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Ashley Biden Diary Is Real And So Are The Claims About Pervy Joe

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Joe Biden has been identified as having an unhealthy attraction to little girls for a long time. The source of this evidence isn’t some phony “dossier” bought and paid for by Republicans

and the Trump campaign, it is Ashley Biden, Joe Biden’s own daughter, who wrote in her diary about showering with her father as a little girl and her resulting sexual compulsion issues later in life.


Here’s what Ms. Biden wrote in her diary in an entry from January 30, 2019:


"I have always been boy crazy," she wrote. 'hyper-sexualized @ a young age ... I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)."


Biden’s fetish for little girls has been demonstrated too many times to be ignored, as you can see from this creepy video compilation. 

All of this should have come out before the 2020 election – the existence of the diary and its salacious charges were well known, but not covered by any establishment outlets and were even called fake news by many establishment journalists and political operatives.


It turns out that the diary was in fact real and now the two goofballs who discovered it and sold it to Project Veritas have pled guilty to theft and are headed for short stints in prison.

 Interestingly, Aimee Harris, who sold the diary to Project Veritas, didn’t break into Ms. Biden’s home or car to obtain the diary – Ms. Biden left it at a home in Delray Beach, Florida where Ms. Harris later stayed and Ms. Harris, believing it to be abandoned property, decided to make a few bucks.

Harris, a single mother of two children was in no position to fight the FBI and eventually pled guilty in a case that would have been a minor civil matter on the good old common law of involuntary bailments if the property in question had been a suitcase full of clothes abandoned by someone not named Biden.

As our friend Harmeet Dhillon, who represented Project Veritas whose journalists were also being targeted by Biden’s FBI, noted in an interview with Tucker Calson, it is not illegal for journalists to possess and publish stolen documents. If it were, every editor at the Times, CNN, MSNBC, etc. would be in jail right now. Rather, the ability of the press to publish those types of materials is protected by the Constitution of the United States.

Many conservatives, such as the writers at Red State, have focused on the FBI and its role as the Praetorian Guard protecting Joe Biden:


Yet, as Dhillon points out, the warrants mentioned the word “stolen” several times. That was untrue, so how did the FBI get search warrants to raid the homes of journalists over a diary that wasn’t even stolen? The answer is obviously that someone lied, and Dhillon seems to believe it had to have been members of the Biden family and their legal representation. That makes a lot of sense, and I agree, but I still don’t think something like this gets as far as it did without the FBI being in cahoots with the president. They knew what they were doing here.


We have long come to accept that the FBI has become a corrupt arm of the Democratic Party. However, what most alarms us is that no one in the establishment media – on the Right or Left – has stepped up to challenge Joe Biden on what appears to be the sexual abuse of his own daughter.

No one seems to have asked Biden about it during the waning days of the 2020 campaign when it first became known, and no one has asked the Biden White House about it during any of the myriad of White House press availabilities since Biden assumed the presidency.

Which begs the question: Does the White House press corps think an adult male showering with little girls is normal?

The lack of coverage, or even interest, leads us to conclude that they must think such behavior is normal, and why shouldn’t we come to that conclusion?


After all these are the same Democrats and their allies in the media, and librarian and teachers unions, want to do with Drag Queen Story Hour for little children, and library books with explicit illustrations of homosexual sex acts in school libraries, make your children like Ashley Biden – hyper sexualized basket cases.

The FBI acting as the covering force for Democrats is bad, but what is worse is the establishment media – on the Right and the Left – covering for Joe Biden’s sexual perversion and normalizing the abnormal by ignoring pedophilia among the political elite in the White House.

  • Ashley Biden diary

  • Joe Biden family

  • Dr. Jill Biden

  • Joe Biden shower

  • Sexual compululsion issues

  • Biden fetish little girls

  • Project Veritas

  • Aimee Harris sold diary

  • FBI

  • sexual abuse Ashley Biden

  • Drag Queen Story Hour

  • pedophilia

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Apr 13, 2024

Was there ever any doubt? We have all seen Biden on display with his constant and continuous sniffing, fondling and even nibbling of children, as his dementia advances, his filters are removed, I shudder to think what e may do next!

Of course, we have to add in the fact that Hunter's pet name for Joe is "Pedo Pete", not just some name created out of nowhere, there is reason behind nick names!


Apr 12, 2024

"... leads us to conclude that they must think such behavior is normal..."

Anyone who doubts this conclusion has been living on the moon...which according to the dumbest Congress critter ever, a well-defended title, is apparently made of gas....something the MSM is full of.

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