Most of the time vice presidents don’t have a big impact on policy. It was FDR’s first veep, John Nance Garner, who once famously declared the job “wasn’t worth a warm bucket of spit.”

But, as our friend Stephen Moore pointed out in a recent issue of his must-read Committee to Unleash Prosperity Hotline, Kamala Harris has had a profound impact on Bidenomics. When she wasn’t busy un-securing the border, she provided the tie-breaking vote for final passage in the Senate for both the $1.9 trillion America Rescue Plan in 2021 and the nearly $700 billion for the Green New Deal “Inflation Reduction Act.”
Those massive spending bills detonated the biggest debt bomb in American history, noted Steve.
Last week, Kamala openly boasted about her pivotal role in passing Bidenomics – and we will take her word for it.
However, the two bills cited by Steve Moore only tell part of the story.
Steve was being fastidiously correct in limiting his criticism of Harris to her votes on those two bills, but between them Biden and Harris are more like the $13 trillion couple.
The US national debt has increased significantly since 2019, the last year of Trump’s pre-COVID spending:
2019: The debt was $22,719 billion
2020: The debt increased to $26,945 billion, more than triple the 2019 deficit and the largest as a percentage of GDP since 1945
2021: The debt increased further to $28,428 billion
2024: The debt reached a record high of $35 trillion
Data shared by the Treasury Department showed that the gross national debt hit $35,001,278,179,208.67 on Monday. The milestone comes just months after the U.S. surpassed the $34 trillion threshold in early January 2024 – while the $33 trillion mark was reached in September 2023.
The U.S. topping $35 trillion in total debt comes as the debt held by the public – a metric favored by economists that excludes debt held in intragovernmental accounts like the Social Security trust funds – is projected to reach 99% of the size of the U.S. gross domestic product this year.
"This news is incredibly sobering – and incredibly unsurprising for anyone who has been following our fiscal trajectory," Maya MacGuineas, president of the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, said in a statement.
"Just last month the Congressional Budget Office warned Americans that debt held by the public is on its way to a new record share of the economy in three years. The deficit will be nearly $2 trillion this year and nearly $3 trillion in ten years," MacGuineas added in remarks to FOX News.
Kamala Harris’ personal votes may have been responsible for “only” $2.5 Trillion of the $13 trillion added to the national debt (with a little help from establishment Republicans in Congress) during the Biden-Harris spending spree, but as Vice President she can’t escape responsibility for putting the United States on a trajectory of adding close to a trillion dollars to the debt every four to six months.
2024 Election
Democrat contributions
Marco Rubio
25th Amendment
ActBlue donations
Donald Trump campaign
Kamala Harris campaign
Kamala Harris senate record
vice president vetting
Green New Deal
National Debt
federal budget deficit
Willie Brown's ex-girlfriend is like all other liberals- great at spending money that she doesn't have. And then she has the gall to lie about what a wonderful job she did.