The morning after senile president Joe Biden’s stunningly divisive and hateful political speech on “MAGA Republicans” in Philadelphia, it’s time to talk about impeachment.

Remember that “turnabout is fair play”. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the phrase as, “used to say that it is fair for a person to do something to harm someone who has harmed him or her.”
Or you could just as easily say, “an eye for an eye”; or perhaps even, “Revenge is a dish best served cold”. Whatever tactic your enemy – or a sibling – does to you becomes fair game to use back on him or her. Taken to logical extremes, many a country has deployed bigger and better weapons against an adversary simply because said rival deployed destructive firepower first.
Barack Obama called it “crossing a red line.”
In American politics, Democrats crossed that red line a few years ago when they initiated impeachment proceedings against former president Donald Trump based on extremely dubious – and untrue – charges of his trying to push an ally, in this case Ukraine – to investigate a potential 2020 presidential opponent. The purported “evidence” for this “high crime or misdemeanor” was an overheard phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president, the transcript of which was brought forth by a DC deep state “whistleblower” who didn’t believe what the American president had discussed was proper.
Democrats love whistleblowers when the gossip is against their political enemy, not so much when the bringer of the information implicates themselves or corrupted government intelligence and law enforcement agencies. But that’s another matter.
At any rate, on the day before Labor Day weekend when both parties are gearing up for a down and dirty contentious campaign season, there are rumors circulating regarding a possible impeachment of senile president Joe Biden next year should Republicans win control of the House after November’s elections. Democrats did it when they had the chance. Will Republicans see turnabout as fair play?
“A number of rank-and-file conservatives have already introduced impeachment articles in the current Congress against the president. They accuse Biden of committing ‘high crimes’ in his approach to a range of issues touching on border enforcement, the coronavirus pandemic and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.
“Those resolutions never had a chance of seeing the light of day, with Democrats holding a narrow control of the lower chamber. But with Republicans widely expected to win the House majority in the midterms, many of those same conservatives want to tap their new potential powers to oust a president they deem unfit. Some would like to make it a first order of business...
“Some Republicans said the decision whether to endorse impeachment next year will simply hinge on events. Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), for instance, has endorsed two impeachment resolutions this cycle related to the Afghanistan withdrawal, but ‘has made no decisions yet on supporting impeachment articles next year with Republicans in the majority,’ according to spokesman Austin Livingston.”
Sure, hold your impeachment neck out when you’re not in power but hesitate once your say-so actually possesses the authority to do something. I’m not bagging on Rep. Norman here – I don’t really know who he is – but it doesn’t take a whole lot of gumption to threaten impeachment when Nancy Pelosi is in charge of the House procedural arsenals, knowing full well that she wouldn’t turn them against a Democrat in a million lifetimes.
Democrats don’t censure their own, though here’s thinking San Fran Nan probably had husband Paul waterboarded in private with Napa Valley wine after his drunk driving antics embarrassed her so much this summer. The PR hit from the incident alone must’ve stung the always self-righteous old hag. ‘Tis a shame. You may recall during the 2018 campaign that would-be (again) Speaker Nancy Pelosi pooh-poohed the notion of impeaching Donald Trump if Democrats again took over, reasoning behind closed doors that it wasn’t supported by a popular mandate and wouldn’t stand a chance of succeeding in the senate, where Republicans held a majority of seats at the time.
Senile Joe Biden is an awful president, which comes as no surprise to those who’ve paid attention to the man’s 50-year career in Washington. We knew he was no “healer” and no “good guy” you’d want to share a Labor Day backyard barbecue with. Biden has always been a compromised shill, Barack Obama’s errand boy and the Democrats’ most useful idiot. He’s the default choice when no one except Bernie Sanders is available.
But to impeach senile Joe would be a little extreme and a mistake. It’s not that he doesn’t deserve it – he does. But traveling through the formal impeachment process is arduous at best and wouldn’t do much good for the country, not that we should care about the emotional fallout inflicted on the awful Democrat party and the whiners and complainers in the establishment media.
If Republicans were to try the impeachment angle, I would counsel them to make whatever charges against Biden fit onto one printed page. Brevity will make the accusations stand out while also leaving the House managers with a broader spectrum from which to present evidence of guilt. The goal would be to educate the public about Biden’s intentional sabotage of America and its institutions, with maximum damage done to his reelection chances.
