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The Right Resistance: Top Ten reasons why cackling Kamala Harris dodges the enabler media

Did you hear from Kamala Harris’s campaign today?


On the day of what is set to be the “new” Democrat presidential nominee’s first sit-down

with a media personality, it’s safe to say most journalists probably wondered the same thing. Up to this point, the Democrat standard bearer’s self-imposed blackout had carried into days and weeks with no sign of ending.


Everyone noticed it, yet the establishment media reporters carried on as though nothing was wrong and the world would be fine and well-taken care of if/when the anonymous shell candidate managed to maintain her polling lead until November’s election. Mail-in balloting begins as early as the end of next week in some states, meaning Harris may begin receiving votes having only given a single interview.


Or not having engaged in a debate or town hall forum, etc. It’s a travesty. How is it possible?


In a newsletter entry titled “Kamala Harris’s media gambit is working”, Byron York wrote at the Washington Examiner the other day:


“Vice President Kamala Harris has done an impressive job lowering the bar on the question of how she will communicate her views to voters. As you know, Harris has not done an interview since a group of backroom Democratic Party insiders muscled President Joe Biden out of the race on July 21, leading to Harris’s instant elevation to Democratic nominee the next day. Yes, she has taken a few softball questions from her traveling press corps but nothing of any consequence. Needless to say, Harris has not done a news conference to take questions from reporters over an extended period of time...


"You would think the press would be up in arms about this. Instead, many journalists have accepted Harris’s gambit at face value. News programs are filled with speculation about The Interview: When will it be? Who will Harris choose to do it? What will she say? On some news outlets, the conversation is more about a single, unannounced interview than it is about news conferences, multiple interviews, and daily access — what should be happening in a normal campaign..."


As far as the when and where and who questions, Dana Bash will quiz both cackling Kamala and Tampon Tim tonight at 9 on CNN. Why together? Can’t they individually decide on what they think?


York goes on to highlight how Kamala and her crew have appeared to moderate the candidate’s past potentially damaging positions by issuing blanket revisions without follow-up or explanation from the candidate herself, thus insulating the Californian from possible cross-examination and accusations of hypocrisy.


I think Harris’s strategy is much simpler than that. Why hasn’t Kamala wanted to talk to the media? Here’s a (somewhat) satirical look at the Top 10 reasons why Kamala avoided offering an interview or speaking with the press up until tonight:


One: She’s not ideological. This is usually the excuse cited by politicians who float from place to place like butterflies on a breeze, never committing to anything or portending to exist for a reason. You know, the type of guy or gal (or if you’re a Democrat, an “it” or whatever “nonbinary” means) who just wakes up one morning and finds him or herself in a committee room behind a nameplate and a microphone and temporarily panics because the person’s staff hasn’t handed them a set of pre-fabricated questions to pose to a witness.


This politician would happily answer “I don’t know what I think” if posed a specific query about a topic outside their comfort zone, preferring to yield back their additional minutes or seconds in favor of meeting constituents for lunch at the House or Senate cafeteria.


During my brief days in a House member’s office thirty years ago (as an intern, not an elected official or paid servant), I discovered that the reps themselves knew far less about the issues than their staffs did, and the staffs worked in the offices so they could move on to other political-type jobs at a think tank or lobbying outfit. Yes, this is the way that the legislative branch works, and the primary reason why nothing does – work, that is.


Two: Kamala’s afraid she might develop a case of lockjaw or a brain freeze if she accepted an interview request and then suddenly developed, as has been known to happen with her in the past, an embarrassing and potentially fatal (to her candidacy) episode of the speaking “yips”.


Longtime golfers recognize the “yips”. It’s when you’ve played the game so many years that you take a normally simple challenge, like making a two-foot putt or chipping a ball onto a green, and your brain tricks you into freaking out over the possibility of not making it. You end up yanking the stroke, causing the ball to jerk uncontrollably and usually ending up in a bad spot.


Writers call a similar phenomenon “writer’s block”, which essentially means you stare at a computer screen and your brain is unable to command your hands to type anything. Never having faced this type of affliction, I’ve heard it can be debilitating. Thankfully, it’s only temporary. Again, I’ve heard.


Kamala’s terrified that if she gets in the chair and is asked about an issue, her mouth will freeze and she won’t be able to speak. This is a very real phenomenon for soulless, brainless politicians like Kamala who would normally just mouth whatever she feels like saying, and knowing she’s from deep blue California, would still get reelected anyway.


Being a presidential nominee adds so much pressure to poor Kamala. Maybe she needs a safe space to deal with the stress.


Three: Kamala thinks Joe Biden is watching and will find a way to punish her for going along with Nancy Pelosi’s and Barack Obama’s removal scheme.


Have you ever been in a situation where you’re among hundreds of people in a crowd and yet you have the sensation that everyone is watching you and you alone?


In Kamala’s case, people really are studying her every move, waiting for her to goof up or reflect badly on herself and her party. Plus, particularly unnerving is her knowledge that senile Joe Biden himself is observing her every step, awaiting the opportunity to swoop in as the savior of the Democrat party against the hated Trump while shouting in clearly intelligible language, “See! I told you so! Kamala is a nimrod! Find a way within the rules to substitute me for her!”


