Have you ever wondered whether Democrat fill-in presidential candidate cackling Kamala Harris could lie effectively in two languages?

Such was the salient conundrum heading into the Univision town hall featuring Harris last Thursday night in Las Vegas. The Spanish language television network invited both Harris and Republican Donald Trump to take part in separate events where allegedly “regular” Hispanic American citizens would have the opportunity to pose questions to 2024’s candidates, and to receive their answers with as little filter as possible.
Trump’s Univision town hall was originally scheduled for Tuesday, October 8, but was postponed until this week (tonight) because of the approach of Hurricane Milton in Florida. Trump is set to meet with an audience of presumably similarly undecided Hispanic voters in Miami this evening, hear their concerns and stories, and respond directly to their questions.
These are issues that supposedly concern Hispanic voters as a group, but the queries they posed, at least to cackling Kamala Harris, were very much the same ones you’d get from any ethnicity or background. The only difference being some of the language necessitated translation.
Overall impressions
Kamala Harris has been doing quite a few establishment media softball-type interviews lately, sitting down with woke liberal pod cast hosts, CBS’s obnoxious idiot late night talker Stephen Colbert, 60 Minutes, the hags at The View and others specifically selected to allow her to drone on endlessly about her background and experience as vice president and also California Attorney General, all designed to make her sound as though she’s qualified to be president.
But this was the first town hall style forum I’ve seen Kamala take part in. The one-hour program went by rather quickly and she was asked about a number of salient topics including hurricane response, healthcare, “reproductive health” (fancy term for abortion) and the high cost of living, within the context of real people who often relayed their own observations and primarily wanted to know what Kamala would do to alleviate these problems.
Harris looked contented in the environment, more comfortable than I thought she’d be. She produced her usual quantity of non-answers, outright lies and word salads, but didn’t completely botch the forum. For example, the first question of the evening, from a man who worked in construction in Tampa, Florida, concerned the administration’s rejoinder to the hurricanes, and how there was some disagreement among Americans that things were handled properly.
Kamala recited the Biden administration’s standard reply, blaming Donald Trump for spreading “misinformation” about the situation, and then injected herself into the picture by recalling her experience as a prosecutor and how she’d handled matters impartially. “I never asked anyone if they were a Republican or a Democrat. I just asked if they were okay.” What the heck does that matter?
Here's thinking Kamala can’t respond to a topic like hurricane disaster recovery because she doesn’t know anything about the topic, yet has to convey that leadership matters. Or something like that. Nor does Harris appear at ease with the subjects of immigration – she sidestepped a question on what she might’ve done differently than her boss on the border – cost of living, how and why the Democrats kicked out senile Joe Biden without explanation, etc…
The fact Kamala isn’t used to this type of format definitely revealed itself. Her elitist background doesn’t exactly give her the aura of a “regular gal”, no matter how many times she insisted that she came from the “middle class” and relates to real problems from ordinary people.
The most telling (or revealing) exchange of the evening came from a mom from Los Angeles who asked a rather drawn-out question regarding rent increases and cost of living, asking what Kamala, if elected president, planned to do to bring prices down.
As she often does, Kamala admits that rates are too high and she will work to bring them down, primarily through taking on price gougers and corporations, a solution in search of a problem. Harris used the hurricanes as examples of price gouging, like there aren’t already laws in place to take care of this contingency. And if so, such a practice is only temporary.
Did Kamala get an F for her town hall performance? I wouldn’t say so. She clearly has trouble framing arguments and synopsizing issues, but, from the looks of the audience, they weren’t completely unconvinced. Did she win more votes as opposed to “woke” matters? Probably not from the audience members who were concerned about economics issues. She was averse to saying anything detailed, and I doubt the questioners appreciated elements from her standard stump speech in place of actual, concrete proposals.
And she didn’t address why her “plans” weren’t already being implemented, either.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all the time. That’s Kamala Harris in a nutshell.
Lies, damned lies and (no) statistics
Kamala Harris, like most Democrats, relies on what I would refer to as Democrat urban legends about what Donald Trump actually said vs. the establishment media’s spin and twisting about a statement.
During one of her rambling answers in the second half of the program, Kamala dipped deep into her bag of tricks and pulled out the utter falsehood that Trump plans to be a dictator, because he indicated one time that he would be a “dictator on day one.” Well, technically speaking, Trump did admit that he’d dictate on his first day of his second administration, but only concerning energy production, which he would greatly expand – and that he would order the border closed.
Kamala always omits the “on day one only” part of his statement. She also said Trump admires dictators, which is a common media distortion about his true beliefs and associations. She and senile Joe are much closer to real despots, since they have plenty of plans regarding gun confiscation and regulation, energy (fracking) bans, Electric Vehicle mandates, outlawing gas stoves, etc. They’re the real tyrants.
