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Sarah Palin Was Right About Death Panels

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Updated: Jan 24, 2022

Remember when former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin was excoriated by Democrats and the Leftwing news media for predicting Obamacare would lead to “death panels”?

In a Facebook post Gov. Palin said:

government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost. And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course. The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's "death panel" so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their "level of productivity in society," whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

Governor Palin’s prediction was named PolitiFact's inaugural “Lie of the Year” in a column in which the Lefty authors at PolitiFact said:

Of all the falsehoods and distortions in the political discourse this year, one stood out from the rest.

"Death panels."

The claim set political debate afire when it was made in August, raising issues from the role of government in health care to the bounds of acceptable political discussion. In a nod to the way technology has transformed politics, the statement wasn't made in an interview or a television ad. Sarah Palin posted it on her Facebook page.

Her assertion — that the government would set up boards to determine whether seniors and the disabled were worthy of care — spread through newscasts, talk shows, blogs and town hall meetings. Opponents of health care legislation said it revealed the real goals of the Democratic proposals. Advocates for health reform said it showed the depths to which their opponents would sink. Still others scratched their heads and said, "Death panels? Really?"

The editors of, the fact-checking Web site of the St. Petersburg Times, have chosen it as our inaugural "Lie of the Year."

Although regularly ridiculed by the Left, Governor Palin has been proven right a number of times since 2009, most recently about how COVID health care is rationed in Democrat-run states.

In a recent column recounting the ordeal he faced getting monoclonal antibody treatment for his parents who live in Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Michigan GULAG, Michael J. Stern, a member of the Board of Contributors of USA TODAY, made this startling revelation:

I also asked whether the doctor could arrange for my mom to get the monoclonal antibody treatment that is largely credited with saving former President Donald Trump’s life when he contracted COVID-19, and has been available to the public for a year.

Here’s where things went off the rails.

The nurse said that my mother’s age and medical condition would qualify her for the treatment, but that the limited supply meant a doctor’s prescription was not enough. A referral had to be made to a group of doctors who decide which patients will be given the lifesaving drug. He made the referral and assured us that we’d hear from the group that handled the treatment, within 24 hours.

Then 24, 48, 72, 96 hours passed and not a word from the people who authorize the monoclonal antibody treatment.

Mr. Stern said his mother was 85, with other serious health risks, but after waiting days, this was the only response he got:

What did come was a suggestion that I go on a website that had more than 100 listings for monoclonal antibody treatment centers across the state. So began my slog through countless hours of elevator music, deposited voicemails and telephone transfers that ended in disconnection – all in an effort to secure a potentially lifesaving treatment for my parents.

Mr. Stern’s parents were also denied the Paxlovid and Molnupiravir oral antiviral treatments due to “limited availability.” Fortunately for Mr. Stern and his parents he was able to get them the lifesaving monoclonal antibody treatment at a center some 70 miles from their home.

We contrast the death panels and lack of transparency in Democrat-run Michigan to Florida, where, despite the roadblocks thrown-up by the Biden administration, Gov. Ron DeSantis’s Republican-run state is actually increasing the number of taxpayer-funded state-administered sites.

And to sign-up for Florida’s taxpayer-funded monoclonal antibody treatment there’s no death panel, all you need is a positive test and an online appointment, and the same goes for the Paxlovid and Molnupiravir oral antiviral treatments.

Governor Palin was right back in 2009, but she won’t get any kudos or respect for the warning from liberals like Mr. Stern. And we certainly don’t expect that Governor DeSantis will get any kudos or respect from Democrats for creating a model COVID treatment program that has saved countless lives. But come Election Day we’re guessing lots of voters will remember that it was conservative Republicans like Gov Palin who warned them about the coming health care fascism, and it was conservative Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis who set-up the program to treat those suffering from COVID, no matter their age, vaccination status or perceived social utility.

