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Chris Rufo: McAuliffe Lying About CRT In Virginia Schools

In a series of tweets and a must-read article on his website, independent journalist and Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute Christopher F. Rufo laid bare Democrat Terry

McAuliffe's lies about his role in promoting the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Virginia's schools.

Tweeted Mr. Rufo:

Terry McAuliffe's closing argument is that critical race theory is a "racist dog whistle" that has "never been taught in Virginia." But I can debunk this lie—and prove that McAuliffe himself was the first Virginia governor to promote CRT.

Followed by:

In 2015, then-Governor McAuliffe's Department of Education instructed Virginia public schools to "embrace critical race theory" in order to "re-engineer attitudes and belief systems." They explicitly endorse CRT—he can't wiggle out of this one with word games.

And later:

Under the Northam administration, Superintendent of Public Instruction James Lane sent a memo to Virginia public schools endorsing "Foundations of Critical Race Theory in Education," calling it an "important analytic tool" that can "further spur developments in education."

And here:

Right now, on its website, the Virginia Department of Education recommends "Critical Race Theory in Education" as a "best practice" and derives its definitions of "racism," "white supremacy," and "education equity" explicitly from "critical race theory."

And here:

At the district level, Loudoun County Schools has hired a consulting firm to implement "critical race theory" and developed a high school class explicitly teaching "critical race theory." Even the district superintendent admitted the curricula "align with the ideology of CRT."

And here:

McAuliffe is playing a linguistic shell game to obfuscate about critical race theory. But the reality is that Virginia Department of Education promotes all of the *concepts* of critical race theory: "systemic racism," "white supremacy," "white privilege," "white fragility," etc.

In closing Mr. Rufo documents that Loudoun County Public Schools is currently hosting a lesson plan on its website explicitly teaching “queer theory” and “critical race theory” to kids.

Don’t take our word for it, go to to see the full evidence and be sure to sign-up for Christopher Rufo’s newsletter to keep up with his research.

  • Virginia elections

  • Terry McAuliffe

  • African-American voters

  • 2021 Virginia elections

  • Kevin McGary

  • Every Black Life Matters

  • Glenn Youngkin

  • Barack Obama

  • Stacey Abrams

  • Critical race theory

  • FBI parents

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