Conservatives applaud Sen. Tommy Tuberville for standing against the Biden administration’s attempts to politicize the military by turning it into an abortion advocacy organization. We urge all conservative senators to stand with him.
Earlier this year, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced that the Department of Defense would blatantly violate federal law, which prevents taxpayer dollars from paying for on-demand abortions, by turning DOD into an abortion travel agency. Under DOD’s policy, the military will now promote abortion by giving three weeks of paid leave and travel expenses for members of the military and their family members who want to seek an abortion.
This action makes it official DOD policy to preference abortion over parenthood, and, according to a RAND study, will result in increase the number of taxpayer-funded abortions from 20 to more than 4,000 every year. This policy does not promote readiness, enhance recruitment, or prepare the military for emergent threats. Rather, it uses America’s fighting force to make a political statement about the president’s preferred social policy.
In response, Sen. Tuberville has objected to expedited consideration of promotions for general flag officers and DOD civilian nominees. If the DOD is going to use the men and women under its command as the tool of the president’s abortion politics, Sen. Tuberville has stated he would stand up for life, stand up for service members, and stand against this blatant politicization of the military using his prerogatives as a U.S. Senator.
We applaud Sen. Tuberville, and thank Sen. Mike Lee and Sen. J.D. Vance for supporting his effort. We urge the entire Senate Republican conference to join them. Objecting to expedited consideration of nominees inflicts consequences on DOD now, and has the greatest chance of forcing them to reconsider this policy.
Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats have repeatedly attacked Sen. Tuberville, and the corporate press will no doubt follow. This is because he is doing the right thing. We thank him for his courage, and call on all senators who stand for life to join him.
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The Honorable Gary L. Bauer
American Values
Sen Tommy Tuberville
U.S. Military
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin
abortion paid leave and travel expenses
military readiness
Senator Mike Lee
Senator J.D. Vance
Biden woke military
Stop all consideration of Promotions and Pay increases until COMMON SENSE in the Military is restored,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. What is the purpose of the US Military? It's to DEFEND the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, not to kill babies.
Well, this ruling by Austin fits right in with the military philosophy to break things and kill people. Many people think abortion is a simple surgical procedure, but it really entails breaking the baby and suctioning it out of the womb. This sounds like just the ticket for our woke military leaders. We must elect a president who will appoint real leaders who can put a stop to the nonsense. Reprobates like Austin and Milley have no business being at the top of our Defense Department.
I imagine traitor McConnell has already rallied his RINO/establishment, anti-American, radical supporting lib stooges to vote against any such abortion opposition. Looks like Biden's 'quid' of increased Alaska drilling, was in response to McConnell's 'pro' of getting the beatch Murkowski reelected. America doesn't have a chance with that scum around.