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The Right Resistance: Make the Republican National Convention a wakeup shout for 2024 Election

Jeffrey A. Rendall

Updated: Jul 15, 2024

Note: The earth-shattering assassination attempt of President Donald Trump on Saturday evening shook the political world, but the Republican National Committee and Trump’s campaign have announced that the 2024 convention will go on as scheduled this week. How “normal” that turns out to be… well, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Start your engines (or is it, activate the starting gate?)!


For those of you, like myself, who’ve been waiting and waiting for something that actually counts to happen in the 2024 American presidential horserace, wait no longer, as Republicans gather in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this week to conduct their quadrennial nominating convention, something that could more appropriately be deemed the quadrennial Donald Trump confirmation extravaganza.


It seems like forever – it’s been more like twelve years – since conservatives and GOPers have chosen someone other than Donald J. Trump to represent them for the highest office in the land, a lengthy period of time (or at least it’s seemed like it) that’s witnessed American politics undergo a remarkable metamorphosis from Republican establishment/swamp dominated Washington to Trump’s grassroots-inspired populist/conservative orientation.


The establishment bluebloods are still there, of course, and they’re still acting as a drag on the Republican party and the nation, but there’s little doubt who “owns” the GOP now, and that’s the career real estate developer, tabloid celebrity and reality TV star from Queens, New York. Trump himself has undergone a number of changes in the interim, not the least of which is getting a decade older and showing a semblance of humility garnered through being relentlessly battered by intra-party opponents (RINOs), Democrats and the “fake news” establishment media.


Trump has endured it all and now, upon accepting his third consecutive presidential nomination, has achieved something that no other politician has accomplished this century – complete hegemony in a major American political party. It’s basically taken every iota of the time since he rode down the escalator with wife Melania at Trump Tower over nine years ago, but he’s done it. As Trump’s boasted a lot lately, the Republican Party is about as unified as it’s ever been.


Who could’ve glimpsed the future back in 2015/16 and saw this happening? It seems so surreal now, but that doesn’t make the situation less urgent. Donald Trump isn’t perfect – far from it – but he has come to represent America’s only hope for survival in our troubled times.


The narrative for this year’s convention differs from past versions. For one thing, there’s already been one “official” presidential debate, which Trump won convincingly – so much so that senile Joe Biden’s performance has caused many Democrats to demand that he get the heck out of the race. What else did we learn from the debate?


And needless to say, the nation will be fixated on news emanating from the investigation surrounding Saturday evening’s history altering incident.


In an article titled “5 things we now know about Biden and Trump from the postdebate polls”, Niall Stanage reported at The Hill prior to the assassination attempt:


“Biden’s disastrous performance in that [June 27] clash has led to calls for him to quit the race, speculation over who might replace him, and Democratic worries that their national convention, set for Chicago in August, could be chaotic.


“After two weeks, we have more clarity as to what the polls are saying. Here are the five biggest takeaways:


Trump's small advantage has expanded;

The battleground trend is more mixed--but, again, Trump has advantage;

Doubts about Biden run deep;

Historic parallels give Democrats more pause, and,

2 big polls may be skewing perception about the scale of Trump's lead…


“To be sure, the overall picture is extremely ominous for Democrats. But it’s not yet definitive that Trump is running away with the race.”


Stanage’s final observation should be the theme of this week. For all the jubilation conservatives and Republicans have experienced since Democrats and their establishment media allies began challenging themselves in who-can-go-lowest fashion recently, everyone needs to remember that it’s only mid-July and there are – literally – a million things that could happen between now and when the final vote is counted to blur reality.


If anything, Republicans should use their convention and its exposure to amp up the warnings of what could and likely will happen if we get complacent and stop contributing, working, talking with family and acquaintances, or just generally treating this election as though it’s already in the bag while taking the months off rather than scratching like heck to secure every legitimate vote that we can for Trump and Republican candidates down ballot.


It's not going to do much good if Trump wins the presidency but Democrats retain their parity numbers in Congress. Trump can’t do it alone, and I’m not talking about his announcement of his choice for running mate. It’ll be a big show, but there’s a higher purpose to keep in mind here.


Oddly enough, Democrats might even welcome Trump’s stealing of the nation’s news headlines for a week or so, anything to take the voters’ minds off of their own party’s nomination and succession foibles, a topic that even the butt-covering American establishment media can scarcely avoid these days. Incumbent president senile Joe Biden still faces major popularity obstacles to himself being re-nominated, but at least for a few days, Democrats may call off the proverbial dogs on the old goat himself.


Nevertheless, we’re still likely to hear many, many references to senile Joe’s dilapidated physical and mental condition during speeches this week, Republicans not wishing to let the subject die as part of their argument for why the Democrat party as a whole needs to be replaced in the nation’s capital. As many conservatives have pointed out, it isn’t just Biden that is the problem in government.


