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Tell These Republican Senators To Defund Biden’s Vaxx Mandate

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Remember when we told you about Rep. Chip Roy’s letter, cosigned by 48 of his conservative Republican colleagues in the House and Senate, demanding that the

Republican congressional leadership join them in opposing funding for the enforcement of Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates when government funding runs out later this month?

Well, the movement to defund Biden’s forced vaccination regime is picking up steam – more Members of Congress and Senators have joined with Rep. Chip Roy and Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee and pledged to vote NO on any Continuing Resolution or spending bill that includes money for Biden’s vaxx mandate.

But we need more Republicans to join the effort to filibuster the bill or better yet vote it down.

Here’s the list of Republicans who have yet to publicly commit to voting NO on Biden’s vaxx mandate regime:

1. Barrasso, John (WY)

2. Blackburn, Marsha (TN)

3. Blunt, Roy (MO)

4. Boozman, John (AR)

5. Burr, Richard (NC)

6. Capito, Shelley Moore (WV)

7. Cassidy, Bill (LA)

8. Collins, Susan M. (ME)

9. Cornyn, John (TX)

10. Cotton, Tom (AR)

11.Cramer, Kevin (ND)

12.Crapo, Mike (ID)

13.Daines, Steve (MT)

14.Ernst, Joni (IA)

15.Fischer, Deb (NE)

16.Graham, Lindsey (SC)

17.Grassley, Chuck (IA)

18.Hagerty, Bill (TN)

19.Hawley, Josh (MO)

20. Hoeven, John (ND)

21.Hyde-Smith, Cindy (MS)

22. Inhofe, James M. (OK)

23. Kennedy, John (LA)

24. Lankford, James (OK)

25. McConnell, Mitch (KY)

26. Moran, Jerry (KS)

27.Murkowski, Lisa (AK)

28. Portman, Rob (OH)

29. Risch, James E. (ID)

30. Romney, Mitt (UT)

31.Rounds, Mike (SD)

32. Rubio, Marco (FL)

33. Sasse, Ben (NE)

34. Scott, Rick (FL)

35. Scott, Tim (SC)

36. Shelby, Richard C. (AL)

37.Sullivan, Dan (AK)

38. Thune, John (SD)

39. Tillis, Thom (NC)

40. Toomey, Patrick J. (PA)

41.Tuberville, Tommy (AL)

42. Wicker, Roger F. (MS)

43. Young, Todd (IN)

Please take one minute to go to the Americans for Limited Government action page to let Congress know you demand an end to forced vaccination.

"Congressional Republicans must once again decide whether they will vote to fund a federal government that is enforcing tyrannical COVID-19 vaccine mandates on the American people," Rep. Roy wrote in a letter to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Government funding will expire on February 18, 2022, unless Congress votes to extend it, and the fastest and easiest way to register your opposition is to go here to email and phone Representatives and Senators to tell them you demand an end to these tyrannical mandates.

If you prefer to make a phone call the toll-free Capitol Switchboard (1-866-220-0044), call today and tell your Senators and Representative you demand they vote NO on any bill to continue funding Biden’s oppressive forced vaccination regime.

  • Chip Roy

  • vaccine mandates

  • Joe Biden administration

  • Anthony Fauci

  • Rochelle Walensky

  • COVID 19 policy

  • COVID vaccines

  • Americans for Limited Government

  • Rand Paul

  • Mike Lee

  • oppose funding vaccine mandates

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Feb 16, 2022

After the last six decades of GOP futility, I am not holding my breath. Folks like Murkowski and Collins are useless RINOs. Graham waffles. Not many, if any, on this list are conservative. Rubio has been a huge disappointment since his "Gang of Ocho" days.


Cliff CliffordG
Cliff CliffordG
Feb 16, 2022

These NON-vaccine "JABS" are the "new world order", Great reset" "deep state"communist operators, and the "wealthy elites" (that are the REAL power and control in this country, and much of the world) way to depopulate the country (and the world) by the usse of FORCED "DEATH JABS". People need to wake the hell up and realize they (and NOW their CHILDREN) , are basically being "CULLED" by forcing these DNA, GENE altering, and natural immune system destroying "jabs", and continual "boosters", on the BRAINWASHED , FRIGHTENED SHEEP, until THE "deep state" communists, THINK the population is reduced "sufficiently".


J Freed
J Freed
Feb 16, 2022

If we need to tell Republicans to Defund the jab, they are either deaf, idiots, RINOs, or jackasses in elephant's clothing. While we're at it, can we tell government to stop financially incentivising positive COVID results and to differentiate between dying WITH COVID vs dying from it? Too much to ask? Science (Fauchi...since by his own admission "he IS science") not up to the task?

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