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The Right Resistance: Washed-up loser night at the DNC day one; plus, Lipstick on a pig and Kamala Harris

Jeffrey A. Rendall

That didn’t take long -- Joe Biden doddered out for the final time at a Democrat convention; now he’s gone and forgotten


Introduced by daughter Ashley Biden who began her speech with, “I want to share a memory from my childhood…” People familiar with senile Joe’s sleazy family probably mumbled under their breath, “What, about being with my pervert dad in the shower?... Why

talk about that here, Ashley?”


It might’ve been a little tasteless and a lot morbid, but when disgraced current president senile Joe Biden took the stage at the Democrat National Convention (in Chicago, Illinois) on the first night of events on Monday evening (why Monday? That’s another question), it’s safe to say that half of America and a good chunk of the world waited on pins and needles to see whether he’d blow it in some way.


For it’d only been less than a month since senile Joe had pulled the reverse of all reverses by sending word that he’d decided – or was likely, coerced – to end his 2024 reelection bid. Shortly after, the hair sniffin’, lie tellin’, prodigal son protectin’, nude swimmin’, child repellin’, and butt coverin’ 46th president announced he was endorsing his DEI sidekick cackling Kamala Harris to succeed him.


Really, Joe? Who knows, maybe Biden had succumbed to threats from Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him now – instead of him self-removing next January – in order to safeguard what remained of his presidential legacy and reputation by serving out his term. We’ll probably never find out the reason, which leaves plenty of room for historical interpretation.


Whatever the genuine explanation, based on the delegates’ prolonged ovation and thunderous applause for him in Chicago, it seemed as though the senile old fool hadn’t lost a step along the way. Bygones are always bygones at political conventions, and senile Joe Biden has been among the best at cloaking his real feelings over the years.


If Biden were the least bit unhappy about being booted from the White House fun jobs and demoted to speaking to a TV audience that will pale in size to Thursday night’s finale delivered by cackling Kamala Harris, he didn’t betray his feelings on Monday night. There might’ve been a little juice left in the old Biden burner for his 2024 appearance, even if it did come earlier in the week than he’d planned on.


Senile Joe managed to stand erect for about 50 disgustingly long minutes. And they said Trump’s speech at the RNC was long? At least Trump didn’t yell the entire time. My head was throbbing. I had to turn down the sound. Watching it, the hour felt like a drawn-out lecture from my high school football coach after a particularly bad drubbing from our rival.


What senile Joe actually said didn’t matter a whole lot. We’d heard it all before, and frankly, I tuned out the words to look for signs that he’d given up political hope. Unfortunately for America, Biden seemed plenty animated to bumble through at least a couple more months. But even if he did resign, we’d still be stuck with cackling Kamala on a trial run. Which would be worse?


Senile Joe was typically angry and his shouting echoed throughout the cavernous United Center, a virtual re-recitation of this year’s State of the Union address, delivered just five months ago.


Biden fittingly uttered one final lie before he skedaddled out of town for the last time. “All this talk about how I’m angry at all the people who thought I should step down — that’s not true...” And choosing cackling Kamala “was the best decision I made in my whole career.”


Sure, Joe. You couldn’t be gone fast enough. The only problem is we have nothing to look forward to after you’re gone. Your approval ratings guarantee that you’ll be seen as one of the worst presidents in history.


As he exited the stage after he bumbled through his last remarks and bit of self-congratulation for the immense and lasting damage he’d inflicted on our nation, there was an aura of finality to it all. Senile Joe will remain president until next January; but his ship has most definitely already sailed into the sunset.


And no one will miss him.


Crooked Hillary competed with Biden for affection; Clintons still rank higher in Democrat-land


I’m not sure if I’d label it awkward, but sharing Monday night’s primetime speaker privileges with president senile Joe Biden was the last leftist member of the Democrat old guard to serve as a ticket leader, Crooked Hillary Clinton.


Looking every bit eight years older than last decade and no doubt having consumed many, many Chardonnay bottles since her rapid descent and crash, the 2016 Democrat nominee smiled and waved and stood for an ovation, obviously savoring the type of moment that comes all too infrequently these days and won’t last forever. The Clintons have gone from being in the heat of the fray to assuming more of a ceremonial role with the Democrat party in contemporary times, kind of like honorariums on a shelf that are nice to look at once in a while but don’t influence the substantive agenda.


No wonder the Clintons hate Donald Trump so much. He cheated them out of political immortality. That, and Big Bubba Bill’s sexual exploits.


Crooked Hillary delivered a standard oration intended to make viewers feel sorry for her, demonstrating that she’s still quite bitter about the way her career abruptly ended on that November overnight so long ago. Somewhat luckily for her, the way that senile Joe Biden’s been forced to exit this year’s race guarantees the two long-past-prime pols as co-claimers of the title of political loser of their respective years, a fitting conclusion to lifetimes spent grifting and pontificating and bragging and milking the system for personal gain.