It's the entirety of the evil, corrupted, morally depraved Democrat party, the one that’s responsible for destroying our country with open borders, permissive fentanyl poisoning (kills a hundred thousand of our citizens every year), its assault on American traditions and culture, fiscal irresponsibility, weaponization of the in-justice department, promotion of deviant lifestyles and transgenderism, misguided fantasies of “climate change”, active campaigning to revoke God-given gun rights, destruction of American sovereignty, horrific foreign policy, appeasement of Islamic radical regimes in the Middle East, abandonment of our allies (Israel) and look-the-other way accommodation of China.


Democrats have also embarked on spending sprees that would make a drunken sailor envious, fanned inflation that’s killing the American Dream, encouraged fiscal policy that’s boosted interest rates to the point where the middle class cannot afford to buy a house or start a business, regulated the economy to stagnation, spent billions upon billions accommodating illegal aliens, sent hundreds of billions more to prop up the corrupt Ukraine government, fostered crime sprees, cheered on leftist radicals on college campuses and blamed Trump and Republicans for everything that’s gone wrong.


Democrats have also imprisoned January 6 dissenters in Gulag-type jails and thrown peaceful anti-abortion picketers in the hoosegow for exercising free speech and assembly rights. Democrats have further created an apparatus for censorship, imposed absurd mandates (masks and vaccinations), criminalized dissenters, made a mockery of religious freedoms and strongarmed corporations to bow to the “woke” agenda.


Perhaps worst of all, the evil Democrats have tried – and are still trying – to delegitimize American elections by advocating against integrity measures like Voter ID, same-day voting, paper ballots and counting oversight and signature verification. Simply stated, Democrats hope to lull Americans into complacency while they rip off “democracy”.


This is only a partial list, mind you. Senile Joe Biden – or whomever has been running the country for the past three and a half years – and his ideological band of morons, scums, criminals, “woke” apologists and outright liars have waged war on our institutions and the people themselves. Whereas Crooked Hillary Clinton “only” labeled Trump supporters as “deplorables”, senile Joe calls us “MAGA Fascists” and “threats to democracy”.


In other words, all of the conditions that existed prior to Donald Trump’s arrival on the American political scene not only still exist, they’ve gotten much worse. And the war on America has been fought under false pretenses. Their recent contrition over senile Joe’s condition notwithstanding, Democrats have lied, stolen, cheated, emboldened our enemies and coddled their own miscreants (Hunter Biden, anyone?).


This is the backdrop Trump and Republicans confront this week. With public opinion polls and surveys indicating that Trump enjoys a wide lead in the presidential race, Trump comes to Milwaukee in a position he’s never enjoyed before. People sometimes forget that Trump trailed Crooked Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a significant margin and was behind by an even greater total in 2020.


Even back then, Democrats were hiding Biden from view. Recall how their “virtual” convention (ironically, also based in Milwaukee) in 2020 was hosted by a different celebrity each night who would introduce various speakers and guests stationed all over the country. Remember how Dr. Jill Biden read her speech from a high school classroom? Democrats seemed proud that they’d shuttered the economy and promised to eradicate COVID. They lied. And demagogued. And foretold of doom if Trump were reelected as though the Republicans would put everyone in a room packed with COVID positive patients and wait for them to die from the Chinese manufactured flu.


Kind of like Democrat governors actually did to nursing home patients.


Republicans, on the other hand, devised new “social distance” venues to conduct a more “normal” convention four years ago. First Lady Melania Trump delivered her tasteful speech from the White House Rose Garden at night. Then Vice President Mike Pence spoke from the dramatic site of Fort McHenry (where the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ was written during the War of 1812). President Trump’s convention concluding address was from the White House itself. Beautiful. Memorable. Inspiring.


Then the Republican crowd was assailed by criminals/Democrats outside the gates. Senator Rand Paul and his wife had to be saved from physical harm by brave police officers.


One almost forgets how difficult those days were, and how the leftist onslaught succeeded in bringing down Trump’s 2020 effort, thanks mostly to vote shenanigans that should’ve been entirely preventable if conservatives and Republicans had just stood up and spoke up about enforcing voting laws and preventing fraud when they had the chance.


Fortunately, the country’s mood appears to have shifted considerably since those dark days, the assassination attempt notwithstanding. With senile Joe Biden and the Democrats on the run – and the citizenry having had it with Democrat policies and lies – Republicans have a grand opportunity this week to influence the campaign even further. So prepare yourself… it’s about to get started. Fire ‘em up (the engines, that is).

  • Joe Biden economy

  • inflation

  • Biden cognitive decline

  • gas prices,

  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Biden senile

  • January 6 Committee

  • Liz Cheney

  • Build Back Better

  • Joe Manchin

  • RINOs

  • Marjorie Taylor Green

  • Kevin McCarthy

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  • 2022 elections

  • Donald Trump

  • 2024 presidential election

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