Disbelief. The psychological phenomenon has taken over large swaths of America where the 2024 presidential election is concerned.

How many times in the past couple years have you observed what’s transpired and reflexively shook your head, not fathoming that such a happenstance was even possible? Need examples? A lot of people didn’t believe Donald Trump could run again and easily defeat his challengers in the Republican primaries. More folks were dumbfounded that Democrats would have the audacity to charge Trump for a collection of flimsy crimes – and then forum shop a court to convict him.
Others couldn’t have foreseen that senile Joe Biden would actually stick his reelection bid out as long as he did, win the Democrat nomination, and then ignominiously pull himself from the general election race without so much as an I “This is why I did it” statement to explain why he hadn’t capitulated before.
And who would’ve anticipated that America’s state of politics deteriorated to the point where there’ve been not one but two assassination attempts on Trump’s life, roughly sixty days apart. These weren’t just media reports elaborating on a plot that had been foiled, either; they were actual scumbags with guns who concocted a scheme and then nearly succeeded in carrying it out.
So, disbelief has become a major part of our journey towards this year’s election. Democrat fill-in candidate Kamala Harris has also been somewhat unbelievable this summer, her implausible (as far as content goes) campaign seemingly hanging by a thread, yet still she seems to have a reasonable chance to steal the improbable.
In an article titled “Can Harris’s Cynical, Run-out-the Clock Campaign Succeed?”, the always insightful and on-point Victor Davis Hanson wrote at American Greatness last week:
“How can she stage such a complete makeover—and contemptuously count on the voting public to be so easily deceived? She avoids all news conferences, one-on-one nationally broadcast interviews, and town halls. And like Biden, she will debate only on leftist venues with impartial pro-Harris moderators.
“When asked to provide the details of her past responsibility for the open border, inflationary economy, spiraling crime, attacks on fossil fuels, and collapsing foreign policy, Harris smiles, makes hand gestures, and dodges. She changes the subject to her empathetic personality, her ‘joy’ campaign, and her iconic profile as a supposedly dynamic black woman.
“When pressed, Harris outsources the task of squaring her hypocrisies and subterfuges to the stonewalling campaign, Democratic surrogates—and the media. Harris is also certainly not running on her demonstrable experience, vision, or intelligence as much as she is not Trump (or, for that matter, her former partner Joe Biden).”
As you’ve probably gathered, the gist of VDH’s piece was whether Kamala Harris could keep up the ruse for another 40-ish days in order to win this year’s national presidential election. For her part, Kamala appears willing to try duplicating all or some of senile Joe Biden’s 2020 “basement” campaign strategy, which basically equals staying hidden from view as much as possible and leaving it up to the media to do the heavy lifting in terms of spreading a Democrat message.
Not the message, mind you. A message. Something that sounds good to the uninformed voter which gives said person confidence that cackling Kamala will at least be better than Donald Trump.
Time and events will determine if Harris can pull it off. According to polls, she’s got a good start, though the margins are hardly determinative of the final outcome. And one of the laws of politics suggests that the longer Democrats must maintain the façade, the more likely they’ll trip up. Maybe badly.
Add the fact most Democrat voters couldn’t give a rat’s patootie about policy or consequences or collateral damage from failing to see the future; they just want to win. And preserve power. And keep the abortion factories operating at full capacity unhindered by state laws intended to save a baby or two from death. The rest of the world be damned – there’s nothing on earth surer than a single-issue Democrat zombie bent on casting a ballot.
But beyond all of this, if Kamala Harris does indeed manage to hang on, what kind of president would she be?
No one can say for sure because no one truly understands what kind of vice president she was. Initially promoted to a number of semi-important and visible administration posts such as “border czar” (where she purportedly was tasked with discovering the “root causes” of illegal immigration, as if the answer wasn’t so obvious a sixth grader could handle the task), lead administration liaison on the “voting rights” issue, act as abortion czar for the young and single female bloc, occasional U.S. envoy to foreign nations, Joe Biden’s space (cadet) initiative chief and… last but not least, to make herself available to cast the winning senate vote when Democrats couldn’t finagle an upper chamber majority.