Another thing was evident from Crooked Hillary’s talk – that the Clintons still share the upper tier of Democrat party royalty with the Obamas. The two power couples will keep it that way, too. The Bidens will fade as quickly as senile Joe’s cognitive ability declines. This fact must particularly enrage the easily perturb-able senile Joe, since he’s never felt that he’s gotten his due from the Democrat ruling elites, which the Obamas have taken over.


Democrats sure love Hillary though. As the liberal who should’ve shattered the proverbial glass ceiling, now the privilege is being left to Kamala Harris of all people, a California opportunist with only a shred of Crooked Hillary’s political talent, even if cackling Kamala is just as personally nasty and ruthless as Crooked Hill and the rest of the Democrat cat ladies.


Unlike senile Joe Biden, Crooked Hillary could have another convention or two to attend in the coming years, so we probably haven’t seen the last of her. More’s the pity.


Barack Obama’s “Put lipstick on a pig” remark coming back to bite Democrats touting the highly unqualified Kamala Harris


Chances are you’ve heard the saying quite a lot in recent years – namely that you “can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig”, or, more succinctly, to proverbially try to dress someone up to make them something they’re not.


Needless to say, Democrats on Monday did nothing except attempt to make “new” nominee Kamala Harris appear as though she were the second coming of… well, Obama the anointed one, or a slightly more pigmented and younger version of Crooked Hillary Clinton, or who knows – perhaps akin to Michelle Obama herself.


The tributes to Kamala on the evening, including from senile Joe himself, were over-the-top at best and gut-churning nauseating at worst, and I commend those Republicans and conservatives who demanded of themselves that they watch the spectacle out of pure dedication to being informed and rhetorically armed to combat any obnoxious Democrat they encounter in the arena of ideas.


Is Kamala Harris really that great? Any reasonable person would wonder. Did Democrats love her that much over a month ago? Monday night’s convention program left nothing but questions.


If you’re not requiring to know more about Harris and her running mate “Tampon Tim” Walz, you’re not doing your civic duty as a Trump voter. In a piece titled “The Weird, Creepy, Surreal—and Dangerous—2024 Campaign”, the irreplaceable Victor Davis Hanson had queries of his own at American Greatness last week:


“The already-long 2024 presidential campaign has become the strangest in modern history. Here are [two] unanswered questions that illustrate how and why we’ve entered this bizarro world:


“1. How can Kamala Harris merely promise us fixes to come in 2025 for inflation and an open border when she is still vice president for another six months? Why can’t she enact her proposed solutions to problems (which she helped create) right now?

“2. Would the media prefer to help her win but lose further credibility themselves by failing to ask why she has disowned her last three decades of leftist agendas, or to reclaim some of their reputations and thereby risk her losing? …


“In sum, presidential campaigns traditionally kick off after Labor Day and mostly follow accepted protocols. But this warped 2024 version violates every prior precedent and is not just creepy but dangerous—even before the campaign was supposed to formally begin.”


Yes, conventional wisdom – and history – implies that very little matters in presidential elections if it happens before September. This certainly includes last month’s Republican convention (in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) and this week’s pre-programmed and highly scripted Democrat Kamala-lovefest in Chicago.


Put it this way… today’s Democrats are a long way from Country Joe goading the throngs at Woodstock, though contemporary hippies are very much the same in terms of leftist leanings and hatred towards traditional American institutions. They just dress up like elites now, or carry Palestinian flags and run for office so they can appropriate hundreds of billions of dollars rather than just doing drugs, getting laid and camping in the mud.


Beyond the schmaltzy production that is this year’s Democrat convention, it only leaves questions, which VDH posed (there were ten in his article) above. Here, we can boil it down to one basic inquiry:


Every American voter should be asked a simple question: Would you rather trust an amazingly successful lifelong private sector real estate developer and business entrepreneur to guide the world’s largest and most important economy – like Donald Trump -- or a DEI political appointee who’s never had a real job, handled a payroll or had to read an employee manual, like Kamala Harris?


To the extent that Harris has any ideas, which she clearly does – or must -- are they actually good ones? It’s not hard to envision the Democrat brain trust (granted a pretty limited capacity group) sitting around a conference table at campaign headquarters poring over binders full of polling statistics and focus group input, trying desperately to formulate policies that one, their candidate can understand and articulate, and two, that they can “sell” to their various voter constituencies that won’t force half of them to make a stink about such-and-such or so-and-so being left out.


That’s the problem for being for everything and nothing at the same time, which is obviously (is it?) Kamala Harris’s issue portfolio. Through campaign statements, cackling Kamala has altered or outright changed many positions she once held. Recall how Democrats have disavowed that she was ever a “Border Czar” though there are tons of video news clips where she was cited as the person placed in charge – by senile Joe Biden or whoever makes the decisions -- of illegal immigration.


