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George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Conservative Leaders To Senate GOP: Oppose Cultural Marxism in the Military

A large, and growing, group of conservative leaders wrote a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell calling upon him and all "national security-minded Senators” to ensure

that these six nominees are not promoted, thereby powerfully communicating to America’s servicemen and women that their own careers will be judged and advanced on the basis exclusively of actual performance-based merit – rather than enthusiasm for the Biden administration’s radically un-American political agenda.

The letter notes independently conducted research has revealed that some 40% of the promotable officers now awaiting Senate approval have publicly expressed support for the imposition of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies upon our armed forces. With its emphasis on identity rather than merit, DEI is a classic example of Marxist doctrine aimed at dividing and conquering institutions like our uniformed services. The deleterious consequences of the application to date of this and related initiatives can be seen in the U.S. military’s diminished performance, flagging morale and inability to retain and recruit needed personnel. Senators should not support the promotion of such officers under any circumstances.

This slide deck offers specific examples of deeply problematic individuals who should be ineligible for senior uniformed leadership positions. More to the point, the pattern that emerges from a larger sample of those awaiting promotion makes clear that, like them, many officers are not simply “following orders” set by civilian political appointees committed to Critical Race Theory, the LGBTQ agenda, transsexual accommodations, the notion that climate change poses the greatest threat facing our nation, etc. Rather, they are enthusiastic proponents of fundamentally transforming the armed services to reflect these subversive priorities that not only have no bearing on military readiness and deterrence, but are actually extraordinarily harmful to performing what must be the Defense Department’s preeminent missions.

As our friend Daniel Greenfield wrote in an article for Front Page Magazine, we are not just talking about the few officers pictured above, we’re talking about hundreds of DEI nominees. Here’s the kind of nonsense these officers have been pushing:

In the weeks following George Floyd’s death in 2020, a U.S. Air Force officer—currently awaiting promotion to brigadier general—accused his fellow “white colonels” of being the “biggest barriers” to addressing “racial injustice” in the military and being “blind to institutional racism.”

Jonsson concludes with an endorsement of critical race theory promoter Robin DiAngelo’s controversial book, “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.”

“Dear white colonel, it is time to give a damn. Aim High,” Jonsson wrote.

Earlier this year, President Joe Biden nominated Jonsson for a promotion. He’s currently one of more than 300 military officers awaiting U.S. Senate approval. Senate Democrats would like to rubber-stamp the promotions—including Jonsson’s—using an expedited Senate procedure known as unanimous consent, which bypasses consideration of each nominee individually.

This is High Noon for the military. And most people and politicians are sleeping through it, charged Mr. Greenfield – and we agree.

Finally, the letter to Senator McConnell points out it would be exceedingly ill-advised for the Senate to adopt a Democrat-inspired change to its rules in response to Sen. Tuberville’s efforts that would have the effect of reducing the rights of the minority to impede the majority’s ambition to preclude needed deliberation about groups of nominees, judges or legislative initiatives. We urge you to vote against any “standing order” that would have that effect.

The list of signers and their affiliations follows, you can join these patriots with just a few mouse clicks through this link.

The Honorable Kenneth Blackwell, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Commission

The Honorable Robert McEwen, Former Member, U.S. House of Representatives from Ohio

The Honorable George K Rasley, Jr., Managing Editor,

Lieutenant General William “Jerry” Boykin, U.S. Army (Retired); Vice President, Family Research Council;

former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense; former Commander, Delta Force

Lieutenant General Rod Bishop, USAF (Ret), Chairman of the Board, STARRS (Stand Together Against Racism and

Radicalism in the Services, Inc.)

Major General Joe Arbuckle, U.S. Army (Ret.), Vice Chair, STARRS

Rebecca Weber, CEO, AMAC (Association of Mature American Citizens)

Lady Brigite Gabrielle, Founder, Act for America

Jenny Beth Martin, Co-Founder and National Coordinator, Tea Party Patriots Action

Kris Ullman, President, Eagle Forum

Laura Sextro, CEO, Unity Project

Brian Kennedy, Chairman, Committee on the Present Danger: China

Gary L. Bauer, President, American Values

Mathew D. Staver, Esq., B.C.S., Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel

Colonel Ronald J. Scot, Jr., Ph.D., USAF (Ret), President and CEO, STARRS

Frank J. Gaffney, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acting)

Bob Carlstrom, President, AMAC Action

Robert Fischer, Conservatives of Faith

Jon Schweppe, American Principles Project

Lieutenant Colonel Mathew Lohmeier, former Space Force commander; author, "Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's

Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military"

Will Thibeau, Army Veteran

Jonathan M. Alexandre, Esq, Senior Counsel for Governmental Affairs, Liberty Counsel Action

Daniel Greenfield, Executive Vice President of Programs, David Horowitz Freedom Center

Cleta Mitchell, Esq., Senior Legal Fellow, Conservative Partnership Institute

Allen J Hebert, American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston

C. Preston Noell III, President, Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

Dede Laugesen, Executive Director, Save the Persecuted Christians

Ron Armstrong, President, Stand Up Michigan

David T. Pyne, Deputy Director, National Operations, Task Force on National & Homeland Security, Editor of "The Real War" Newsletter

C. Eaton Hopkins, MorningStar Investment Group, LLC

Bill Walton, Host, "The Bill Walton Show"

Joan Holt Lindsey, President, Lindsey Communications

Mike Hill, former Member, Florida House of Representatives

Kay Daly, CPAC “Ronald Reagan Award” Recipient

Becky Gerritson, Executive Director, Eagle Forum of Alabama

Eunie Smith, President, Eagle Forum Alabama; President Emeritus, Eagle Forum National

Barbara Leeden, Retired U.S. Senate staff

  • Gen Charles "CQ" Brown Jr

  • American Accountability Foundation (AAF)

  • Joe Biden staff

  • Biden administration

  • Joint Chiefs of Staff

  • Gen. Mark Milley

  • diversity focused hiring

  • woke military

  • racial discrimination

  • Office of Air Force Inspector General complaint

  • Republican Senator Eric Schmitt

  • cultural Marxism

  • Senator Tommy Tuberville

235 views5 comments


Dec 05, 2023

Conservatives need a new political party. I would suggest the Founders Party of America, folks. Please check out their website.


Dec 05, 2023

So-called conservatives need to stop supporting candidates like Nikki Haley. The way she turned on the Confederate Flag told me all I needed to know. If she is the GOP nominee for president, I am either voting for a third party candidate or an independent--or sitting this one out. She is a treacherous RINO.


Dec 04, 2023

Stop all WOKE activities including not limited to DEI!


Dec 04, 2023

Let's hope and pray there are enough Senators with COMMON SENSE to not further weaken the US Military.

Dec 05, 2023
Replying to

Senators with common sense? An oxymoron if ever I heard one . . . !

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