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The Right Resistance: Senile Joe Biden urgently begs the media to help him battle Trump

Jeffrey A. Rendall

Oh Mr. News-man, look and see, if there's a poll, a poll for me” – these are slightly rejiggered lyrics on a classic song that the president of the United States, senile Joe Biden, just might be crooning to any establishment media writer or reporter within shouting distance these days. Or maybe in Biden's personal case, to anyone within whispering

distance, since he's fond of lowering his voice when attempting to emphasize points during speeches.


But whereas the Marvelettes implored the Postman to find a letter for them in 1961, broken-down lying old goat senile Joe Biden begs the already-in-the-tank news industry to dig deeper to highlight something positive for him to talk about, since the news has been all or mostly bad for his campaign of late, particularly since the New York Democrat authorities cranked up their efforts to pin a criminal charge on former president Trump.


How low has senile Joe gone? Absolute bottom is difficult to measure and common sense says the depths haven’t yet been reached in Biden’s ocean, but poor senile Joe has now resorted to pleading with the media to aid his struggling campaign by essentially being tougher and even more extreme on Trump, Biden’s theory being that his 2024 opponent is skating by in public opinion matters whereas the media shines a negative spotlight on him personally.


My, how grand things would be for Joe Biden if only the liberal talkers and writers were just that much more dishonest and nakedly partisan than they already are!


Or is it simply that senile Joe’s proverbial chickens are finally coming home to roost after his more than a half century serving in the DC swamp. There’re only so many lies that any politician can get away with and the media pundits are merely failing in their mission to fool everyone, all the time.


At any rate, it’s “Please, please, Mr. Neewwwsss-maannn… Please check and see just one more time for me” in Biden-land. In an article on senile Joe Biden’s recent trip to the White House Correspondents dinner and his corresponding plea (begging?) establishment media members to help him in his quest to bolster his pathetic poll standing, in a piece titled “As polls slip, Biden seeks media help”, Byron York reported earlier this week at the Washington Examiner:


“Sunday brought more bad news for President Joe Biden in the form of a new CNN poll showing former President Donald Trump leading Biden by 6 points, 49% to 43%, in a head-to-head national matchup, and by 9 points, 42% to 33%, in a race that includes Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and some minor left-wing candidates. A worrisome detail in the poll was that it was taken from April 18 to April 23, when Trump’s trial in New York was underway and the subject of intense media coverage...


“Perhaps it is not surprising, then, that even as he was receiving the latest negative polling, Biden was asking the press to go tougher on Trump. Trump supporters might roll their eyes at that — how could the press be any tougher on Trump than they already are? — but Biden took two high-profile opportunities to tell journalists that they should go even harder on the former president.”


One was an appearance on 70-year-old (former) shock jock Howard Stern’s radio show, where the one-time media cultural star practically slobbered over Biden as though the mentally faltering doofus was doing such a great job and no one appreciates him. And the other was last weekend at the White House Correspondents dinner, where the president chided the audience for them allegedly giving Trump a kid-gloves treatment, then asked for their help.


York further added that Biden said, “’Eight years ago, you could have written it off as just Trump talk… But no longer. Not after Jan. 6.’ Then came his instructions for covering his and Trump’s campaigns: ‘I’m sincerely not asking of you to take sides but asking you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment, move past the horse-race numbers and the gotcha moments and the distractions, the sideshows that have come to dominate and sensationalize our politics, and focus on what’s actually at stake. I think, in your hearts, you know what’s at stake. The stakes couldn’t be higher.’”


Make no mistake, Biden was indeed entreating the journos to quit hiding behind a cloak of impartiality and to take sides with his effort, seemingly fearing that the days of non-stop witch hunting, obfuscating and opinion journalism masquerading as facts were either at an end – or darn close to it. York didn’t describe how the media members present at the black-tie affair reacted to the plea, but here’s thinking they would’ve been sympathetic to it.


Of course, an objective reality check suggests that Trump is being shown daily going to and from courtrooms with brief glimpses of supporters gathered outside in hopes of getting a real-life glimpse of the MAGA star as he emerges only to be forced to return there the next day. Trump has made the best of the situation by turning some of his post-trial appearances into greeting sessions with fans, something that’s painted the lifelong tabloid celebrity in a positive light.