George Rasley is Managing Editor of A member of American MENSA, and a veteran of over 300 political campaigns, Rasley served on the Board of Directors of Goshen Hospital and worked on health and science issues on the staff of the United States House of Representatives. He also served as a lead advance representative for Governor Sarah Palin’s 2008 campaign for Vice President.

  • Obamacare

  • death panels

  • Sarah Palin

  • Healthcare rationing

  • monoclonal antibody treatment

  • COVID treatments

  • Paxlovid and Molnupiravir oral antiviral treatments

  • Gov. Ron DeSantis

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Jan 25, 2022

Anyone that has any basic understanding of how socialized medicine works knew Sara Palin was right. I think Odumbo himself hinted at it when he admitted that he would want his own grandmother to get the best possible care even if the system wouldn't allow it. (And, of course, we know that in a full on socialized system, anyone that has political clout would get many more approvals of care than us peasants would.)

Jan 26, 2022
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You are right and wrong. By the time a full blown socialist system were in place, there would no longer be a different political view. We would be living under a system like they are building in China, where the government tracks what you say and do, and based on your good minus bad points score, would determin what you get or don't get. And by definition, those with political clout would also have high scores. (And, by the way, we are already living under an unofficial version of that; we call it "cancel culture", which is more or less what you were refering to.)

You are 100% totaly spot on, correct, got it right, you get it, as far…


Jan 24, 2022

Governor Palin was the only reason John McCain had a chance in his 2008 election bid. She has never received the credit she deserves for keeping that election bid going.


Jan 24, 2022

The best argument against Obamacare is the scamdemic. IF the right takes over come November, the first act should be to toss BO's destructive and divisive marxist mess pretending to be health care into the trash bin of history and the trash bin sent into space in the direction of the sun, to be immolated, never to be seen again.

Jan 26, 2022
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While I agree that ObummerCare should be disposed of and possibly replaced, I have doubts that if the Right wins back both the House and Senate will get rid of it even though examples of ‘death panels’ are brought to our attention. The GOP and Trump had the opportunity to do exactly that when the party had the majority, with the nevertrumpers in the GOP and Paul Ryan with Mitch McConnel at the helm. Chalk it up to wishful thinking at this point if they should win and putting ObummerCare back on the table to trashcan that law off the books.


Jan 24, 2022

Love Sarah Palin and she was not wrong, but even she never imagined what we are now witness to, a massive effort at depopulation, mass genocide, the extent of which this world has never seen.

Also, they are intent on remaining political till the very end, as they are targeting Red states, which I suppose is logical, as they already own the minds of the Leftards, they are controlled, submissive, compliant and obedient!

Listen to this, really listen and ask yourself, how devious, how demented, how evil does one have to be to pan and execute this?

Exclusive Report: US Government Targeting Red States With Deadly Batches of Covid Vaccine (

Cliff CliffordG
Cliff CliffordG
Jan 24, 2022
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THAT my friend is why I will NEVER be a controlled SHEEP, "comply", and get the 'new world order:", "great reset", depopulation "death jabs", "boosters", or run out to get "tested" (as it was PROVEN by a nurse that "tested" a "clean" , unused, one, that the "test swabs" in these "kits", come "pre-loaded" with the "control-us-virus", in order to "up" the numbers of "new cases"while INFECTING the "tested" "patient" , that in turn, will FORCE the frightened "subject" to receive the "jabs" so the "cycle" of medial TYRANNY will continue.)


Mike M
Mike M
Jan 23, 2022

Jesus Christ Himself says that Satan is a murderer and a liar from the beginning. His spiritual children the liberals are just like him.

Mike M
Mike M
Jan 25, 2022
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Your liberal friends are different from the ones that I know. The liberals of my acquaintance are so far to the left that they make Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin look like Ronald Reagan. Any attempt to have a rational discussion about any topic with them is a complete and total excercise in futility. I consider us to be in agreement with the admission of having different perspectives about liberals.

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