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StandUp Virginia Launches Freedom Festival, Saturday, June 19

CHQ Staff

Our friends at StandUp Virginia have just informed us that on Saturday, June 19th, from 2-5 pm, they are sponsoring a Freedom Festival at Bull Run Special Events Center in Centreville,

Virginia. This purpose of the event is to rally grassroots liberty lovers to gather for food, fellowship and fun. To reserve your ticket for this exciting afternoon click here or go to .

StandUp Virginia is a grassroots movement of We the People of Virginia whose mission is to restore the future of Virginia to protect our children's education, the safety of our communities, and our vote.

Joining StandUp Virginia as sponsors, include:

American Target Advertising/ Freedom Works

BLEXIT - Candace Owens’ group

Virginia Freedom Caucus

Gun Owners of America

Priests for Life

Concerned Women for America

Douglas Leadership Institute

Burson and Pete Snyder

People are getting demoralized and need to come together for inspiration and to see who is standing up for liberty in Virginia. So, this broad coalition of liberty lovers have joined StandUp Virginia as organizers of the June 19th Freedom Festival to remind conservatives they are not alone in their concerns that schools are closed or teaching divisive, radical propaganda. Crime is up. And votes may not even be counted with integrity.

To provide the inspiration and energy for the June 19th Freedom Festival the organizers have brought together an All-Star line up of speakers and entertainment, including:

· Chris Plante of WMAL

· Former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke

· Rev. C.L. Bryant

· Pierre Wilson, National Director of Candace Owens' BLEXIT, and

· The DJ is a Maryland Police Officer!

StandUp Virginia and the other organizers are fighting for our values and our rights as Virginians and Americans – and you can join the fight by reserving your ticket to the June 19th Freedom Festival.

StandUp Virginia has risen to prominence by launching a recall petition against Fairfax County's Soros-backed Commonwealth Attorney Steve Descano's progressive agenda gets in the way of punishing criminals.

Descano is under attack for not looking out for victims, including incidents of domestic violence cases where Descano failed to assign a prosecutor, resulting in the case being dropped.

Descano is one of the members of the Virginia Progressive Prosecutors for Justice, which has announced new policies that include not prosecuting certain kinds of cases. He has also said he will not seek cash bail for non-violent offenders.

“When we found out about what was happening to victims, that's when we decided we can't stand back anymore and be silent," said Brenda Tillett of StandUp Virginia. The organization has evidence that Descano has failed to properly prosecute cases, including child pornography, sexual assault of minors, domestic violence, elder abuse, and animal abuse.

But StandUp Virginia has a larger agenda than recalling one Soros-backed rogue prosecutor. As our old friend Bay Buchanan, who has agreed to serve as Treasurer of StandUp Virginia said, “If there was ever a time in history to stand up for what you believe and say, ‘No more!’ that time is now. Virginia is savable, if we all stand together! Become a sponsor of Freedom Festival and stand for liberty on June 19th in Centreville. I am proud to serve on the Board of Directors for StandUp Virginia because they represent the values that have made America the greatest nation on earth - support of law and order; quality education without indoctrination; and election integrity.”

We will be at Freedom Festival on June 19th at Bull Run Special Events Center in Centreville, Virginia click here to join us for food, fellowship and fun.

  • StandUp Virginia

  • Freedom Festival

  • Bull Run Special Events Center

  • We the People of Virginia

  • Freedom Works

  • BLEXIT - Candace Owens’ group

  • Virginia Freedom Caucus

  • Gun Owners of America

  • Priests for Life

  • Concerned Women for America

  • Douglas Leadership Institute

  • Burson and Pete Snyder

  • Commonwealth Attorney Steve Descano

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1 comentário

04 de jun. de 2021

Sounds like a perfect opportunity for antifa /BLM from DC to show up and crash the party. Of course, there's nothing to loot, so maybe not...

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