Apparently, the Biden folks in the White House don’t see it that way. To them, again, apparently, two separate impeachment trials basically a year apart, the slime and mudslinging efforts of Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 committee, gobs of Never Trumpers and Trump-haters on TV and editorial pages full of invectives to send Trump to jail haven’t been enough to convince Biden and Democrats that the Republican man is about as thoroughly hated by the reporting industry as anyone possibly could be.


Why, therefore, has senile Joe and his handlers finally decided to directly ask the establishment media to join their cause? It seems its because they’ve tried everything else and beseeching the reporter class to get onboard or risk having Trump preside for another four years (something they would love and hate at the same time) could motivate them. Everyone knows Trump’s name and face equates to instant ratings and views for outlets, but the workers can’t be wild about the recurrence of Trump’s confrontational style, his truth telling and penchant for labeling them “fake news”.


It's said that Napoleon disastrously and fatefully attacked Wellington’s center at Waterloo because he’d already tried attacking the left and right flanks and was repulsed, therefore leaving few options but to go right at the English strength to try and ascertain a weak spot. This could be Biden’s message to the media – you’ve got to keep probing and punching to discover a weakness in Trump’s 2024 message, even if it could lead to disaster.


Only this isn’t warfare – at least in the traditional sense – and Trump’s political instincts are pretty hard to breach in a frontal assault. What name hasn’t Trump been called? What angle to weaken or defeat him hasn’t been tried? Democrats concocted much of 2020’s COVID scare to get to Trump, succeeding to some degree because so many states trashed their own elections integrity laws to provide mail-in voting which would be counted and counted and counted until Trump lost.


This year, the American people have wised up quite a lot having been smothered under the weight of senile Joe Biden’s and the Democrats’ crushing inflation, infuriated by the administration’s border policies (or lack thereof), its defense of the deteriorating condition of America’s cities – and for allowing in millions of illegal invaders, poisonous drugs, human trafficking and tolerance for other cultural maladies that are too numerous to list here.


In short, senile Joe Biden, cackling Kamala Harris, the Democrat leadership in Congress and their recent waffling over support for Israel and look-the-other-way treatment of the heinous Hamas protesters – it’s all summed up in their pathetic poll numbers.


As far as the media actually complying with Biden’s “request” that they lay off his own problems in order to redouble their mission to wound the Republican nominee, what could the snoopers possibly do to go harder on Trump? The media has delighted in showing Trump in every possible ugly light since he rode down the escalator with wife Melania at Trump Tower nearly nine years ago. They’ve insulted his person, his businesses, targeted his family, compared him to fascist dictators, called him racist, sexist, a womanizer, serial abuser of women, suggested that he hates immigrants and questioned his judgment on personnel and taste in White House décor, among others.


They’ve also implied and accused Trump of only wanting to be president to satisfy his ego, promote himself, further his business empire, make money off his position (despite donating all four years’ worth of his presidential salary to charity) and take advantage of his lofty position to extend his celebrity.


So, what exactly can the TV personalities and newspaper investigators do to make life harder for Trump? It seems the fiercer they try to “get him”, the less successful they become and only serve to augment his legend and standing with the American people.


Americans notice when someone’s being treated unfairly, even if it’s Donald Trump.


Meanwhile, it would be equally difficult to ignore senile Joe Biden’s foibles especially when he (Biden) makes it so easy to shine additional “Hey! Look at that!” attention on him. Biden has virtually made a betting sport over whether he’ll be able to navigate Air Force One’s steps on any occasion, or if he’ll be able to locate the exit after a speech, or if Dr. Jill will have to step in and correct something he’s said.


Senile Joe basically asked the journalists to bypass the personal failings and signs of aging that concern Americans the most. Wouldn’t this invite journalistic ethics inquiries to not report something?


Senile Joe Biden is correct that the stakes for this year’s election couldn’t be any higher, and he’s also right on insisting that the establishment media concentrate on what’s at stake for the nation if the incumbent were to win another term. America would essentially cease to be if Biden wins again, which makes highlighting the current issues all the more necessary.

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  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Biden senile

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  • RINOs

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  • 2022 elections

  • Donald Trump

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May 03, 2024

Whether they will admit it or not, the Biden team is running scared. It would be a good idea for the Trump team to be prepared to face off against somebody else. That might require a slight shift in the conversation. If Biden is no longer the opposition, that could cause a lot of Trump supporters to stay home - big mistake. Let's be prepared.

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