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Call Your Senators And Plan To Be In Washington DC On January 5 and 6

President Donald Trump has urged his supporters to flock to Washington, DC, on January 6,

2021 promising them a "wild" rally for the counting of the Electoral College votes and another Million MAGA March.

"Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election," Trump tweeted on Saturday. "Big protest in DC on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"

Other smaller rallies and activities in the lead-up to the counting of the Electoral College votes are planned for January 5, 2021.

We urge every CHQ reader and friend to go to Washington DC to #StopTheSteal and to show your solidarity with President Trump and the Members of Congress who plan to object to the counting of Electoral College votes cast by delegations tainted by election fraud.

The Twitter account of @MilionMagaMarch has lots of information on the march and related activities, but the most important thing MAGA conservatives can do, next to showing up in DC, is to contact their Representatives and Senators and demand they join Republican Rep. Mo Brooks (AL-5) when he stands to object to the counting of Electoral votes submitted by delegations tainted by election fraud.

So far, a good number of House Republicans, including some of our great new MAGA conservatives like Marjorie Taylor Green, Madison Cawthorn and Lauren Boebert, have committed to backing Rep. Mo Brooks.

And so have a lot of those who have been President Trump’s strong supporters in Congress, including Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, Rep. Ted Budd, Rep. Lance Gooden, Rep. Andy Biggs, Rep. Jody Hice, Rep. Jed Babin and many others.

But we need to keep the pressure on the Senate because no Senator has stated he or she will unequivocally join with Rep. Mo Brooks to object, Senator David Perdue of Georgia, Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, and Senator-elect Tommy Tuberville of Alabama have all indicated the are open to the idea.

The notion that Republicans and President Trump plan to playout the constitutional process to the very end has begun to drive Democrats and their Leftwing allies nuts. For example, Far Left lawyer and pundit Laurence Tribe, tweeting from his @tribelaw account, wrote:

Nobody should be surprised by Donald Trump’s praise of @TTuberville for the Senator-elect’s plan to attempt a coup when the Senate and House meet on Jan 6 to “count” the Electoral Votes. Though doomed to fail, it’ll boost the dangerous myth that the 2020 election was stolen…

With Christmas here and many MAGA conservatives focused on their religious and family obligations there are two things every one of us must find time to do:

First, plan to go to DC for January 5 and 6;

Second, call or email your Senator to demand they join Rep. Mo Brooks’ objection to the tainted Electors when the Electoral College votes are counted on January 6, 2021. The toll-free Capitol Switchboard (1-866-220-0044). Tell Republican Senators to object to the same slate of Electors that Rep. Mo Brooks objects to, including Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and New Mexico.

  • 2020 Election

  • Joe Biden

  • Hunter Biden

  • media

  • censorship

  • Kamala Harris

  • Election riots

  • vote count

  • lawsuit

  • voter integrity

  • #StoptheSteal

  • Electoral College objection

  • Georgia Senate races

  • Mo Brooks

  • Trump rally

  • January 5

  • January 6

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