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The Real Agenda Behind The Attacks On Clarence And Ginni Thomas

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

After the many years it has been occurring, some conservatives may be becoming immune to news about the annual ritual defamation of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Like

clockwork, Justice Thomas is attacked, smeared, and denigrated in the months leading up to the end of a Supreme Court term in which there are consequential public policy and constitutional issues on the docket.

However, this year it was different because this year's ritual defamation campaign brought in a new level of viciousness aimed at Justice Thomas’s wife Ginni.

It is no secret to anyone in Washington that Ginni Thomas is a conservative. She was a respected congressional staffer for a very conservative Member of Congress before she ever met Clarence Thomas and they supposedly met through her work in the Bush administration.

And after working for conservatives on the Hill, Ginni worked for the conservative Heritage Foundation, the used-to-be conservative U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the conservative media outlet the Daily Caller, so why the sudden attacks on Ginni Thomas and her work in conservative politics?

Close examination shows that the left’s narrative about the Thomases would have to be substantially stronger even to qualify as flimsy. Mark Paoletta, Daniel Greenfield, and Christian Adams, among others, have published detailed and devastating rebuttals to the left’s claims that Ginni Thomas’s political work in any way creates an ethical conflict for Justice Thomas, and they have exposed the raw political agenda beneath those claims.

The disingenuousness of the attacks and the whole timing thing puzzled me greatly until I read a piece in Townhall by our friend Timothy Daughtry, Lifting the Veil on the Left’s Attacks on Clarence and Ginni Thomas, the entire piece is must-read, but I’ll pull out some key paragraphs.

Let’s start with the premise that issues raised by the left are never the real issues for the left.

For the left, observed Dr. Daughtry, there is always a deeper strategic agenda that is hidden beneath the surface positions and rhetoric, an agenda that is grounded in a radically different view of a how society should be governed than the one reflected in the American Constitution.

Obviously, silencing Justice Thomas, who is one of the strongest defenders of Constitutional rule of law on the court, is clearly the left’s short-term goal here. But that goal is only part of a much larger strategy proposed Tim Daughtry.

In such cases, [as the attacks on the Thomases] conservatives are often quick to accuse the left of applying a double standard or even being hypocritical in their selective outrage, and in one sense that accusation certainly fits here. Leftists who reflexively project sexism and racism onto every issue seem content to attack Ginni Thomas for speaking her own mind and Justice Thomas for daring to hold judicial views that the left deems impermissible for a black man to hold. Once we see the attacks on the Thomases in light of other tactics used by the left, however, it becomes clear that there are no double standards on the left. There is one, and only one, standard that guides the positions and rhetoric of the left, and that standard is that the left’s agenda must be advanced by any means necessary.

The ultimate goal of all left-wing tactics is to remove political power from the hands of voters and elected officials who respect the Constitution and its separation of governmental powers and to put all political power in the hands of “woke” activists who are insulated from electoral accountability. From the left-wing rioters who burn buildings and drag motorists from their cars to their better-dressed allies who prefer the sanitized label of “progressive,” the American left may march under different names, but they are all marching in the same direction, and they all see the American Constitution as an outmoded relic of an oppressive worldview and system that must be dismantled.

Taking Tim Daughtry’s analysis to its logical conclusion, it is not the man Clarence Thomas the Left is after, the larger agenda is to discredit his intellectual and legal legacy as the mere parroting of his wife, and to cancel his magisterial record as one of the Court’s most consistent advocates for constitutional limits to protect the God-given rights of individuals from abuse at the hands of self-serving politicians and the administrative state.

So, when you see attacks on Clarence and Ginni Thomas know that the Left doesn’t give a damn about judicial recusal standards, judges sympathetic to the Left violate the ones they would hold Justice Thomas to all the time. What critics of the Thomases are really after are your God-given constitutionally protected rights, and Ginni and Clarence Thomas are just in the way.

  • Ginni Thomas

  • Clarence Thomas

  • New York Times

  • media bias

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Apr 08, 2022

The left had no problem with Killary's "two for the price of one" comment upon Slick Willie's infestation of the Oval...Oh, that's right, they belong to the -rat party-of-anything-goes...if you're on the left.


Apr 08, 2022

The left has been after the great Clarence Thomas since his nomination in 1991. I only wish we could have seen another great judge, Robert Bork, serving with him on the Supreme Court.

Thomas is the only truly-reliable conservative justice we have on the country's highest court.

Mike M
Mike M
Apr 08, 2022
Replying to

Alito hasn't been too bad. If only we could clone them!


Mike M
Mike M
Apr 08, 2022

I myself have often commented that if liberals aka Communists didn't have double standards then they'd have no standards at all. However, the article is correct. Liberals aka Communists ultimately have only one goal and that goal is complete and total power over every aspect of the lives of every human being on this planet. I guess a relatively concise way to put it is that liberals aka Communists have an almost pathological desire to be God and they are bound and determined to not let anyone or anything stand in their way.


Cliff CliffordG
Cliff CliffordG
Apr 08, 2022

In MY opinion, ANY "judge"(no matter what "court" they preside in), that REFUSES to go by the U.S Constitution, the RULE OF LAW, and their SWORN oath of office that begins "legislating from the bench" according to their "personal", "sexual", "racial" or "political" preferences, should be REMOVED. PERSONAL BIASES have no place in any court of law.

Apr 08, 2022
Replying to

History shows us that just when we think they have gone as low as it is possible to go, they find a way to go lower. It is beyond my imagination as to what they will come up with next, but rest assured, they will create something.

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