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Who Funds Pro Jihad Riots At Elite Universities?

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

One short answer would be you do – in the form of taxpayer subsidies.

The auditors at quantified the federal payments on contracts and grants and special tax treatment of their endowments into the eight schools of the Ivy League plus Stanford University and Northwestern University.


Since 2018, $33 billion of federal contracts and grants flowed to these ten colleges – averaging $6.6 billion annually.


Today, these “educational” non-profits are more federal contractor than they are educator. Their $33 billion in federal contracts and grants outpaced their collection of undergraduate student tuition.

And that doesn’t even count the Democrats’ ongoing effort to defy the Supreme Court’s decision that their plan to “forgive” billions in student loans incurred by students acquiring degrees for which there was no possible economic justification.


However, as outrageous as the taxpayer subsidy is there’s a much more sinister source of funding that directly and indirectly has led to the current campus unrest – the more than $44 billion in FOREIGN gifts have been disclosed under the Higher Education Reporting Act since 1986.

And of that $44 billion, over $10 billion came from an Islamist country:

*         $10.3 billion given by Qatar ($5.2 billion), Saudi Arabia ($3 billion), United Arab Emeritus ($1.3 billion) and Kuwait ($800 million) dwarfed China who gave $2.8 billion.


*         During the past 40 years $1 of every $4 of foreign gifts into U.S. colleges and universities flowed from these four countries.

*         Are these countries buying seats in our elite schools? Open the Books auditors found millions of dollars in restricted gifts paying the tuition bills for their students.  

Columbia, Harvard, Yale, and other elite universities are turning out graduates who believe that open antisemitism and the championing of terrorism are forms of "social justice."

How do these students get these anti-Semitic and anti-American ideas?

All this Islamist money opens the door to the hiring of Islamist professors who at a minimum normalize these ideas and in many cases are active promoters of Sharia supremacy and other jihadi ideas.

Last week we reminded CHQ readers of University of South Florida “professor Sami al-Arian, who was convicted of supporting terrorism and deported, leaving behind a nest of Islamist sympathizers in Tampa, Florida. While al-Arian cheered the riots on from his overseas lair his wife showed up at Columbia University to encourage the “occupation” of the University, before disappearing just before the police arrived to clear the mess and restore some semblance of order at the university.

At Princeton Hossein Mousavian, an Iranian intelligence operative tied to a number of assassinations remains on staff despite a congressional investigation and the pleas of Iranian dissidents that he be removed.


The campaign Alliance Against Islamic Regime of Iran Apologists (AAIRIA) wrote in recent statement that “In the seven years Mousavian served as IRI’s ambassador in Germany, more than 23 Iranians were killed in terrorist attacks on European soil orchestrated by IRI...These heinous acts underscore the direct involvement of the IRI embassy in Bonn and Mousavian’s role in Iran's state-sponsored terrorism and orchestrating violence against innocent civilians.”


AAIRIA presented statements from a witness of the Mykonos restaurant assassination in Berlin in 1992 and victims of the Iranian regime’s persecution of dissidents.


Parviz Dastamalchi, who witnessed the assassination, said Mr. Abolghasem Mesbahi, known as 'Witness C,' was one of the founders of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In February 1997, Misbahi, under oath, testified, before the German court regarding the role of Seyed Hossein Mousavian in the assassination of Kurdish leaders at the Mykonos restaurant.


Mesbahi stated, "Mr. Mousavian has participated in most of the assassinations committed in Europe." His statements were widely reported in the German media during the trial."

Dr. Majid Mohammadi, who conducted his Post-Doctorate 2007-2008 work at Princeton University, said “During his tenure as a member of Resalat Daily in Iran (in the second half of the 1980s), Mousavian played a key role in legitimizing, promoting, and normalizing terrorism. Resalat published numerous pieces praising Iranians and Arabs involved in assassinating officials such as prime ministers and presidents.


"As an alumnus of Princeton University, I believe the recruitment of Mousavian tarnished Princeton's reputation and he should be dismissed immediately.”


Mohammadi continued “I urge Princeton to release all correspondence and contracts associated with Mousavian leading up to his employment, as well as all financial information regarding donors to his program and any travel expenses to Iran since joining Princeton that were covered by the university or its donors.”


Dr. Farhad Keyvan, a physicist and founder of Netservia LLC, said “Despite his academic credentials and prestigious position, Mousavian's work seems aimed at diverting public attention from the dangerously aggressive nuclear activities conducted by the Iranian regime. His writings and speeches downplay or justify the regime's nuclear ambitions, influencing public opinion in the US and the West. Mousavian must be fired for spreading Iranian regime propaganda and falsehoods, rather than fostering genuine academic discourse and integrity.”

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The real question is will politicians from any party do anything to stop this insanity. I seriously thonk we should all start voting for third-party and independent candidates for office. We need to send both parties a message that we will not accept this any longer.

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