Notably, none of these roles was particularly challenging. You might remember how Big Bubba Bill Clinton tapped his vice president, Al Gore, with overseeing the federal bureaucracy and determining areas where reform was needed (which, admittedly, was a pretty darn big chore). More commonly known as the National Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR), Gore supposedly did yeoman’s work in taking on the federal workforce, eliminating programs, agencies and cutting government jobs.
(Note: This blurb was taken from a Wikipedia entry, so a grain of salt is called for. Democrats never purposely cut government.)
George W. Bush’s veep, Dick Cheney, busied himself with overseeing much of the administration’s foreign policy missives, George W. Bush being light on experience and know-how on the subject. How else would the United States have gotten itself mired in so many overseas military debacles without the eager cooperation of a man like Cheney? At any rate, Cheney was seen as a very hands-on vice president and was viewed as being intimately tied to most of what the Big Government Bush administration was involved with.
As vice president, Senile Joe Biden was thought to have been close to Barack Obama, the two reportedly sharing responsibilities and intelligence to the extent where Biden was said to have been the “last person in the room” when “The One” had any major decision to ponder. Senile Joe was an old hand at government and had been on Capitol Hill since the Stone Age, so he had credibility in knowing stuff even if Barack once quipped, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f--- things up.”
Who can forget the famous photograph of The Big O’s war room during the Osama bin Laden raid, with all of the administration’s politician celebrities on hand to pretend like they knew what was going on and were helping out in some capacity. What a farce.
Mike Pence, at least prior to January 6, 2021, was thought to be a regular close advisor to Donald Trump. Everyone knows Trump pretty much kept a counsel of one, but the outsider president seemed to value Pence’s input on legislative matters because Trump was notoriously light on details knowledge. Also recall that Trump initially put Pence in charge of leading the effort to combat COVID-19, which seemed to be the beginning of the split that eventually tore them apart.
But Kamala? Her and senile Joe Biden weren’t close. “Dr.” Jill Biden reportedly was doggedly against her husband choosing Harris to be his vice president, the memories of the Californian attacking the would-be nominee over racism and other damaging personal accusations that would be pretty hard to simply forgive and forget. Besides, Kamala hadn’t even survived the Democrat primary process, and, no one really understood what she truly believed.
For all the Bidens knew, Kamala was most famous for having gotten into politics due to the influence and help from the mega-powerful (in California) Willie Brown and then for having moved on to dating TV talk show host Montel Williams. She seemed like a glory-seeking lightweight who chased her way to prominence. She’d been a prosecutor in San Francisco and then California Attorney General, but probably more so for how she looked than acted.
Didn’t Barack Obama once call Kamala the “Best looking Attorney General in the country”? Then she took the retiring Barbara Boxer’s senate seat with very little opposition. She was truly the “next in line”.
In other words, at no point on the Kamala continuum did Harris appear to have earned her position for her principled beliefs and abilities. Harris attained fame during her brief time in the senate for badgering Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, not exactly a demanding task for someone so well-versed in nastiness and contempt.
Some have speculated Kamala’s move towards moderation and unity are also illusory, that she’s actually much more ideological than she portends to be and would use the election as her own personal Trojan Horse to gain access to the levers of power in order to… use them. Therefore, all of Kamala’s airy nothingness and penchant for word salads and cackling was a grand stage production intended to not scare people off.
Others have implied that Kamala is every bit as air-brained as she’s let-on, and it would be impossible to predict what she’d do because hers would be another button-pushing presidency in the mold of senile Joe Biden’s, where everyone close to the situation swore he’s simply a good natured dolt just “filling the suit” while letting everyone around him use the powers of the presidency.
It’s never mattered whether senile Joe got out of bed in the morning, because all he’s ever had to do was eat his ice cream, shout a lot and go from place to place playing the figurehead role.
It remains to be seen what kind of president Kamala Harris would be, and that’s the primary reason why she’s so dangerous. American voters shouldn’t be put in a position to wonder what a candidate would do when in office. There should be no room for disbelief. Donald Trump announces his plans flat out – and he has years of history to back them up.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
Kamala Harris candidacy
Donald Trump campaign
Harris Trump debates
J.D. Vance
Kamala vice president
Speaker Mike Johnson
Donald Trump assassination
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election
Tim Walz
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