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The Trump Boom Vs. The Bidenomics Bust

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

The establishment media will never show you these charts on the economy. Regular readers of CHQ will recognize our friend Stephen Moore and his Committee to Unleash Prosperity as one of our go-to sources of news and information on the economy and the intersection between politics and economic growth.

Steve and Lee Rizzuto have just released a series of charts comparing the Trump and Biden economies and to say they are mind-blowing understates their impact. We follow the economy and business trends pretty closely, but until you see the difference between the Trump and Biden stats in graphic form you really can’t appreciate just how bad things are under Biden and how good things were under Trump.

Here's a quick screen-grab of the summary page of the slide presentation on the Unleash Prosperity Now website – much as we hate to lose your attention – for the whole slide deck click here, if you just want the quick highlights read on.

The bottom line: Trump Beats Biden on 18 of 20 Economic Metrics.


Here's one of the more amazing comparisons in the slide deck. The Committee to Unleash Prosperity studies have noted many times, the biggest increase in employment in the last two years under Biden has been in government. 

Here are the totals under the two presidents. Public payrolls since Biden came into office are up by an astonishing 1.7 million net hires. Health care, which is quasi-governmental at this point, is up 1.65 million. 


By contrast, under Trump, ALL of the net new jobs on the net were outside of government and health care.


Indeed, government employment actually shrank during Trump's first term, mostly due to reductions in hiring at the state and local level.

On Real Income, one of the best measures of the quality of life for working families, Trump crushes Biden.


Which President has helped the middle class the most?  And which has hurt the middle class the most?  Here are the results based on the official Census Bureau data. Trump has the best record.  Biden by far the worst.

Mr. Moore’s analysis is that one of the best measures is real income, under Biden Americans have lost $2,000 in real income, under President Trump real income increased by a whopping $4,000.


The final slide we will show you from the CTUP slide deck is inflation Biden vs. Trump.


Biden’s inflation record has been dismal, despite his claims during his disastrous debate with Trump that he cured inflation, and inflation is one of the principal reasons why the middle class has taken such a beating under the economic policies of Joe Biden. 

As the chart shows, inflation averaged just 1.9%, actually under the Federal Reserve target of 2% the entire time Donald Trump was President, and it has average 5.3% under Biden – hitting a high of 9.1% or more than three times Trump’s worst month of July 2018 when inflation hit just 3%.


If you want to grow your real income, reduce the size of government and end the inflationary spiral that is robbing American families of their quality of life the record is clear – Donald Trump is your candidate for President.

  • Inflation

  • Biden administration

  • 99 cent stores

  • Dollar store chains

  • theft

  • Dollar tree stores

  • rising operation costs

  • commodity prices

  • stoke prices

  • monetary policy

  • M2 money supply

  • government spending

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6 comentários

Van Snyder
Van Snyder
12 de out. de 2024

Drive East for an hour at 100 MPH. Then drive East another hour at 10 MPH. Then stop for lunch for an hour. You're not back home. You're 110 miles from home.

Inflation has permanent effect until you get deflation. That didn't work out well for FDR.


17 de jul. de 2024

That was a lot of words and many charts and graphs to say a lot of nothing, as the FACT is, elections are all about snapshots and sound bites!

Bottom line, Trump has just been gifted the greatest snapshot ever in the photo of him pumping a bloodied fist in defiance beneath the massive USA flag waving in the wind, the wind that likely saved his life that day!

In stark contrast, Biden provides the sound bites, every day, with the absolute assurance that more will come every time he opens his mouth!

Yep, snapshots and sound bites, it really is that simple!

Ron Polland
Ron Polland
06 de ago. de 2024
Respondendo a

Yep, you're a follower of the Dan Bingino show since "snapshots and sound bites" is Dan's favorite phrase.


17 de jul. de 2024

 Better Inflation Fix Conventional wisdom says to fix inflation by raising the interest rates. That inflation is too much money chasing too few goods and that raising interest rates will slow the economy and slow inflation. We should work the other side - increase the supply, mainly be cutting government regulations that hurt productivity. The big place to start is oil and gas. President Biden has put regulation after regulation on energy production, skyrocketing prices, even before Ukraine. Cutting the restrictions would reduce the price of gas, cutting inflation for everyone. The price of diesel would also come down, helping businesses, enabling them to reduce prices and maybe raise wages. It would also hurt Russia by reducing the price. Many…

Van Snyder
Van Snyder
12 de out. de 2024
Respondendo a

Art Laffer and Ronald Reagan proved this works.


17 de jul. de 2024

If the repubs hadn't taken Congress in 2022, Biden would have spend $Trillions more, making inflation much worse.

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