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The Right Resistance: Biden’s pathetic capitulation speech left Americans longing for ‘backwards’

“It was a crappy speech… That’s it? Where’s the rest of it?”


Those who caught president senile Joe Biden’s address to the nation last week purportedly to explain why he bailed out so suddenly from the 2024 presidential race the previous

weekend probably were left wondering the same thing, as the recently capitulated Democrat nominee-to-be offered a wholly unsatisfying account for why he’d experienced a change of heart on his political future in the span of hours. By removing himself with nary a spoken word, Biden’s spineless shift left 14 million-plus Democrat primary voters out in the cold.


All Democrats had from Joe up until then were bland, lifeless sentences on a social media post.


In that, Biden symbolically left the presidential campaign the same way he’d entered it – largely hidden from view and relying on others to do the dirty work for him. Senile Joe didn’t call a press conference or stand in the background as one of his underlings read a statement from him. No, someone passed the communication that he’d decided to quit along for him. Who knows whether the man himself was even the author of the “I’m out” words.


In his speech on Wednesday night, rather than providing a detailed, well drawn-out explanation for why he acted so quickly the previous weekend, senile Joe offered a laundry list of his supposed “accomplishments” as president focusing primarily on big spending programs that Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer passed on mostly partisan votes. It’s what Democrats do.


More important was what Biden didn’t say, which was detail how badly inflation shot up during his brief time in the White House or why the Justice Department became so corrupted under his watch (and Merrick Garland’s) and the Department of Homeland Security fell to pieces under cabinet members like Alejandro Mayorkas. What about the illegal alien murderers, Joe?


Biden didn’t speak to any of it. The address sounded more like another campaign speech even though the only destination he’s slated for now is the ice cream parlor in a dementia care facility. In an article titled “Biden in Oval Office speech says he dropped out to unite Democrats”, Alex Gangitano reported at The Hill:


“President Biden, in an address from the Oval Office, said he decided to end his reelection bid when it became clear that was how he could unite Democrats after weeks of intraparty chaos and mounting pressure to step aside.


“The president had firmly declared there was nothing short of a higher power that could get him to change his mind about running again. But he eventually caved, particularly after hearing from congressional leadership, who implored him to drop out or risk Democrats also losing both chambers of Congress in November.


“’In recent weeks it has become clear to me that I need to unite my party in this critical endeavor,’ he said. ‘Nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition. So, I decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. It’s the best way to unite our nation,’ the president added. ‘The cause of the nation is larger than any one of us”.


Hogwash, and you know it, Joe.


One could conclude that the “higher power” Biden referred to a few weeks back during his one-on-one with George Stephanopoulos really meant that Nancy Pelosi’s threat to pull his campaign money was all the authority that was needed to convince him to surrender. Even someone as out-of-it and obtuse as senile Joe comprehended that he couldn’t run his fib train much longer without shovels full of cash to fuel the locomotive, so he opted to skedaddle before it got really embarrassing for him.


Otherwise, senile Joe would’ve been happy to let Democrat congressional candidates languish because he was sure the polls were wrong and that he would make a dramatic comeback anyway, right?


Not even Dr. Jill’s iron hand or Hunter’s quest for a future pardon could compete with the almighty campaign dollar where longevity was concerned. So senile Joe’s last campaign hurrah ended with a final score of establishment Democrats 100, Biden’s family 0.


Biden’s speech itself was just over eleven minutes and was made up of verbose campaign blather and platitudes. “America is an idea… the most powerful idea in the history of the world.” In watching Biden, I thought it was clear that he doesn’t understand how government works – or that it doesn’t work. He’s been in Washington so long that he’s completely lost touch with everyday Americans who couldn’t care less about an “idea” – they want policies that thrive.


Simply put, Biden doesn’t know anything different than playing the political game where his side is righteous and the other side is the enemy. He’s always been an idiot, but Father Time had caught up with senile Joe’s mental capacities and made it impossible even for his fellow Democrat liars and shills to accept that he could win one for himself.


Senile Joe – and other Democrats – keeps saying Americans have to choose between “moving forward or backward,” as though returning the country to a time where there were competent leaders and good, liberty-fostering policies would be a bad thing. While elections are always about the future, these days pondering policy leaves a good many people mighty nostalgic, indeed.


What does “moving backwards” entail? How about sound fiscal policy? Liberals and Democrats made great hay in the 1980’s when Ronald Reagan was president and the federal budget deficit climbed to previously unforeseen levels, purportedly, according to them, because of The Gipper’s tax cuts and boosted military spending.


What they neglected to mention was the remarkable boost in federal appropriations brought on by Congresses that got too giddy with the increase in tax revenue fostered by the sensational economic growth at the time. It’s said that Reagan’s policies led to doubling tax receipts during the decade – but Congress spent three times as much as they had before.


