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#Antifa Goes Kinetic In Denver

Updated: Oct 12, 2020

While the FBI’s erstwhile “Director” Christopher Wray chases the fantasy of dangerous

rightwing militias, the real Far Left militias of BLM and ANTIFA continue to kill conservatives who take to the streets to oppose them.

According to the Denver police, a verbal altercation ensued before the shooting, Joe Montoya, division chief of investigations for the Denver Police Department, said at a Saturday press conference.

The killer is a "private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa," said Officer Montoya.

However, the Denver Dept of Excise and Licenses confirms “there is no record for an active licensed security guard now or ever for an individual named Matthew Doloff or Dolloff. If he was operating as a security guard, he was in violation of the law.”

Matthew Dolloff, the “private security guard” arrested and charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of Lee Keltner, is a long-time far leftist with a track record of left-wing activism and social media postings going back almost 10 years, who views President Trump as a “fascist dictator.”

As explained in a must-read thread on Dolloff’s political background by Taylor Hansen, Dolloff has a very extensive past of Leftwing activism and speaking out against corporations and the police. He was heavily involved in the Occupy Movement, which later pushed members to ANTIFA.

Dolloff is a registered Democrat, but not just any kind of Democrat – a Socialist and hardcore Bernie Bro – whose social media posts chronicle confrontations with Trump supporters and hatred for the police.

Dolloff, who was caught on camera shooting Mr. Keltner in the head at point blank range also has a tattoo known to be associated with the Far Left.

“My son Lee was at the patriot rally today in Denver,” Keltner’s mother, Carole, posted on the Northeast Arkansas Tea Party Facebook group. “He was murdered because he backed the police.” “His 24 year old son was with him,” the mom continued. “I moved to Arkansas because Colorado got too expensive and liberal. The left has gotten out of hand.”

Mr. Keltner was a veteran who made cowboy hats for a living was attending the rally with his son. You can view a short video of him at his trade through this link.

According to a 2015 Denver Post profile of Mr. Keltner, quoted by Jorge Fitz-Gibbon of The New York Post, Mr. Keltner was a hatter at Crossfire Hats in Denver’s historic district for over 20 years. He said he opened up the shop in the Livestock Exchange Building in 1994, and only missed one stock show when he was in the military. “I’m a country boy that feels at home here,” he said on a YouTube video at the time. “It’s just very laid back, very easy going surrounded by a whole lot of craziness.”

“I love creating new designs and making people happy when they get the hat that they have been searching for. When I put a hat on someone who has been looking for the perfect hat for some time, and the hat just fits right, and it looks right, and they know it’s finally right, they just light up. That’s the most rewarding part,” Keltner said according to reporting by Cassandra Fairbanks of the Gateway Pundit.

Mr. Keltner described his love of making people happy by creating hats, which he described as “wearable art.”

RIP Lee Keltner.

  • 2020 Election

  • anarchists

  • social media

  • Brandon Caserta

  • FBI

  • coronavirus

  • Antifa

  • Denver

  • BLM

  • Christopher Wray

  • Lee Keltner

  • Matthew Dolloff

  • Occupy movement

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