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Mark Zuckerberg Really Doesn’t Want You To See The Reagan Movie

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Back in mid-August it was revealed that Facebook, the social media platform founded and controlled by Lefty billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, decided promoting a biopic about the 40th US president is too political and couldn’t be advertised online, said the producers of the well-regarded film “Reagan.”

A letter obtained and reported by the New York Post shows an executive of Rawhide Pictures, which produced Reagan, asking Mark Zuckerberg, head of Facebook’s parent firm Meta, to allow the film’s account “to both freely post as well as advertise our content” on the platform.

The letter marked the second time the Reagan film was censored by Facebook.

But two weeks ago, a Facebook spokesperson told Newsweek magazine the rejections were “incorrectly” applied and “there are no restrictions” that would block administrators of the movie’s Facebook page from posting promotional materials.

The New York Post’s Mark A. Kellner reported Eric McClellan, the movie’s digital marketing director, said Zuckerberg hadn’t responded so far to their requests seeking answers. “We’re trying to promote our film to our fans and reach new fans, and one of the key ways to do that is through advertising, through Meta on Facebook and on Instagram,” McClellan told The Post in a phone interview.


He claims the tech titan blocked Reagan movie posts and promotions “several times over the past couple of years” and claimed the items violate community guidelines “because they deal with social issues.”


Facebook even said they were “concerned our content could sway public opinion or the outcome of an election.”


“But our content [is] about a movie,” McClellan said. “It’s nine positive quotes from Ronald Reagan, who hasn’t run in an election in 40 years, and we just don’t understand why they’re doing that.”

The star of the film, actor Dennis Quaid, told podcaster Joe Rogan that Reagan was targeted by the staff of Meta subsidiary Facebook.


“Censorship is happening to us through Facebook. Facebook banned advertising and a lot of the podcasts,” he told Rogan.

“Well, there was an Obama movie that came out during an election year in 2020. And you know nothing about that. To me, it’s just an act of banning or censoring that material in an attempt to sway an election,” the Reagan star said.

How did it work?

Eric McClellan, director of digital marketing for the Reagan film, had attempted to “boost” an ad on the platform but discovered that he could publish the ad but could not turn it into a paid advertisement to garner a broader reach for the film.

“Really? Just because — is it a positive film about [former President Ronald] Reagan? Is that what the idea is? Is that what is bothering them?” Rogan responded.


“The reason being was that the content in it was ‘an attempt to sway an election,'” he explained, adding, “I mean, the last time I heard Reagan was on the ballot, 40 years ago was the last time.”


Rogan followed up by asking, “Do you think [if] you made a positive Obama movie, it would sway an election?”


“This happened because our automated systems mistakenly determined that content about President Reagan required prior authorization in accordance with our policies for ads about Social Issues, Elections or Politics,” the social media platform explained. “This was a mistake and the restriction on the ads has been lifted.”


“They said it was a ‘mistake,’” Quaid told Rogan about the social media network limiting the film’s advertisements on their platform. “They said it was their automatic systems that had detected it.”


Rogan replied, “Oh, how convenient.”

How convenient indeed, because the Facebook censorship of anything remotely resembling conservative content has been going on for years.

As Senator Charles “Chuck” Grassley explained in a February 2022 news release, “I was surprised to learn that Facebook recently flagged a news article I posted on one of my Facebook pages as “false information.” The article I posted was about new Durham investigation allegations against the Hillary Clinton campaign and its associates. The article clearly cited a federal court filing and a former congressional investigator with a deep understanding of Democrats’ work to concoct the bogus Russia collusion narrative that divided our nation for years.


“This wouldn’t be an issue today if more journalists did their job of being the police of our society and reported on all investigations – not just ones that appeal to a certain political party... It’s truly mind-blowing that these companies continue to interfere in free expression. Big Tech is silencing everyone they disagree with and clearly they see no check to their power.


“The article I cited in my post was on, a mainstream news organization. Why does Facebook and one of its third-party fact-checker partners get to make the decision that this news article is considered false information? That decision should be made by the American people who should be able to view that content and decide for themselves.


“It shouldn’t be decided by our Big Tech overlords who seem to only find fault with content that is conservative or goes against the liberal narrative.”

To find a Reagan movie location near you click here to go to the Fandango website.

  • 2024 Election

  • Mark Zuckerberg

  • Reagan movie

  • Dennis Quaid

  • Movie advertising

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  • Facebook censorship

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  • Public opinion

  • Reagan quotes

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Mike M
Mike M

Ronald Reagan was probably the greatest anti-Communist of his generation. Zuckerberg is a liberal aka Socialist aka Communist so naturally he hates anything and everything that has anything to do with Reagan.

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