Being paranoid and not all that bright, Kamala envisions that the living spirit of senile Joe follows her everywhere she goes. Kind of like the Patrick Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg characters in “Ghost”, only she can hear him. And he keeps poking her while giving instructions.


Four: Husband Doug Emhoff warned her not to talk to the press or he’ll seek out “Dr.” Jill Biden for another embarrassing nationally televised kiss.


Fair observation of Harris reveals that she’s paranoid and susceptible to believing rumors and whispers even when they have no basis in reality. Communist dictators earn power by ruthlessly exercising their authority, but they soon begin suspecting that everyone is out to get them and seek to execute everyone around them just for expressing loyalty.


Seeing as Kamala is very much a communist – and a dictator – she hears a rumor that her husband secretly has a crush on senile Joe Biden’s first lady. They enjoyed that long kiss greeting at last year’s State of the Union speech, right? And that was even when Kamala herself was looking on from down below!


The last thing Kamala wants is to be humiliated in front of the whole country. Again.


Five: Kamala is being sequestered away from the press like a hostage and told to keep her mouth shut.


Some members of the media have noticed recently that Kamala seems to disappear from view when she’s not being shuttled to rally appearances or seen around the White House. Where does she go all the rest of the time? It certainly isn’t out to answer questions from the press corps.


During the recently concluded Democrat convention, for example, Kamala apparently holed herself up in her Chicago hotel room rehearsing each line of her acceptance speech while everyone else in Democrat land was in the arena having a grand time. Now she’s supposedly hidden from view engulfed in debate practice even though the two presidential contenders’ first matchup isn’t for another two weeks yet.


Could it be that the Democrat brains are keeping her hidden so she can’t talk to the media? That they’re so afraid she’ll say something stupid or blatantly false that she’ll blow her candidacy in one singular moment? Is she bound and gagged at this very instant with her hands pulled behind her back and mouth tucked behind a piece of duct tape?


We reject no theory.


Six: If Kamala speaks to the press, people might discover that J.D. Vance had a point about “childless cat ladies” running the country.


Everyone knows that Democrats have no rationale nor reason for running Kamala Harris for president this year. She wasn’t on the party’s primary ballots; she perpetuated the lie that senile Joe Biden was “up to the job” of running for reelection and issued perfunctory statements at every juncture affirming her backing for the old goat and full intention to remain on the ticket.


At the same time, Kamala doesn’t have much else to do with her hours. She doesn’t live at her own home – she’s a consumer of government housing. She gets shuttled around to wherever she wants to go. She probably doesn’t even cook for herself or go grocery shopping.


Kamala Harris is the epitome of an elitist limousine liberal, which roughly translates to “childless cat lady” in regular person vernacular.


Seven: Kamala is resting up and gathering strength for the campaign to come.


Eight: Kamala doesn’t need to talk to the press or offer any kind of issue input because Democrat voters figure she’s just a placeholder tool for the Obamas anyway, and they just need to know whether she’ll be a good company stooge and do whatever Barack n’ Michelle tell her to do.


Nine: Senile Joe Biden did it in 2020, so why shouldn’t Kamala coast off of Biden’s example?


A lot of people have suggested that this type of campaign wouldn’t have worked before 2020, that even Democrats had to crawl out of their shells and present arguments and issue positions which voters could weigh vis-à-vis each other and reach a logical conclusion based on where each party or candidate comes down on the entire portfolio. Or platform.


But not senile Joe Biden. Democrats settled for strictly being against Trump and demagogued the COVID hype in 2020 to put together their justification for voting for them. Tech barons and various other billionaires – like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg – poured seed money into organizations that proved very proficient at harvesting ballots.


Senile Joe really didn’t have to do anything other than exist, wear Mr. Rogers-like sweaters in his basement hideaway and clear his calendar for the election afterparties and eventually, Inaugural balls.


Can’t Kamala do the same? If there’s evidence to refute this, where is it?


Ten: Kamala’s blowing off the press because she can. It’s a sad state of American politics that half of this republic’s (supposed) eligible voters don’t demand more from their candidate.


Looking at Democrat supporters, I’m continually astonished that they don’t seem to care about their candidate’s character or substance, what she’s done before, what she’s said in the past or the fact that she’s an awful person with no professional accomplishments who came to be where she is purely by being a minority woman at the right place at the right time.


And by the fact that she’s reasonably attractive. If this weren’t the case, why isn’t Maxine Waters in line to run for president?


There are certainly more than ten reasons why Democrat cackling Kamala Harris isn’t talking with the press these days. No doubt, the candidate herself and her party handlers have speculated that she can’t handle the pressure, doesn’t know the material or can’t be trusted to articulate it. It’s ultimately up to the voters to hold her accountable. Will they?

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  • Biden cognitive decline

  • gas prices,

  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Biden senile

  • Kamala Harris candidacy

  • Donald Trump campaign

  • Harris Trump debates

  • J.D. Vance

  • Kamala vice president

  • Speaker Mike Johnson

  • Donald Trump assassination

  • 2022 elections

  • Donald Trump

  • 2024 presidential election

  • Tim Walz

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1 Comment

Mike M
Mike M
Aug 29

All of the above are excellent reasons. I personally think the real reason that the Caclemaniac doesn't talk to the press is because Komrade George Soros and Fuehrer Barry the Fairy Obama have told her to keep her mouth shut. They don't want her making a bigger fool out of herself than she already is.

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