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Stop The Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Theft From America’s Working Families

CHQ Staff

No one really knows what’s going to be in the Democrats $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. But we do know it is in large measure going to be written by Socialist Bernie Sanders, who thinks

$3.5 trillion isn’t enough. In a very real sense this is a bill in search of a purpose, because other than the act of printing and spending $3.5 trillion dollars it accomplishes no measurable result.

And we do know that Democrats are going to try to bend all the congressional rules and procedures they can bend to get things that could never pass by themselves through Congress as part of the package.

Bills like amnesty for illegal aliens, the Green New Deal, tax increases, vote-by-mail scams and gun confiscation are just a few of the ideas Democrats have been, in all seriousness, floating to be included as part of their $3.5 trillion wish list.

That this monstrosity was facilitated by 18 Republican traitors is the subject of other columns here and here.

However, with Republicans allegedly united against the $3.5 trillion price tag, Democrats can lose only three votes in the House, and zero in the Senate to pass the bill. So, the Democrats’ own infighting and overreach are two things, maybe the best things, we opponents of this massive theft by government have going right now.

CNN reported House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday rebuffed the demand from Sen. Joe Manchin to take a "strategic pause" on a $3.5 trillion economic package, making clear that she was moving on an aggressive timeline to push the measure through this month and setting up a clash with moderate Democrats eager to pare back the price tag.

In another sign of a looming clash, CNN reported Pelosi showed little desire to pare back the massive $3.5 trillion price tag, a top-level spending amount that Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona have both indicated they do not support.

"The number is the number, $3.5 (trillion), we can't go above that," Pelosi said. Asked about the likelihood she will have to go below that level, the California Democrat responded, "Why?"

Meanwhile, Axios reported Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) has privately warned the White House and congressional leaders that he has specific policy concerns with President Biden's $3.5 trillion social spending dream — and he'll support as little as $1 trillion of it. At most, he's open to supporting $1.5 trillion, sources familiar with the discussions said according to the Axios report.

Manchin also has said he is committed to paying for any new spending with new revenue, which will limit the ultimate size of any final package, reported Axios.

Maybe we conservatives can keep dissention in the Democrat ranks going, and we should definitely bend every effort to do so, but let’s not forget Joe Manchin’s wife works for the Biden White House.

And speaking at the White House Tuesday evening, Biden said, "Joe at the end has always been there."

"He's always been with me. I think we can work something out. I look forward to speaking with him."

We would love to see this spending extravaganza blow-up the Senate Democrats, but we doubt that is going to happen. What is much more likely is that every Democrat is going to dump their spending wish list into the reconciliation bill, and it will pass on a party line vote – no matter how big it is – because the only principle Democrats have in common is their commitment to stay in power.

Joe Manchin’s job in the Democrat caucus is to be the Judas Goat that leads dumb Republicans like RINOs Romney and Murkowski to “compromises” that lead America further away from conservative principles. Whether the theft by government is $1.5 trillion or $3.5 trillion it is still too much. The toll-free Capitol Switchboard is (1-866-220-0044) call today and tell your Senator to oppose the reconciliation package, and especially any so-called bipartisan spending “compromise” offered to Republicans by Judas Goat Joe Manchin.

  • $3.5 trillion budget resolution

  • bipartisan infrastructure bill

  • federal debt

  • national debt

  • budget reconciliation

  • Bernie Sanders

  • Joe Manchin

  • Amnesty for illegal aliens

  • Green New Deal

  • tax increases

  • vote by mail

  • gun confiscation

  • Nancy Pelosi

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Sep 09, 2021

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robert sanders
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