Casual bystander at Democrat headquarters: “Did you hear the news? (Nope.) Well, I saw a media report that Liz Cheney and her father (former George W. Bush vice president) Dick just endorsed Kamala Harris! Who would’ve ever imagined that the Democrat deemed ‘war

criminal’, Dick Cheney and his little girl from the Northern Virginia suburbs (Wyoming?) would be all-in for our new Democrat nominee in 2024?
“The political winds certainly are swirling, and a complete change in direction isn’t out of the question!”
Or is it? Anyone who’s followed the headlines the past few years, or at least since the fateful and hopelessly misconstrued January 6, 2021 protest gone wrong, realizes the so-called “attack” on the U.S. Capitol that day was the chance disgruntled sourpuss RINO Republicans like little Liz and her neocon-to-the-core dad were looking for to make a clean break with the new conservative/populist direction of the Republican Party.
It just took a few thousand red, white and blue-clad Trump supporters, a handful of FBI agitator infiltrators, a couple hundred cleverly placed reporters and news cameras and the willing cooperation of the United States Capitol Police (who opened the doors for the throng and then stood by as the crowd filed into the building) to coax the establishmentarians out of their rat holes and into the open.
You may recall – or should remember – that Liz Cheney and her dad were never keen on Trump to begin with, as weren’t most of the old guard Republican establishment holdovers, few of which believed that the bombastic New York real estate developer’s political career had staying power. They downplayed Trump’s 2016 Republican primary campaign as a Herman Cain-like flash-in-the-pan and weren’t necessarily more convinced of its legitimacy when Trump eventually sent Jeb Bush packing back to Florida – or wherever the Bush son/brother resided at the time while championing amnesty for illegal invaders and more overseas aggression to spread “democracy” on America’s dime.
The realization still didn’t sink in when Trump dispatched the DC establishment favorite, Hillary Clinton, in the general election. Then, together with previous Speaker Paul Ryan, senator Mitt Romney, eternal Republican senate leader Mitch McConnell and a handful of others, they had to be content to sit on their hands for a time waiting for their moment to strike.
It arrived after the 2020 election and now the separatists have come full circle with the ascension of cackling Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. They establishment turncoats have made the switch alright; if this were Star Wars, Liz n’ Dick and co. would have gone over to the dark side. But their duplicity is really just a furtherance of the old Washingtonian “uni-party” power structure.
How and why? In an opinion column titled, “Old Republican Establishment Rallies for Kamala”, Christopher Roach wrote recently at American Greatness:
“It turns out that the seemingly partisan national elections really are just a question of which personnel take the senior roles, as well as very subtle and symbolic differences on social issues. None of it really mattered to people’s everyday lives or for changes to public policy; the same types of people were running things in the same way.
“Further, the ongoing disloyalty and hostility of the Republican establishment toward Trump has not gone unnoticed. They all demanded in 2016 that Trump pledge to support the nominee, only to back off when Trump surprisingly won. Then, in his first term—when Republicans dominated the Senate, House of Representatives, and Presidency—speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, finked on providing funding for the border wall, Trump’s signature promise. Ryan did, however, in old-school Republican fashion, secure tax breaks for the wealthy and connected.
“My expectation is that these [Cheney] endorsements will do nothing or slightly backfire. They may function as boomerangs because they remind voters that Trump is beset by enemies on both sides of the political spectrum and that his only real constituency is made up of regular people, shut off from power, who are collectively sick of the nonsense.”
Good analysis. Seeing Liz n’ Dick slobbering over themselves to get behind Kamala Harris reminded me of how useless the old guard has become in the Republican Party. Even if they haven’t completely gone away, their influence has waned to the point where only Democrats appear to welcome them – and liberals will be more than happy to resume their Cheney-bashing once the longtime Republicans become useless as usual.
Needless to say, here’s guessing that Liz isn’t receiving invitations from the Reagan Library to speak any longer, though there must be some Bush Republicans still in positions of authority somewhere in the upper echelons of the elite GOP class. Here’s thinking they must be hanging around like mold in a poorly ventilated basement awaiting an opportunity to once again emerge and try to resume some semblance of notoriety.
