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The Rendition Of Dr. Joseph Hackett

Dr. Joseph Hackett, a chiropractic physician from Sarasota, Florida was snatched from his home by the FBI for allegedly participating in the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Dr. Hackett now faces a 20-year sentence in federal prison after allegedly stepping in the Capitol Building for approximately ten minutes on Jan. 6. Reporting by the Gateway Pundit reveals court documents in which prosecutors claim Hackett allegedly walked into the Capitol Rotunda towards the House of Representatives on Jan. 6 at 2:45 pm. He then allegedly left the Capitol at 2:54 pm.

The Gateway Pundit further reported in early May, the FBI left a business card on the door of Dr. Hackett’s office asking him to provide information about his involvement in the January 6 “siege.” An attorney warned Hackett that replying without adequate legal representation could result in entrapment and he never followed up with the bureau.

Three weeks later, on May 28, Dr. Hackett was apprehended as the FBI raided his home and was indicted on federal charges of conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, aiding and abetting, destruction of government property and illegally entering a restricted building.

Dr. Hackett’s wife Deena Hackett has launched a crowdfunding GiveSendGo campaign in hopes of being able to hire a private attorney to represent her husband.

We will cover more of the reporting on Dr. Hackett’s case, but here is the crucial part that should be truly terrifying to anyone who disagrees with the current government. As Deena Hackett explained:

The prosecutor called him a domestic terrorist. He was sitting there with drug dealers and a wife beater. They all got to go home, off on bail. But they wouldn’t let Joe go. They took him to Pinellas County Jail, then took him to Oklahoma and on June 28th transferred him to DOC-DC jail in Washington, DC .

Got that? Dr. Hackett was first flown halfway across the country to Oklahoma, held, and then flown back to Washington, DC – 1,000 miles away from his home and family – to be held without bail awaiting trial, a trial that might not come until next year!

This is about as close as you can get to one of the infamous “renditions” the government conducted during the war on terror, without turning Dr. Hackett over to a Gina Haspel-run black site in Thailand.

It also checks-off several more of the 27 grievances the Signers of the Declaration of Independence lodged against despotic English rule:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:

Of course, the purpose of this rendition was to make the process part of the punishment – to bankrupt Dr. Hackett and his family – and to make it impossible for him to mount an effective defense to the charges.

And the government is succeeding in that endeavor.

As Dr. Hackett sits in a cell 23 hours a day, his wife Deena is struggling to pay for the mortgage on their home and rent for their office and raise their 11-year-old daughter alone. Hiring an attorney to fight the government’s case against her husband will cost an estimated $250,000.

“It scares me with what’s going to happen to my husband. His court date is not going to be until next year. He is facing 20 years. If he gets convicted, we would be in our seventies before he got out of prison. I hope and pray that God will take care of this,” Deena told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview. “My daughter and I, we don’t have his income, we don’t have his protection, we don’t have him being with us.”

While the FBI has yet to present evidence proving Dr. Hackett conspired to overthrow the government, his association with the Oath Keepers makes him a political target.

At least 16 suspects affiliated with the group have been charged with “conspiracy to obstruct the certification of the Electoral College vote” in connection with the Capitol “attack,” the Sarasota Herald-Tribune reported.

Deena Hackett has launched a crowdfunding GiveSendGo campaign in hopes of being able to hire a private attorney to represent her husband. A portion of the donations will be used to support other political prisoners who have even fewer resources than Dr. Hackett and Deena. We urge CHQ readers and friends to support Deena Hackett and her daughter by making your most generous donation today.

  • January 6

  • January 6 detainees

  • Merrick Garland

  • Dr. Joseph Hackett

  • renditions

  • Deena Hackett

  • Oath Keepers

  • FBI investigation

  • solitary confinement

  • Look Ahead America

  • Matt Braynard

  • U.S. Capitol Police

  • Department of Justice

  • First Amendment Rights

  • DC Central Detention Facility

  • Donald Trump

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Jul 26, 2021

Pray for these political prisoners! Using our STILL FREE SPEACH to call upon The Lord God Almighty! We must have His Intervention in this socialist plan for the destruction of Our Constitutional Republic. Only in Seeking God's Truth, Guidance, Wisdom and Strength for the Army of Believers in His Son Jesus Christ will we be able to overcome this present darkness! Pray! Pray! Pray!

Praise God for His Faithfulness to His children!


Jul 22, 2021

We cannot complain anymore about Russia, China, Iran, and others having political prisoners. All individuals given prison sentences for participating in the incident in Washington on Jan. 6 must be declared political prisoners. We have gladly joined the group that engage in the practice of incarcerating individuals for their political views. Nine minutes could cost Dr. Hackett twenty years in prison after being where the Capitol police invited him. Absurd!!! If that is justice all citizens with opposite views of the governing party could become possible prisoners.

Cliff CliffordG
Cliff CliffordG
Jul 22, 2021
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Like I have said in other posts..THIS my friend, is what happens when the "deep state" communist "handlers" "installed" by FRAUD, "data manipulation", crooked BRIBED or threatened "poll workers", bribed or threatened "postal workers" BRIBED or threatened "judges", their two communist chinese, bought and owned CONTROLLABLE "puppets", CRIMINAL-dementia-Joe, and the constitutionally-ineligible "anchor baby HO", "heels up harris" (as well as members of CON-gress that were "elected" in the same manner, that they, and their communist"handlers" are turning this country into a communist-controlled , third-world, banana republic cesspool and "political prisoners" are just the "beginning" of what they will do to our country (and citizens) if they are allowed to continue to occupy the offices they they STOLE, with the "help…


Jul 22, 2021

Yo, FBI, who shot Ashli Babbitt? Also, what are the names of the operatives working for the FBI who were involved in entrapping Americans into trespassing on Jan. 6. Additionally, what did Nancy Pelosi do about securing the Capitol that day, and why was she in communication with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs behind the back of the President, clearly a problem in regards to separation of powers according to the Constitution?...Who do I think I am, you ask? I'm an American citizen...and I deserve answers.


Ernst Hall
Ernst Hall
Jul 21, 2021

Welcome to a government run by Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and the Democrats. Evil!

A vote for a Democrats is a vote for the oppression of the American people.

Jul 22, 2021
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And God help us if H.R. 1 and S.R. 1 are ever passed . . . !


Jul 21, 2021

This is just beyond comprehension. Why aren't Republican representatives and senators making a loud fuss over this travesty? Why haven't some prominent attorney's stepped up to represent these people who did nothing but enter an open building that, by the way, they are partial owners of? I'm reading Mark Levin's book, American Marxism, and looking forward to reading his suggestions for righting the ship in Chapter 7. Everyone needs to obtain and read this book.

Jul 22, 2021
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Many of those Repubs are D.C. Swamp insiders who are anti-Trumpers. They are good at two things: talking up a great game--and asking us for more of our money.

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