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These Republican Traitors Need A Principled Conservative Primary Opponent

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Late Wednesday night Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi finally quelled the dissention in her own party over details of the 2022 Omnibus spending package and called it

for a vote. The bill got 221 Democrat votes, more than enough to pass with no Democrats voting “NO” and only one Democrat voting “present.”

So, the bill didn’t need Republican votes to pass to “keep the government open” or any of the other phony reasons establishment Republicans give when they join Democrats to betray the conservative base of the party they ostensibly represent.

But 39 Republicans voted for it anyway.

Here's The List Of GOP Traitors Who Voted For Pelosi's Omnibus:


Bice (OK)




Carter (TX)





Garcia (CA)


Gonzales, Tony

Gonzalez (OH)


Herrera Beutler


Joyce (OH)


Kim (CA)









Rogers (KY)











Two common denominators explain most of these votes; the Member serves on the Appropriations Committee, or the Member is part of the Republican half of the House “problem solvers caucus,” a group of RINOs at the far Left of the GOP. There are also a few members who are not running again and so don’t need to keep the mask of being a “conservative” in place any longer and a few who may have had their votes bought with earmarks.

And it pains us to refer to some of these alleged Republicans as traitors because they are the kind of Washington, DC “good guys” that you’d love to have as a golf or fishing partner, and you’d happily vote for them to head your church building committee, but it’s time to recognize that their commitment to the fundamental precepts of the Republican Party is at best a sham. The fiscal conservatism enshrined in the Republican Party Platform is something that they cynically curtsey to to get elected but have no intention of adhering to once in office.

No doubt there will be lots of squawking about calling any incumbent Republican a traitor in a year when we hope to defeat enough liberal Democrats to put Republicans back in the majority, but a lot of conservatives will ask “what’s the point” when about a third of the House GOP votes with the Democrats on one of the most consequential bills of the session?

How bad is it?

As the Heritage Foundation explained, "The bill is loaded with the Biden administration’s radical progressive policies," the foundation said. " It fails to reverse the COVID-19 emergency or the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates, as conservative leaders have called for, and instead adds even more emergency COVID-19 spending. It would increase annual funding for the IRS to $12.6 billion. It doubles down on the Green New Deal style government subsidies for green energy and climate policies, such as ‘a historic level of funding’ for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). It also includes more than $4 billion in Congressional Direct Spending, or earmarks."

And don’t be suckered when these traitors laud national security-related funding secured in the package, including the more than $780 billion set aside for the Department of Defense and other defense functions and an 11 percent increase from the previous fiscal year for the Department of Homeland Security.

Nothing in the bill closes the southern border, nothing in the bill requires more vigorous internal immigration enforcement, nothing in the bill prohibits the continued expansion of “wokeness,” LGTBQ and transgender ideology in the military, nothing reestablishes the military education on the threat of Islamism purged by Obama, nothing clarifies the authorities or reins-in the use of military assets for domestic surveillance of Americans.

In short, the bill as passed, simply gives the Democrats running the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security more money to continue their anti-constitutional activities.

And as conservative stalwart Rep. Chip Roy observed, "This bill doesn’t do a THING to open up American oil and gas production," Roy tweeted. "It does give $14.1 billion to Biden’s Department of Interior, which has not conducted A SINGLE onshore federal oil and gas lease sale this year."

If you are a principled limited government constitutional conservative and have ever thought of running for any office, particularly Congress, this is the year to do it. You have a list of targets above and the filing deadlines below, you don’t even have to live in the district to file, just run to the sound of the guns and file to oppose one of these RINOs.

Filing deadlines will have already passed or soon will; however, for 30 states, the filing deadline is beyond March 15th. I urge all conservatives to find a candidate for every office from precinct committeeperson, to school board and city council, to your state legislature, to the U.S. House of Representatives and the United States Senate. Here are some filing dates closing in March, please check with your local election officials for official information on dates, times and locations of filing.

Idaho closes March 11

Georgia closes March 11

California closes March 11

Illinois closes March 14

Montana closes March 14

Maine closes March 15

Pennsylvania closes March 15

Colorado closes March 15

Utah closes March 17

Iowa closes March 18

Nevada close March 18

South Dakota closes March 29

Missouri closes March 29

South Carolina closes March 30

  • Nancy Pelosi

  • omnibus spending bill

  • Republicans

  • regular order

  • continuing resolutions

  • discretionary spending

  • RINOs

  • primary challenges

  • must pass legislation

  • Earmarks

  • Consolidated Appropriations Act, H.R. 2741

  • immigration visas

  • Republican primaries

  • Republican leadership

  • House problem solvers caucus

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Tracy Jones
Tracy Jones
Mar 11, 2022

We no longer have a republican or a democrat party.They are a uniparty,and they are out to screw over American citizens just so they can get ahead,monetarily off of OUR tax dollars, and force tyranny on the USA and her people.


Tracy Jones
Tracy Jones
Mar 11, 2022

I will NOT call them republicans.I WILL call them (D)emocrats (I)n (A)ll (B)ut (L)abel.Hat tip to Dr. Steve Turley.


Mar 11, 2022

Don't copy Texas. We screwed up and renominated several of these RINO's including Kay Granger in the most Republican city in the state. We hold our heads in shame.


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Why I don't support GOP/RNC.

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