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President Trump Predicted It: Hunter Biden Gets Sweetheart Deal On Tax And Gun Charges

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

As President Trump predicted, Joe Biden’s Justice Department is cutting a sweetheart deal with Hunter Biden in order to make their bogus case to 'get Trump' appear fair. What’s more,

Biden's DOJ continues to turn a blind eye to the Biden family's extensive corruption and bribery scheme.

Earlier this month the former President took to his Truth social media platform to predict the Justice Department will try to create a veneer of impartiality to cover their persecution of him.

Mr. Trump launched one of his trademark salvos at the DOJ as Biden’s phony case against him for mishandling classified documents at Mar-a-Lago careened toward his formal indictment on the charges. “It’s all about ELECTION INTERFERENCE… They are using the DOJ & FBI against me to Rigg [sic] the 2024 Election.”

“They are the Party of Disinformation!” Trump seethed. “They’ll hit Hunter with something small to make their strike on me look ‘fair.’ Nothing about these Fascists is fair or honest. FIGHT!”

President Trump has long predicted that the investigation into President Joe Biden’s family will come to an underwhelming conclusion, with Hunter Biden receiving a mere slap on the wrist for his questionable conduct over the years.

And after five years of investigating, it looks like former President Trump was right after multiple media outlets have reported federal prosecutors will finally charge Hunter Biden with tax and gun crimes. But Joe Biden’s miscreant son was reportedly offered a deal that will keep him out of jail.

According to our friends at The Blaze the deal reached between U.S. Attorney David Weiss and Hunter's attorneys, Hunter "has tentatively agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges of failure to pay in 2017 and 2018." Hunter is accused of not paying taxes on a liability of about $1.2 million. But instead of jail, prosecutors agreed to recommend Hunter receive only probation and pay the amount of taxes that he originally owed.

Additionally, Hunter will admit to illegally possessing a firearm, but he will not plead guilty to lying on the federal form. Under typical circumstances, possessing a firearm while using illegal drugs is a felony. But Hunter will technically not be prosecuted for the crime. Instead, he will be offered a diversion program and probation.

When Hunter Biden meets the conditions of diversion, the crime will be removed from his record, but he will be banned from owning firearms, the New York Times reported.

Perhaps the sweetest part of the sweetheart deal is this: Offering diversion for the firearm-related charge is unusual by recent standards. According to the Washington Post, “between October 2022 and March 2023, federal prosecutors filed 3,863 cases in which the unlawful possession of a firearm was the lead charge.”

Importantly, 130 of those cases involved lying to obtain the firearm. In Delaware specifically, one person was prosecuted between October 2022 and March 2023 for unlawful possession of a firearm in which a false statement was used to obtain the firearm. That person, of course, was not a coked-up Hunter Biden.

Despite the evidence of crimes, The Blaze reported Hunter has not been arrested, and is not expected to wear handcuffs. Whether he will be formally booked into jail remains unclear. He is, however, expected to appear in federal court in Delaware in the coming days to answer the charges.

Hunter Biden’s attorney, Christopher Clark, appeared to attribute Hunter’s legal troubles to his drug addiction. "I know Hunter believes it is important to take responsibility for these mistakes he made during a period of turmoil and addiction in his life," Clark said. "He looks forward to continuing his recovery and moving forward."

Clark claimed the deal means the investigation is "resolved," however, according to media reports U.S. Attorney David Weiss said in a statement, "The investigation is ongoing." So, Hunter’s problems on other fronts may not be over.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton summed up what most conservatives are probably thinking regarding the reported Biden Justice Department plea deal with Hunter Biden for misdemeanor tax violations and a false statement tied to a gun purchase:

Simply put, the Garland Justice Department’s disparate treatment of Hunter Biden and President Trump is an abomination unto the law. The sweetheart plea deal with Hunter Biden is a “thumb in the eye” to the fair administration of law. This is a miscarriage of justice whose chief beneficiary is President Biden. For far too long, Biden has avoided any serious investigation of his involvement in Hunter’s corrupt foreign business dealings. The plea deal, which doesn’t address the strong evidence of Biden family racketeering, is a sham.

Garland has now cleared the board for Biden’s reelection campaign by arresting Trump and shutting down the Biden family corruption issue with this rigged plea deal. And by refusing to appoint a special counsel, Garland avoids having to issue a public report disclosing the facts and details behind this charade. The Justice Department has been irredeemably compromised by its politicized prosecutions and cover-ups.

Congress now has no choice but to initiate an immediate impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden and Merrick Garland. In the meantime, Judicial Watch will continue its leadership role investigating and exposing the worsening Biden corruption crisis through numerous FOIA and federal and state lawsuits.

As is often the case, a Donald Trump prediction about Democrats is right – both the timing and the sweetheart deal “resolving” the Hunter Biden case are way too convenient to be a coincidence.

The Capitol Switchboard is (202-224-3121), call today and tell your Senators and Representative that you demand they initiate an immediate impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden and Merrick Garland.

  • Biden bribery scheme

  • Document 1023

  • unclassified material

  • FBI Director Wray

  • Joe Biden impeachment

  • Merrick Garland impeachment

  • FBI overreach

  • Senator Chuck Grassley

  • Representative James Comer

  • Biden family scandals

  • Hunter Biden

  • Burisma

  • Ukraine

  • Special Counsel Jack Smith

  • Hunter Biden attorney Christopher Clark

  • Hunter Biden tax evasion

  • Hunter Biden weapons possession

  • Hunter Biden jail time

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7 Kommentare

22. Juni 2023

Bottom line is that if any of us did this, we would be looking at serious jail time.

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Mike M
Mike M
22. Juni 2023

Hunter Biden is lower than whale crap at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. Which is a trait he shares with all liberals and especially his senile evil old Communist hypocrite of a father.

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21. Juni 2023

Anybody who has seen Biden in action the last half century should not be surprised by this. He helped scuttle Robert Bork's Supreme Court nomination in 1987. He was Barry Obama's point guard for eight years. He was the guy behind suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop-from-hell story that cost President Trump re-election in 2020. So, of course, Hunter got this sweetheart deal.

The big problem is that the GOP seems content to grin and bear this. And they handed Biden the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Conservatives need a new political party to represent the conservative cause. My suggestion is the Founders Party of America. Please check out their website.

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21. Juni 2023

Most people who fail to pay their taxes will be assessed penalties and interest that amount to more than double what they owe and the IRS won't let them off that easy. Democrats have perfected the art of shooting their own to divert attention from what they are really doing. In this case, it's a grazing wound. The Biden's have committed major felonies and they are either ignored or downgraded to misdemeanors while Trump may have (that's a big may have) committed misdemeanors that the Biden lieutenants have upgraded to felonies. Equal justice per the Constitution and the laws thereunder is a thing of the past in Democratland.

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21. Juni 2023

It was only a few short years ago when it was demanded that a President's DOJ appointees be "independent" from the White House. In other words, no "sweetheart deals," or looking the other way when it relates to the Administration. We could no longer have appointees declaring that they were the President's "wingman." Well, it was fine when it was a Democrat Administration, and now it's in style again with another Democrat Administration.

If you can remember, it was Jeff Sessions who set the surrender tone at the Trump DOJ. Of course, they suggested, Sessions would clear Trump of "Russian collusion." Someone not tied to Trump (or his campaign) needed to investigate the case... That's how we ended up with…

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