As CHQ Chairman Richard A. Viguerie says regularly, “If you want to govern America according to conservative principles, it’s the primaries, stupid.”

Mr. Viguerie’s take is that the first and greatest impediment to governing America according to conservative principles is not the Democrats; it’s the RINO Republicans.
And if you want conservatives to replace the RINOs who vote for more spending and for funding Planned Parenthood, funding Obamacare, funding importing jihad through the Muslim refugee “resettlement” program and who have a budget that gives more funding to illegal alien care than it spends on care for America’s veterans* the only place to do that is the Republican primary.
So, the first and most important step in the campaign govern America according to conservative principles is to turnout conservatives in Republican primaries to defeat RINOs and nominate conservatives for every office, especially legislative offices, such as Congress and state legislator.
West Virginia lost a seat in Congress due to the population shift recorded in the 2020 census. The Mountain State's state Legislature last week approved a new congressional map that condenses the state’s three seats into two and lumps GOP Reps. David McKinley and Alex Mooney in the same northern district.
That makes it a no brainer for us to endorse Rep. Alex Mooney in the upcoming West Virginia Republican Primary Election.
Many will see this as a Trump vs. Establishment Republican race, because McKinley voted for the creation of Pelosi’s commission to investigate the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol and against objections to the 2020 election results in Arizona and Pennsylvania, whereas Mooney voted NO on the Pelosi commission and YES on the challenge to Pennsylvania.
But we see this race in the much bigger context of principled limited government constitutional conservatives like Mooney vs. RINOs like McKinley.
And the vote that made that very easy to see was McKinley’s vote in favor of the Biden – Pelosi – Schumer “infrastructure” bill, which spends very little of its $1.2 trillion on real infrastructure, but billions on Democrat Far Left social engineering projects and Green New Deal boondoggles.
Club for Growth PAC also endorsed Representative Alex Mooney: Mooney has an 87% Lifetime Rating on the Club for Growth Foundation Congressional Scorecard while McKinley only has a 51%.
"Rep. David McKinley betrayed his West Virginia constituents when he voted for Biden’s $1.5 trillion tax and spend bill last week, and we are proud to endorse Rep. Alex Mooney, a principled, pro-growth conservative,” said Club for Growth PAC President David McIntosh.
“While McKinley has repeatedly sided with liberals, Mooney has shown he is a consistent conservative that can be trusted, which is why he has the support of Club for Growth PAC as well as conservatives in West Virginia and across America.”
“Our nation now more than ever needs fighters who will stand toe to toe with the radical left who are attempting to turn America into a socialist nation,” Mooney said. “As a proud member of the freedom caucus, unwavering supporter of President Trump and the son of [a] Cuban refugee, I will not back down in this fight for the future of America.”
We urge conservatives across the country to help principled limited government constitutional conservative Alex Mooney defeat RINO David McKinley in West Virginia’s Republican Primary. To learn more about Rep. Alex Mooney and his campaign for Congress go to .
*On a per capita basis.
WV Rep. Alex Mooney
WV Rep. David McKinley
Donald Trump
2020 election challenges
Freedom Caucus
infrastructure bill
13 House Republicans
Joe Biden administration
Flush McKinley!
P.S. My error