But Republicans shouldn’t push impeachment of senile Joe for several reasons:
First, like with the Democrats’ absurd witch hunt of president Donald Trump and the blatantly false accusations of “Russia, Russia, Russia” interference in the 2016 election, any movement to oust Biden before 2024 would be doomed to fail. With somewhere near fifty – or more -- Democrat senators in the upper chamber – there is no way the movers of impeachment would come close to the two-thirds votes necessary to bring him down.
Do you think Mitt Romney would vote to convict Biden? Or Sen. Lisa Murkowski (if she’s still there next year)? The establishment media would hoot and holler about the “bipartisan” nature of the vote to acquit the dunce from Delaware.
Second, impeaching Biden could conceivably accomplish something that no other group movement or single human being could ever do – that is, make Joe Biden look like a sympathetic character. Democrats would gripe about how Joe’s impeachment was simply turnabout for what they did to Donald Trump – twice – and further complain about how “Biden didn’t do anything wrong” and Republicans are “just out to get him”. I can just hear their gnashing of teeth now, can’t you?
Three, what comes next? President Kamala Harris? That’s not much of a good trade, even if senile Joe is the worst president of all-time. Harris would takeover that title on day one of her administration. Her followers would be all the Biden retreads plus some real leftist revolutionaries. It’d be bad.
Why not impeach Attorney General Merrick Garland instead? Or Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas? There would be plenty of juicy evidence on those guys and bringing them before the public might actually generate some interest from the voters. Something to consider.
Four, Republicans should devote their time and energy to issues Americans care about.
New Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s job performance will be assessed on the validity of his investigations as well as his willingness to keep his caucus’s “moderate” boo birds in line by threatening them with yanking their committee assignments as well as starving them of resources for their reelection campaigns if they don’t play as a team. Should McCarthy permit another Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger to emerge in his caucus without a proper punishment, conservatives will notice.
But Republicans have enough to concentrate on in the next year or so without being distracted by a fruitless windmill-chasing impeachment fantasy. First things first… and “make it count”.
Five, based in part on the above stated reasons, Republicans would gain nothing from looking like vindictive copycats of Democrats. Having your nose bloodied on the playground by a sucker punch doesn’t always justify throwing one in retaliation with the yard teacher in full view.
Plus, try as they might, there is no Republican equivalent to Democrat lead impeachment slimeball Adam Schiff, which is arguably a good thing. For all his multitude of offensive attributes, the congressman from West Hollywood, California kept his eye on the prize – to damage Trump as much as humanly possible before the 2020 election, the truth and the evidence be damned.
Six, yet another senate impeachment trial would essentially come under the oversight of Mitch McConnell, who, instead of delving deeply into the sleaze and corruption of his former colleague, senile Joe Biden, would turn the opportunity into a Kumbaya love fest in order to court “moderate” Democrats to choose more Republican senators in the next election. This strategy, like the impeachment action in general, would be destined to fail.
Lastly, any impeachment of Joe Biden would turn the 2024 Republican presidential primary race into a contest to see who could savage the current president the worst and get the candidate field talking about political topics other than the salient issues that voters really care about.
Sure, there would be a percentage of the conservative grassroots that loves the impeachment idea and would support it with full-throated enthusiasm (can’t you just see the bumper stickers now?), but there would be at least an equal number of results-oriented conservatives who prefer keeping the discussion to the real urgent matter at hand: saving the Constitution and the Republic instead of exacting revenge on one Democrat while leaving the others weeping openly on their soapboxes.
Turnabout is fair play – especially concerning impeaching Joe Biden – and has real potential to be emotionally satisfying, but it’s not smart politics for a new Republican Congress next year. With the entire country’s political situation going haywire, there simply isn’t time for gamesmanship and score settling.
Going into Labor Day weekend, focus on the important goals ahead.
Joe Biden economy
Joe Biden Philadelphia speech
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
January 6 Committee
Liz Cheney
Build Back Better
Joe Manchin
Marjorie Taylor Green
Kevin McCarthy
Mitch McConnell
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election
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Absolutely. There are many reasons to not impeach Biden. Here's another. At the rate things are going, the Democrats are going to have to dump him before or during the 2024 election season. If they keep him as their nominee, they will lose the presidency by a vary large margin as long as Republicans have a nominee who isn't afraid to name names tell it like it is. That means a Trump or a DeSantis, but not a Romney, a Bush, or some other "gentlemanly" type loser. My dog could outwit Biden.