Liz n’ Dick have fallen a long way in just under a decade, as have Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and John Kasich, their brand of go-along-to-get-along Republicanism no longer the dominant force in a Trump-led GOP. The gaggle of GOP has-beens insist they don’t like the nastiness of the “tone” instilled by the much more combative Trump, but notice that they’re not the ones being shot at by the leftist kooks.
Trump was correct when he remarked last week that only consequential presidents inspire assassination attempts.
Liz Cheney, in very Democrat-like fashion, has said many times she would do everything in her power to make sure Donald Trump wasn’t elected president again. One wonders why she waited this long to finally let it be known that she’s openly pro-Kamala, but it’s probably because it took her awhile to make up her mind as to how she might be most destructive to the cause of individual liberty and traditional Republicanism.
The Democrats have always been the party of big government but it’s taken years to come around to the notion of also being the party of big corporations, the military industrial complex and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (and its pro-illegal immigration stance). The working man doesn’t have a home in Democrat-land even if Big Labor and its bosses (except for the Teamsters, who are remaining neutral) are comfortable hobnobbing with Comrade Kamala and her commie sidekick, Tampon Tim Walz.
These days, the regulated elite are mighty chummy political bedfellows with the regulators.
It's sometimes hard to believe that the GOP’s 2012 ticket was comprised of two ardent Never Trumpers, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, both of whom are now out of Congress or will be in a few months. They still are beckoned to express their opinions whenever an establishment-supporting media outlet requires a “Republican” voice to make themselves look unbiased and “bipartisan”, but their sway is next to nothing, at least in terms of grassroots favor.
Never Trumpers lament that their downward slide in the party is due to their refusal to “kiss Trump’s ring”, but it’s more because their dissenter personalities aren’t welcomed by the party’s grassroots any longer. Trump’s enemies still don’t get it – Trump isn’t wildly popular because he’s got a “cult of personality” hold over his backers, it’s due to his unflinching anti-establishment orientation.
It's the Never Trumpers who portend that it’s all about behavior and decorum, as though being congenial and talking nice with Democrats won’t get you assassinated. It won’t win any legislative battles, either, so the effect is about the same.
This basic back-and-forth is the reason why the establishment media and Democrats fixate on non-issues like whether Haitian immigrants are eliminating the ducks and geese population of Springfield, Ohio. I’m surprised that Liz Cheney herself (and daddy Dick) hasn’t been seen holding a presser in the town center talking about how awful Trump is.
Even Liz n’ Dick’s endorsement is a kind of distraction that leads away from Kamala having to talk about anything remotely related to her issue positions. Kamala won’t discuss the policies that led to Springfield becoming a household name, but she’s sure getting a good chuckle from the social media memes making light of Trump and J.D. Vance!
Meanwhile, Liz n’ Dick’s Democrat endorsements give them a platform and a relevance to say something on the national stage. Notice how Kamala trumpeted their views and backing during the recent debate while bragging that she now has the support of 200 Republicans?
It’s similar to how Harris gets away with continuing to label the failed border bill from a few months ago “bipartisan” because a couple wayward Republicans joined with every single Democrat to vote for it. This has been one area that’s been frustrating with Trump – why doesn’t he point out how crappy that border fix really was and dispel the notion that he alone killed it?
Trump doesn’t pander to Democrats to pass his policies. He already realizes that the chance of ever receiving cooperation from the opposition party is just about nil. Democrats don’t care about policy – they only value power. And they’ll favor any policy that allows them to purchase more of it from their voter base.
At the same time, folks like Liz n’ Dick and Mitt are hoping against hope that if Trump is somehow defeated in the election that his movement will be vanquished with him, and that the opening will be exploited by the remnants of the GOP establishment to make a comeback. It’s the only way they’ll ever gain admittance in through the gate again – and that is as some patronage seeking schlep beholden to cackling Kamala and Tampon Tim.
Ain’t that a heck of a legacy for a political family? Almost sad to see.
Liz Cheney understood she had no future left in Republican politics after what she and her small band of malcontents did to Donald Trump after J6. Donald Trump’s doghouse door only swings one way, but the same is true for principled conservatives who recognize that this year’s election will determine the fate of the republic. Who’s onboard? We’ll soon find out.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
Kamala Harris candidacy
Donald Trump campaign
Harris Trump debates
J.D. Vance
Kamala vice president
Speaker Mike Johnson
Donald Trump assassination
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election
Tim Walz
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