Speaking at the 2022 UnidosUS Annual Conference titled "Siempre Adelante: Our Quest for Equity" alleged President Joe Biden’s wife Jill said the Hispanic community was as "unique"

as "breakfast tacos" during a speech in San Antonio, Texas. "Raul [Yzaguirre] helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community, as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength," she said. (click here to see what son Hunter thinks of his stepmother)
And, as our friend Jorge Bonilla, Director of MRC Latino tweeted, she went on to further mangle her lines in a performance that would do her tongue-tied husband proud.
Even the reliably Leftwing the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, didn't think it was funny. The organization released a statement, saying in part, "We are not tacos... Do not reduce us to stereotypes." "Using breakfast tacos to try to demonstrate the uniqueness of Latinos in San Antonio demonstrates a lack of cultural knowledge and sensitivity to the diversity of Latinos in the region... “ The statement further said, “Our heritage as Latinos is shaped by a variety of diasporas, cultures and food traditions, and should not be reduced to a stereotype…”
And Left-leaning Rolling Stone scorched Mrs. Biden, with Senior Editor Kat Bouza saying, "...to fall back on reducing the Latino identity to food — especially a dish that was birthed primarily by Mexican American diaspora and holds no other connection to any other Latino group — is yet another way in which Latino culture is routinely stereotyped and misunderstood by Americans.”
Whether Mrs. Biden is as entitled and vindictive as stepson Hunter thinks she is, this is just the latest example of Democrats condescending to Americans of Central and South American ancestry.
Who can forget Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi giving the elbow to newly elected Republican Representative Mayra Flores’s daughter during the photo-op of her swearing in?
Apparently, no niñitas are allowed in the frame with our august Speaker of the House.
But let’s not forget why Mrs. Biden and other Democrats are out there pandering to Hispanic surnamed Americans: As reported by The Hill, a recent Quinnipiac University poll found 26 percent of Hispanic voters surveyed approved of President Biden’s job performance — the lowest mark of any demographic group.
And Democrats have blundered into a two-part strategy to try to overcome this serious political problem.
First, is the ongoing pander-fest that prompted Mrs. Biden’s gaffe-filled remarks at the 2022 UnidosUS Annual Conference.
Second, is to try to somehow delegitimize prominent Hispanic surnamed conservatives and Republicans.
Last week the New York Times published an article referring to Rep. Flores as a "far-right Latina," and Mayra Flores quickly hit back saying the newspaper "knows nothing about me or our culture."
"I am proud of my culture and my beautiful family," Flores told Fox News Digital in a text. "I was born in Burgos, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and raised with strong Conservative values to always put God and Family first. I have received only hate from the liberal media and constantly [been] told by the left to go back to Mexico. They don't support us immigrants, they only use us for political power and don't care about our well-being. I am here now and I won't allow them to continue taking advantage of my people."
To that same end CNN posted a column titled “These GOP Latina candidates are not the 'real deal',” by CNN contributor attorney Raul A. Reyes who opined:
Conservatives are heralding them as "real deal" Republican candidates. They are seen as proof that the GOP can win over Latino voters. They are three Latinas from South Texas: Mayra Flores, who won a special election to represent part of the Gulf Coast, and Monica De La Cruz and Cassy Garcia, who are in congressional races in districts along the Mexican border.
Flores made history as the first Mexican-born woman to be elected to Congress. These women have drawn national attention for seeming to shatter the myth that Latinos generally vote Democratic. As Garcia recently told The New York Times, "The red wave is here."
But the rise of Flores, De La Cruz and Garcia deserves to be seen in context. While these Latinas may be having a moment in the spotlight, they hold views outside the Latino mainstream. Their current prominence is more of a publicity coup for the GOP than an authentic reflection of Latino voters.
This reminds us of the standard Democrat attack on African American Republicans for not being “black enough,” or for being Uncle Toms, and it long ago stopped working to keep Blacks on the Democrat plantation, although they still use it.
Rep. Flores took notice of the Reyes column and fired back on Twitter. "As per CNN: I'm not the real deal," Flores wrote. "Maybe I'm not the right type of taco."
Rep. Mayra Flores and fellow Latina congressional candidates Monica De La Cruz, Cassy Garcia and Yesli Vega are the "real deal" precisely because they hold conservative positions on abortion, gun control and immigration that put them at odds with the Far Left of the Democratic Party, but in the mainstream of the American electorate where we conservatives have welcomed them with open arms.
To learn more about Rep. Mayra Flores and support her reelection go here.
To learn more about and support Latina congressional candidate Monica De La Cruz go here.
To learn more about and support Latina congressional candidate Cassy Garcia go here.
To learn more about and support Latina congressional candidate Yesli Vega go here.
Jill Biden
Hispanics breakfast tacos
Joe Biden
2022 UnidosUS Annual Conference
Hispanic vote
Mayra Flores ar-right Latina
illegal immigration
Yesli Vega
Monica De La Cruz
Cassy Garcia
Every time I hear MRS Biden asked to be referred to herself as Dr. Biden I think of an old reference to some people as Jill Biden, PHD I chuckle. Many pompous people are not impressed and think of PHD as 'Pilled higher and deeper' sarcasm for those snowflakes.
I myself are of Eastern European extraction. I'll need to consult with the First Beyotch to find out if I'm classified by the left as a pierogi or halupki, possibly kielbasa...YUM.
Liberals care about nothing but money, power,control and being their own God. Black people and Hispanics are useful to them only to the extent that they can help them achieve their Satanic goals. Apart from that the liberals' attitude toward blacks and Hispanics can be summed up as basically "Hey Nig**r! Bring me my coffee and mow my yard! Hey Wetback! Fix my lunch and clean my house!" Apart from that liberals don't care in the least whether or not they live or die.