Or that she now supports fracking after she pledged to ban it during the 2020 campaign. Or, more recently, that cackling Kamala’s adopted/stolen Donald Trump’s long held position that the government should no longer collect taxes on tips? This one’s a no brainer, which explains how Harris can go around with a straight face suggesting that she’s for it – but wouldn’t she be a little worried that people would see through her duplicity?


One can understand how the Democrat spinmeisters are hesitant to reveal that Harris has basically been a government employee since she got out of law school. Even more shocking is the fact her jobs have been political appointments and therefore never faced the possibility of being “fired”. How many American adults can make the same claim? How can Kamala legitimately assert that she relates to “average” people because she’s never been one? As a child of privilege, more or less, has Harris ever worried about having food on the table or a comfortable place to sleep?


Of course, Donald Trump hasn’t endured such concerns either, but he’s had to worry about his companies – and their tens of thousands of employees – making it through tough times. All Kamala’s fretted over was winning elections, or making sure she’s sucked up to the right powerful and connected people.


Most political observers would concede that politicians sometimes have to state issue positions during a primary campaign and then moderate/slightly alter them in the general election. After all, appealing to much more ideological primary voters requires adherence to the outlines of the party platform – and sometimes, going beyond the planks to catch the eye of the diehards on the fringe.


Crazy Bernie Sanders understood that he could establish a firm foothold on the Democrat party’s left by preaching for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal and stumping for a universal basic income, among other “out there” proposals, and his willingness to go to bat for these things nearly won him the nomination versus Crooked Hillary Clinton in 2016. And then senile Joe Biden in 2020. Senile old coot Sanders had senile Joe on the proverbial ropes four years ago until South Carolina’s Jim Clyburn came to the Delawarean dolt’s rescue before his state’s crucial black-voter dominated primary at the end of February in that year.


But once the party nomination is secured, it’s typical for successful pols to “tack to the center” in an attempt to attract some portion of the twenty percent-or so “independent” or “centrist” voters, the ill-defined squishy middle person who doesn’t portend to understand his or her (or “it” or they or whatever nonbinary means) own philosophies and beliefs.


This is where cackling Kamala finds herself now, the problem being she hasn’t said much in the past four years in terms of what she really thinks about many, many salient issues, and in other areas seems quite content to be viewed as a radical limitless abortion lover and advocate for “safe” liberal topics such as so-called “renewable” fuels and race-based set asides.


Cackling Kamala was also involved with the Biden/Harris administration’s attempt to federalize election law in the name of “Voting rights” – as though there’s anyone in this country today who would be denied a registration or a ballot assuming they could prove who they are (in those states requiring I.D.) and were eligible by age, etc. to vote. Therefore, Harris herself was responsible for repeating the lie, over and over again, that voter suppression exists.




None of this appeared to matter to the Democrat delegates and the party’s myriad of supporters in the friendly establishment media on Monday night in Chicago. Democrats played along with every falsehood, distortion and fib to fool Americans into believing that this female human being from Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco was really an American Dream-type success story – and that she deserves to be elected president because of it.


In the process, there was no mention that cackling Kamala was named Joe Biden’s running mate because of how she looks and her gender. Haven’t feminists been fighting against this type of bias and overt discrimination, well, forever? What if, for example, Harris had been born white? She wouldn’t have been considered for senile Joe Biden’s number two in 2020.


Recall how there were a number of white ladies in the 2020 Democrat field – Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren being the two that stood out – who didn’t have Kamala’s DEI Democrat resume enhancer. Therefore, if Harris didn’t luck into being Vice President, would she be where she is today?


And this is the human being who Democrats hope will not only preside over the U.S. economy, she’ll be commander in chief as well. And executor of the laws… all of ‘em, not just the ones Democrats approve of. It’s a sobering thought to envision cackling Kamala occupying the prime spot in the Oval Office while critical national security items are being contemplated.


Would Americans regret putting her there? Well, as Obama said, “You can’t just put lipstick on a pig. It’s still a pig.” No cosmetics necessary for Americans who use their brains and common sense. Democrats always go over-the-top. They can’t help themselves.


Such was the case on Day One at the cringe-inducing Democrat National Convention.

  • Joe Biden economy

  • inflation

  • Biden cognitive decline

  • gas prices,

  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Biden senile

  • Kamala Harris candidacy

  • Donald Trump campaign

  • Harris Trump debates

  • J.D. Vance

  • Kamala vice president

  • Speaker Mike Johnson

  • Donald Trump assassination

  • 2022 elections

  • Donald Trump

  • 2024 presidential election

  • Tim Walz

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Barbro Nygren
Barbro Nygren
Aug 21, 2024

Love that Democrats get reminded of their smears ,they have actually put lipstick on a pig now

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