Give a politician a stack of cash and he’s likely to blow it. It’s like handing a hungry teenager a twenty-dollar bill and telling him to bring home the change only to be asked to cover the overage when the initial outlay wasn’t enough.


“Backwards” also means enjoying the protection from a competent American fighting force that was more concerned with military readiness and capability than promoting woke social policies like transgenderism and women in combat. Not everyone in today’s voter pool remembers, but those in the older groups recall how joining the military used to be considered an honorable thing to do and that serving your country led to valuable lifelong skills and relationships and prestige that one couldn’t get from settling for an Ivy League College or majoring in Gender Studies at Woke U.


“Backwards” means having inflation under control and realizing the American dream by buying a home with money that was worth something and saving for retirement. Or sending your kids to schools that focused on teaching them the basics and preparing them to be productive citizens who loved their country.


Moving “backwards” equated to America being great, not going forward into an unknown where kids got to decide what gender they identified with or which pronouns to use or arrogant (and stupid) terrorist-sympathizer “protesters” defacing monuments or destroying public property while burning the American flag.



If senile Joe Biden and the rest of the Democrats weren’t all about themselves and allocating as much federal largesse as they can get pushed through the legislative process, they’d notice that Donald Trump’s massive crowds love their candidate because he promises to return the country to its prior glory, something most Americans can remember and relate to.


Sometimes going “backwards” is preferable.


In another part of the address, Biden extolled, “The time for new voices is now.” Really, Joe? Why wasn’t “the time” a month ago in the days after your pathetic debate performance when so many in your party expressed “shock” that you’d done so poorly and could barely utter an audible sentence that people could understand?


Or, why wasn’t the time for realization a year ago when you were asked, over and over again, whether you intended to run for reelection and you would bend over to whisper into the microphone that you weren’t going anywhere and that you intended to seek a second term? Was democracy less important then than it is now?


Besides, does Kamala Harris really qualify as a “new voice”? Seems to me that Harris’s cackling “voice” has been around for quite a while. What new ideas does she represent? Isn’t someone like Republican J.D. Vance a real “new voice”?


Anyway, Biden also said during his remaining time in office that he would keep promoting the “climate crisis” as an existential threat. “Existential threat”? It’s something liberals mention time and again. “Existential” is a big word that most people don’t use on an everyday basis. Ever heard someone say, for example, that children should be careful crossing the street because there’s an existential threat to their lives from cars and school buses?


Democrats like Biden and Kamala Harris rarely define what an “existential threat” supposedly warming planet would bring. Whenever there’s a tornado or wild brush fire or hurricane, Democrats rush to take advantage of it and blame carbon emissions for bringing it about as though these things didn’t exist in the time before man-made combustion engines.


Democrats themselves are the existential threats – to common sense and realistic governance.


The real question is whether anyone was satisfied with Joe Biden’s “why I quit” speech last week. Who can say what senile Joe’s real reason was for leaving, a secret that will be locked away until after this November’s election. Or maybe forever. One thing’s for certain: Biden will continue on – competing for the title of “Worst President Ever”.

  • Joe Biden economy

  • inflation

  • Biden cognitive decline

  • gas prices,

  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Biden senile

  • January 6 Committee

  • Liz Cheney

  • Build Back Better

  • Joe Manchin

  • RINOs

  • Marjorie Taylor Green

  • Kevin McCarthy

  • Mitch McConnell

  • 2022 elections

  • Donald Trump

  • 2024 presidential election

59 views2 comments


Aug 01

One other thing I wanted to mention. I have to say it. Would Crooked Joe still be the nominee if they had successfully ass*ssin*ted President Trump? The timing is very curious. Who would have benefited? Republicans would be in chaos, who then could challenge Biden? I'm very angry how close we got to this and still no answers. Call it a conspiracy theory: I'm pretty sure Biden had something to do with it. I'm not gonna pretend that he wasn't, after his other "ass*ssin*tions" failed, like Representative Hunt said: character, legal, and financial. I note that the "temperature" is not down...Crooked Joe still wants to job to get finished.


Aug 01

Joe Biden is not a good liar. He didn't step aside for the good of the party or whatever he said. He was forced out like a dog! Rumor has it that he was threatened with the 25th Amendment if he continued to stay in. If my knowledge is correct, Nancy Pelosi herself (and no one else in Congress) has anything to do with the 25th, it would be the illegitimate Cabinet and Vice President who invokes this. Apparently, Kamala Harris had given her support to have Biden removed.

Biden did not step away willingly. They probably made it happen while he was sleep. Notice the letter that came out. No Presidential letterhead or anything. And the signature - it…

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