Democrats’ entire campaign revolves around making Trump into a real, living, monster, who people, particularly Hispanics, should fear.
In the process, she claims the inflation rate is down (which it is, but still higher than when Trump was in office), jobs were created (which they were but essentially constituted COVID positions that came back after the government allowed the economy to reopen), that Trump tried earnestly to get rid of Obamacare (which he did, thinking it would be replaced by something with more consumer choice and would be cheaper), etc.
Where is the evidentiary support for these wild claims? Trump, unlike Kamala, sometimes gets in trouble by speaking in too many concrete examples (cats and dogs being eaten by Haitians in Ohio?) and loses the point by telling the truth (such as hundreds of thousands of criminal aliens who came across the border).
Kamala, in this town hall, relied on the ignorance of her audience, all the while seeking their votes by offering government giveaways (building three million new homes), tax breaks ($6000 child tax credit in a baby’s first year) and outright lies (that abortions are essentially banned after Roe v. Wade in much of the country). Without demagoguery, Kamala would have nothing at all.
On abortion, she attempted to make it a citizens vs. government argument, basically that the government shouldn’t have a say in decisions regarding what a woman can do with her body. The Democrat still can’t or won’t name a cut-off point for legalized abortion and instead cites incredibly isolated cases of women who were harmed by an inability to get an abortion.
Statistically speaking, these instances are very rare as compared to abortions themselves, which aren’t rare at all. Nothing is ever said about the infant’s life being terminated, much less the damaging psychological effect on a “birthing human” who kills her own child and has to live with it for the rest of her life.
Distortion – and lies – is what Democrats do. And they think Hispanics in particular are too simple and don’t know any better to recognize the distinction. Condescension at its best.
“Mama-la” talks a lot about her life experience, and more specifically about her mother
Ask Kamala a specific policy-oriented question and chances are she’s going to talk about her own experience – about her mother – and bypass the gist of the matter.
Kamala was asked by one woman about healthcare for non-citizens, and Kamala started blubbering about how she had to be the caregiver for her own mother towards the end of the woman’s life, and it’s all about “dignity” and the ends rather than the means. Republicans, and Donald Trump, aren’t about making people die alone and penny-less. It’s about finding a more effective way to cover people without going bankrupt.
Harris would rather just throw open the doors of the treasury, including safeguarding people who are here illegally. Kamala’s never met a federally funded welfare program she didn’t favor, while never elaborating on how it would be paid for. At one point cackling Kamala even suggested she would put Medicare in charge of paying for home health care if/when she has the power. Another hopelessly expensive entitlement with enormous potential for fraud and exploitation, with taxpayers footing the bill.
Throughout the entire event, I don’t believe she talked about budgeting, etc. Budget is a dirty word to Democrats.
And stories about her mother and upbringing don’t humanize her, either. “Mama-la” is phony and so is her family story.
Democrats preach the immigration problem didn’t exist prior to April of this year
As would be expected, Kamala received a couple questions about immigration being out-of-control and what she planned to do about it. Here, as in other places where the topic has come up, Harris raised the senate’s “bipartisan” immigration compromise bill as the catch-all solution that failed because Donald Trump “wanted to run on a problem rather than allow a solution.”
It’s common knowledge the bill was dead before Trump ever weighed in because House Republicans recognized that it was a Chuck Schumer driven show-bill designed to have Republicans vote it down (allow in as many as 4500 illegals a day without being declared an emergency?) and thus be blamed by Democrats for being against “fixes” to the issue.
No statistics here, either. Yes, the bill did contain money for more border patrol agents and would’ve helped alleviate fentanyl importation, but Republicans opposed the legislation because it was a “steaming pile of crap” (somebody said, don’t remember who).
Democrats are selling a bill of goods here, too, counting on the Hispanic audience to either believe Republicans are racists, or under the influence of the evil Donald Trump, who controls everyone out of fear. Remember how many struggles Trump had with members of his own party in Congress? Some dictator.
I can’t help but think Kamala never convinces anyone that Biden and her performed well on the issue. Illegal entries and treatment were ignored at best and aided at worst. All air and no substance. Kamala is a practiced liar, but not even she sounds credible talking about the administration’s record.
Summing it up
Kamala Harris deserves some credit for showing up at an event like the Univision candidate town hall. In the process of answering – or not answering – the questions, she revealed why so many Hispanics are wary of giving Democrats their votes again. Democrats have used them for advancing their own political prospects. It won’t work in 2024.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
Kamala Harris candidacy
Donald Trump campaign
Harris Trump debates
J.D. Vance
Kamala vice president
Speaker Mike Johnson
Donald Trump assassination
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election
Tim Walz