state which would deny to them the right to worship God according to the light of their conscience, it will be because for years they thought it made no difference what kind of people represented them, and because they abandoned the spiritual in the realm of the temporal.”
CHQ Chairman Richard A Viguerie’s mantra for many years has been, “We’re in a Spiritual Civil War.” It’s time for faithful Christians and Jews to up their civics game to a new level and run to the sound of the guns.
* Hat tips to David Lane, Emerald Robinson and Fr. Edward Meeks, a Catholic priest of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, and the founding pastor of Christ the King Church in Towson, Maryland for the words and inspiration behind this article.
2024 Election
Donald Trump
Joe Biden campaign
Roe v. Wade
Planned Parenthood
Speaker Paul Ryan
Establishment Republicans
Dobbs decision
2022 Elections
Ohio Issue 1
American culture
Catholic Church
LGBTQ agenda
The problem with abortion as an issue is that Republican candidates are afraid to discuss it. It works for Democrats because they have been successful in couching it in the concept of women's health and other poisitive depictions. It is not health. It is not a right. Arguments can be made against it from the simple fact that a lot of potentially productive citizens, some of them genius's or life saving hero's, failed to be born because they were aborted instead of being born. Among other arguments is the fact of the gruesome details of what actually takes place during a "procedure" and the pain experienced by the baby. Then there are religious based arguments. The key is that Republican's…
We get the politicians we deserve ONLY IF we have free elections. When the Godless horde is deciding who they will allow to run and/or win, we have no choice which politicians we get.
With the way things have gone since 2018, I would not be too hopeful that our values will prevail. The Deep State left and the Democrat Progressives are ruling the roost. The Republicans always talk a great game, but the fact that President Trump lost the 2020 election really says it all.